
Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

author:World of Tanks
Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle
Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

Hello commanders!

Today we will bring you the tips for topping the bull. The biggest purpose of the top bull in actual combat is not to make you invincible in the top bull, but to delay the opponent's aiming time as much as possible, so that he can spend more time adjusting the shooting position. Or make reasonable use of your own tank barrel to absorb the HEAT shells of enemy tanks when you are topping the cow, and gain a HP advantage in the top, so as to save as much HP as possible and prepare for the endgame!

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ When topping the bull, use the barrel to absorb the opposite HEAT shell

When can you top the bull :

One: When the turret armor of its own tank is particularly thick and there are fewer weak points on the turret, such as the S series IS-7 heavy tank.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ Iron head IS-7

At the same time, the armor of the turret on the opposite side is relatively thin, or there are many weak points on the turret of the tank. This has the basic conditions for choosing a top cattle. Of course, it is also necessary to take into account the depth penetration level of the tank guns of both sides, the HP conditions of both sides at this time, the number of teammates behind you and the enemies on the opposite side, etc.

2: When the HP of your tank is already very low, there are no teammates behind you, and the possibility of retreat has been lost under the current situation.

When the opposing enemy tank has a lot of HP left, and the enemy tank's tank gun can penetrate the armor of its own tank in the lane, and the enemy has fewer than two teammates behind it. You can take a gamble and go straight to the top. The other side of the bet panicked, and his hands trembled. If you bet right, then you are likely to use your basic skills (more on this below) to counter your opponent.

Three: The depth of your own tank's shells is too low, and it is impossible to penetrate the frontal armor of the enemy tank in the face of the opposing enemy. There are no teammates behind him and no hope of retreating, and the enemy has begun to expand and contract with him in front of him.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ The low-level car encountered the helplessness of the mammoth, and the front was red

Then we choose to go up at this time and attack the weak points on the enemy's turret armor (such as turret welds, observation holes, commander's towers, etc.) It is relatively less difficult.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ As shown in the picture above, shoot directly at the turret weakness of enemy tanks

This situation is applicable to the enemy tank's tank level to suppress their own tank, when the enemy tank is facing and changing blood, instead of being crushed by the enemy's model normally, it is better to directly hit the weak point of the opposite turret and hit the output opportunity of a few shots.

Precautions when topping cattle:

Top cattle also need to be used in specific situations (such as the three cases above). In actual combat, the scene of using the top cow is basically a situation of being isolated or fighting to the death.

If it is really unavoidable, you need to pay attention to the following points.

One: When topping the cow, you need to pay attention to the situation around you.

If you have teammates behind you, you need to turn back and turn at the same time to make room for your teammates behind you to fire. Improve your chances of survival.

Two: Don't panic, keep your hands steady

The oppressive force of the enemy's tank riding face is very strong when the bull is topped, so you must not panic at this time, do not fire indiscriminately, and do not fire blindly. Be sure to target your weaknesses before you shoot steadily.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ Shoot when you almost aim at the enemy's weak point

If you can't find a suitable weak spot to shoot, if your tank's horsepower can beat the enemy tank, you can try to turn and reverse and attack the side and rear of the enemy tank. If your tank can't top an enemy tank, you can use cover to put the tail of your tank against the wall and then turn and reverse, and then attack the rear of the enemy tank. In short, in a word, you must be calm and don't fight randomly.

A few tips when topping a cow

One: Turn the turret back and forth

When your tank's turret armor doesn't have too many weaknesses and the turret rotates quickly, you can make it harder to aim at the opposite side and increase the chance of ricocheting by constantly shaking the turret back and forth from side to side while bullying. Vehicles with weak turret armor will not be of much use of this method, unless the opposing hand is too shaky.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ Turn the turret back and forth

Two: Use your own tank barrel to block the view of enemy tanks

The barrel can effectively block the enemy's aiming line of sight and delay its aiming time. When there are multiple weak points on the turret of a tank, no matter how you shake the turret, the enemy will always be able to hit one of the weak points if the opponent's hand is not shaking. At this time, you need to move your tank barrel to block your weak points and also block the enemy's line of sight.

Here's how:

Make the weak point on your tank's turret and the muzzle of the tank in a straight line, which is always perpendicular to any straight line leading from the gun shield of the enemy turret.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ An enemy tank that can't find a target after being blocked by a weak point with a gun barrel in actual combat

Three: Move Dafa

If the armor of your tank is weak, you can increase the armor equivalent of your tank by moving the body of the tank, or directly cause the enemy to lose the aiming target and shoot the shells.

After roughly knowing the reload time of the opposite side, estimate the aiming time of the opposite side, suddenly turn left and right when the opponent is about to shoot, suddenly reverse diagonally, and so on.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ Suddenly move left and right

Finally, let's talk about the operation details of using the barrel to block the gun:

This method is used on all types of tanks, and the shell type of the enemy tank is HEAT.

The operation method is for you to grasp in one sentence here: open the scope when you are topping the bull, let our crosshair continue to follow and aim at the root of the opponent's main gun, and then you can.

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle

▲ The aiming ring aims at the enemy's cannon root


Today, we're going to break down some of the precautions and tips for World of Tanks when fighting enemy tanks. If you have any other mechanics or tricks you'd like to know, let us know in the comments!

We will give you an in-depth analysis of the high-profile questions and help you become a "tank god"!

Bao Jiao Bao Hui! The operation details of the barrel blocking gun, the operation and the selection of the top cattle