
Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

author:World of Tanks
Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks
Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks
Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲ The Y-series wheeled vehicle line in World of Tanks

Hello World of Tanks players, have you ever wanted to break through the limitations of the tech tree and add modern tanks of Tier XI, XII and beyond? This is indeed a question that players have been discussing for many years, and the hope of driving a modern main battle tank in World of Tanks has always been on the minds of commanders. In fact, if in the future, the game can break through the limitations of X-level and set a higher level, then there are still quite a lot of vehicles that can be added. Today, let's take a look at the Tier XI tanks that may be added to the Y series in the future.

"Chieftain" Mk.10

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲ "Chieftain" Mk.10

When it comes to British Cold War tanks, the first thing that comes to mind for many commanders is the "Chieftain" main battle tank. That's right, the Chieftain was one of the main tanks of the Y series during the Cold War, and in World of Tanks, there was already a T95/FV4201 model that was a combination of the early Chieftain and the M series T95 experimental medium tank. Here we nominate the more advanced and true "Chief" Mk.10 as the Tier XI heavy tank of the Y series, which is an upgrade of the "Chief" Mk.7, and the most important feature in terms of appearance is the addition of additional armor in front of the turret and in front of the turret seat ring to increase the protection of the turret front against armor-piercing shells.

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲ Additional armor has been added to the front of the "Chieftain" Mk.10 turret

The Chieftain Mk.10's protective kit is known as the "Stillblue" Crew Protection Kit (abbreviated as SCPP, named after the two engineers who designed the kit). The kit is designed to be modular, consisting of six layers of steel plates and thick rubber spacers. When hit by a shell, each layer of armor shifts between them, which causes a shear damage effect on the shell or jet, improving the tank's protection. The study also found that the kit's multi-layered gap structure was also effective in reducing the power of armor fragmentation. Such a modern "Chieftain" Mk.10, as a XI class car, is no problem.


Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks


In the game, the Y-Tier X-Tier Manticol excels and is considered by many commanders to be the best Tier X light tank. Then the Tier XI light tank of the Y series is really a bit stressful, and here is the nomination of this VFM5: its turret is made of aluminum welded armor, with armor steel plates attached to it all sides, and the hull has a similar design. The tank's main armament is a 105mm low-recoil gun fitted with a Vickers rigid thermal jacket that reduces barrel bending and improves accuracy. The tank could carry 41 shells.

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲VFM5 at a gallop

The VFM5 uses a torsion bar suspension system, large load wheel travel, and hydraulic shock absorbers also provide the tank with high off-road maneuverability and mobile stability. The tank uses a 552 hp twin-turbo engine with a 4-speed automatic transmission, which is very easy to handle and can easily reach speeds of up to 70 km/h. Compared to Manticol, the VFM5 is more focused on shelling combat capabilities, which is somewhat close to the XM551 Sheridan. If you give it a stronger concealment value, it will obviously make it a good Tier XI light tank.

Vickers Mk.7

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲Vickers Mk.7

If the commanders feel that the "Chief" Mk.10 is still a bit "not powerful enough", then this Vickers Mk.7 may be satisfactory to everyone: it belongs to the Vickers main battle tank family, which is a foreign trade tank developed by Vickers-Armstrongs, using a combination of a variety of mature components. The Vickers Mk.7 was a prototype tank designed in the 80s, equipped with a powerful fire control system, as well as a 120 mm caliber gun. The chassis of the tank was provided by Krauss-Maffei, which is basically the chassis of the Leopard 2 main battle tank.

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲The combination of the Y series and the D series

The Vickers Mk.7 was on par with the Challenger 1 in terms of firepower, and in 1986 it was upgraded to take advantage of some of the technical legacy of the canceled MBT-80 tank project: a second-generation thermal imager with higher resolution, an improved gun stabilization system, a lower thermo-electromagnetic signature, and a new laser sight. What's even more terrifying is that the chassis of the Leopard 2 gives the Vickers Mk.7 great maneuverability, such as its maximum speed of 72 km/h, which is unattainable by most Y-series tanks. It can be said that the Vickers Mk.7 is more than enough as a XI-class tank, and it is enough as a XII-class.

Centurion Mk.V AVRE

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲百夫长Mk.V AVRE

Armed with a 160mm gun, the BZ-176 has become the dominant player in the VIII class, while the Y-series is proud of the FV4005 and FV215b183. Then the Centurion Mk.V AVRE, which combines a medium tank with a large-caliber main gun, will definitely be welcomed by the commanders: it is a modern multifunctional engineering vehicle with a bulldozer blade and a barbed wire erector, as well as an additional crew. The main thing was that the main gun was replaced with a special 165 mm caliber L9A1 "engineering gun", each of which was loaded with 16 kg of explosives, capable of easily destroying a fortified defensive position.

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲ It also has the nickname of "centurion shovel".

The power of one Centurion Mk.V AVRE's HESH ammunition is equivalent to the 120 mm HESH ammunition of six Chieftain main battle tanks, which makes it quite terrifying. The Centurion Mk.V AVRE was a standard engineering vehicle of the Y series, participated in a considerable number of armed conflicts, and was eventually retired from active service in 1993. The Centurion Mk.V AVRE is a very suitable Tier XI medium tank of the Y series.

Great Lynx MTTD

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲ Great Lynx MTTD

The performance of the No. 5 concept car, the only X-class wheeled tank in the Y series, has disappointed many commanders, so the XI-class wheeled combat vehicle Big Lynx MTTD may be able to win back. The Great Lynx MTTD has a very special turret design, with a smaller turret using an automatic loader that can use a 105 or 120 mm gun. The tank is extremely maneuverable, with a maximum road speed of more than 120 km/h. It is quite appropriate to consider the Great Lynx MTTD with the 120-gun version as the next tank of the 5th concept car.

Break through the limits of Level X! They can take on the heavy lifting of Tier Y XI tanks

▲Looking forward to the future evolution of World of Tanks

It's not hard to see that there are so many real-life tank designs that are famous or unique in their performance that World of Tanks has done everything we can to show us these colorful tank designs. Over time, we're sure to see more and more new tanks added to the game. If World of Tanks wants to stay young and energetic, it must constantly innovate and break through the existing framework to open up new battlefields. Maybe in the future, more tanks will appear in World of Tanks in Tier XI or even XII or higher, and we look forward to the future evolution of World of Tanks!

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