
First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75

author:World of Tanks
First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75
First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75


Here's a very simple question: in the VII-IX tiers, which is the hardest to break through for commanders?

If you limit the scope to gold tanks, then the answer is clear: the D-series IX gold heavy tank with hardness, firepower, and HP, the "Tiger Mouse" style.

First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75

For the first time this week, Tiger Mouse has been added to the game as a direct sale for the first time since the holiday action at the beginning of this year as the "jackpot" of the supply crate, with a seven-day limited time and no waiting for the expiration date!

Commanders who like to use traditional forms for card points, blood exchanges, and advancement, or want to experience the D-series heavy tank gameplay, but don't miss out on the lack of a "coach" - of course, you can also appreciate the "tiger mouse" style of tricks and unique charm in this article in advance, and start now!

Protection and firepower, balanced strong!

Inheriting the fine tradition of the D-series "Iron Box Heavy Tan", the "Tiger Mouse" is naturally known for its firepower and protection, and its ability to crush low-level tanks is also quite strong.

First of all, starting with the turret and the large area of weakness "crotch", which the commanders are most concerned about, the turret itself has a physical thickness of 300 mm of armor, even if it is not considered to be a vertical plane, the VIII tank is powerless to penetrate; The IX-X level also requires a gold coin bullet to effectively break through.

If the angle is increased in the D-series' unique "side-to-side" pose in a flat environment, the turret-equivalent armor can be further increased to 310-320 mm.

First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75

The side face swing angle is the basis for the operation of the D-series high-level heavy tanks, such as the E-100 and the Mouse Style, and the "Tiger Mouse" style is no exception.

Of course, this level of protection is not enough in the X class, but the "Tiger Mouse" is only an IX class heavy tank, so we can conclude as follows:

In urban areas, level-up corners and other places to "swing angles" stuck points, most of the time the "tiger mouse" type of defense line can be described as unbreakable, one card, two or three is not a problem, so it is not uncommon for more enemies to look at the rat and sigh.

Of course, this is not only the deterrent effect brought by the protection, but also the solid and reliable firepower of the "Tiger Mouse" type also plays an extremely important role in it - in a word, the "Tiger Mouse" type, the mouse prototype and the E75 under the premise that the main gun parameters are similar, the "Tiger Mouse" type has achieved the best match of DPM and single shot damage!

First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75

The E75 is already extremely powerful in Tier IX, but the Tiger Mouse is even better!

Regardless of the large supply, using only the purple quality gun rammer parts and full skills, it only takes 12.5 seconds to reload a shell in the "Tiger Mouse" style, and 12.5 seconds can bring 530 damage to a single shot!

This means that if the opponent leaves cover to attack, and the "Tiger Mouse" type can penetrate the opponent with two consecutive shots, then the opponent has already lost 1000 HP before entering the "equal blood exchange" stage, and even the X-level heavy tank cannot withstand such a blood loss method.

Even after that, the "Tiger Mouse" type has entered the one-on-one blood exchange link that is extremely unfavorable for most heavy tanks, and it is still calm, because in the case of only considering the full change of the battlefield and no accessories, the "Tiger Mouse" type already has 2030 health points, and the blood exchange is really nothing!

First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75

A possible idea of equipment to send yourself to the front line as quickly and ruthlessly as possible to participate in the exchange of blood.

The idea of equipment accessories is nothing more than two, to develop strengths and avoid weaknesses, or to check and fill in the gaps, and both of these are undoubtedly applicable to the "tiger mouse" style.

What are strengths? Its extremely high blood volume and firepower level are its strengths, so the "Tiger Mouse" type can choose a bomb loser and blood accessories to improve its blood exchange ability, and then match a vertical and stable accessory, which is a standard urban combat accessory set;

As for the shortcomings, the length of the car that pursues maneuvering parameters such as transitions and rpm can also make up for the shortcomings, and it is also a suitable choice to use orange quality turbo parts to increase both revs and top speed, and by the way, to slightly improve the level of fire control.

As for the rest of the ventilation, highlight, aiming and other accessories, it is less useful for the "tiger mouse" type, but it is not without it - again, the choice that suits you is the best choice, and it always hurts to disassemble the accessories a few more times.

The battlefield is chaotic, and the tiger rat has the final say

The positioning of the "Tiger Mouse" type in actual combat is undoubtedly a rear-mounted super-heavy tank, looking at the current map full of slopes and pits, the rear-mounted super-heavy tank is indeed theoretically at a loss, and many selling tanks can go to the gun point, and the "Tiger Mouse" type is completely incompatible.

If you go, you will be beaten! If you can't even see the opponent's gun, you have to be beaten, so what should you do? It's very simple, either directly "dry pull" out to destroy the fragile equilibrium of the gun, or give up the selling position and wait for work.

So, when to dry pull, and when to wait for work at the rear card point? Of course, this involves complex situation judgment, but the simplest is "addition and subtraction", quickly judging the number of enemies and teammates in front of you, and deciding whether to step on the accelerator or not!

First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75

At the top of Malinovka Mountain, in the face of an obvious situation of more fights and less fighting, Tiger Mouse (the most forward of the green tank) decided to go straight forward and destroy the opponent's formation!

As the saying goes, those who make big things are informal, and the "tiger mouse" style in the blood exchange mode no longer needs to think about red tape, no longer need to see the cover on the top, and reverse the car when you see the corner of the wall - sacrificing one or two shots of HP to speed up the offensive rhythm of teammates, or pulling out the opponent's key card points earlier, is a very worthwhile deal.

However, if you feel that your blood is precious and cannot be lost, but after launching an attack, you reverse the car and telescope and deceive the artillery in front and rear of the enemy's wall, then the enemy's mobile forces are likely to be on the way to reinforce and return to defense, and then the "tiger mouse" type will have to face a multi-faceted encirclement, and multi-angle engagement is the absolute weakness of the "tiger mouse" type, so the attack should be fast rather than slow.

First Direct Sale! The king of blood exchange card points is back, and his firepower is stronger than that of the E75

In the final annihilation battle of the mountaintop windmill, the "tiger mouse" type directly exchanged blood, the sooner the mountaintop is solved, the faster it can enter the encirclement and annihilation link, isn't it beautiful!

On the other hand, if it is not feasible to skip the attack of the selling head to the gun, the "tiger mouse" style will be stuck in the rear, and the rhythm control should become slow rather than fast.

If the opponent is unwilling to fight against the "Tiger Mouse" type in the stuck point state, then there is no need to be anxious, the black and black guns are not exaggerated, but the key card point must not be given up, because if the front line sells the head tank and loses, between the opponent's offensive frenzy and the rear of the base, only the last reef of the "Tiger Mouse" type remains.

Between the waves and the reef, there can only be one side that survives in the end, at this time the resourcefulness and clever calculation have lost their function, who can win only depends on who is the strong and brave, the moment to test the basic skills of the commander, but also the highlight moment of the "tiger mouse" type, has finally arrived!


Selling the first version, but also pushing the rear turret super-heavy tank, not very good?

Definitely! Today's version, in fact, all heavy tanks have their own place, there is no best terrain and model, only their own advantageous range, as strong as a selling tank to the corner of the city, and only by the "tiger mouse" type of slow wear.

How to play a majestic role in the terrain of each other's advantages is the unique charm of Tiger Mouse and World of Tanks, and I hope that the commanders can enjoy this unique charm, and we will see you next time!