
【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

author:World of Tanks
【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list
【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

Hello WOTers!

In addition to the addition of 3 new tanks, the recent Super Test Suit has also ushered in a balance adjustment of a classic old map. It is El Alamein Airport. What specific areas have been improved? Let's take a look.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

El Alamein Airport

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

According to the description of the adjustment plan, the terrain of this round of adjustment is mainly concentrated near the center of the map, including adding more cover for the Zhongtan Line to form a relatively closed area; Removed some of the gun lines that could be fired at the central area of the map from a long distance, reducing the combat efficiency of the black gun emplacements in the rear; Optimized some of the terrain of the Heavy Tan Line so that both Heavy Tans can reach the point more easily. The areas involved in the modification are indicated on the bird's-eye view with numbers of different colors, so let's compare the changes before and after the modification one by one.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

Area 1 (purple number 1): The terrain of the two "gaps" near the team flag circle on the left has been adjusted, and the gap near G3 on the left has added a large rock to block the shooting boundary towards the middle lane of the lower lane; The gap near H3 on the right is blocked by another rock in the direction of the middle lane and the top lane Chongtan line, while the new grounded tanker on the sideline further weakens the control of the point to the sea. However, the tank was still able to descend under the platform with relative safety through these two openings.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list
【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

▲ Comparison of area 1 before (top) and after (bottom) modification

Zone 2 (pale yellow number 2): Located on the left side of the team's path to the Central Tan Line. First of all, the mountainous terrain between G5 and H5 was bisected, with a new passage to the top of the slope in the middle, and the previously low rock shelter at H4 was greatly expanded to reliably withstand artillery and heavy tank fire. The location of the temple ruins has been moved to the right (closer to the sea) to interfere with artillery aiming. Considering that the addition of tanker wrecks will allow the attacker to get closer to the left team's baseline more safely, the change in terrain here may create some new tactics for offense and defense.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

Zone 3 (red number 3): Located on the right side of the road where the team is on the road to the platform where the Middle Tank Line is located. On the one hand, the terrain near the two "entrances" of the hill in the H6 area has been adjusted, and a new ramp has been added to the outside of the passage near the seaside to provide additional cover to defend against seaside attacks; The rock bunker to the right of the passage near the inside has been widened and heightened, and the vegetation at the firing port has become denser, allowing the left team to snipe at enemies near the flag circle on the right after capturing high ground. In addition, the small rocks in the H7 area have been significantly enlarged, allowing the team on the right to drive safer to the center of the map.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

▲ Comparison before and after adjusting plan A

Area 4 (orange number 4): Located on the north side of the team's flag circle on the right, near the D9 area, a gap on the right side where a gap for shooting is partially blocked by a small rock block, and the density of vegetation is reduced, making it easier to light up after firing. Due to the fact that the original gun line is blocked by a new raised rock, it is impossible to attack targets in the E5-E6 area of the Heavy Tan Line from here, reducing the control of the Heavy Tan Line here.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list
【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

▲ Area 4: Comparison before (top) and after (bottom) modification

Area 5 (Pink Number 5): Located on the north side of the team's flag circle on the right, near B9-B0 on the top lane, the terrain has not changed much, except that the vegetation has been almost "swept away", and the tanks cannot hide their bodies in it. After the modification, it can hardly be used as an effective combat point except for some well-concealed tanks for long-range sniping, or for the endgame of well-armored tanks.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

Area 6 (yellow number 6): Located on the south side of the left team's flag circle, near the H9-J9 area, from which it was possible to attack targets in the middle lane, the modified platform has become a relatively open area, and the height has been reduced, making it easier for tanks to reach the top. But most crucially, a new horizontal rock has been added in the direction of the central area of the map, blocking several artillery lines that could have been attacked at the high platform in the center of the map.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

Area 7 (green number 7): Located on the edge of the high ground on either side of the central passage of the map, the terrain here has not changed much, but many of the low bushes that were originally located here have been removed, making it impossible to hide the whereabouts of the tanks, let alone use them as a safe sniper station behind the grass. Now, whether it is the heavy tan line located on the upper road or the middle tan line on the lower road, they can only rely on rock bunkers to have a "bright and fair" battle.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

Area 8 (blue number 8): That is, the small high platform that can be used for medium and Tan battles in the lower road of the map, a total of 6 new points have been added in the G6, H5, H6, and J6 areas here, including the aforementioned temple ruins, etc., forming a relatively independent area, and tanks at other points will be more difficult to pose a threat to the tanks fighting here.

【Super Test Preview】El Alamein Airport Zhongtan Line has been overhauled! Would you remove it from the exclusion list

The above is the possible modification of the "El Alamein Airport" in the future. How does it affect the way this map is played? You might as well see it in practice!