
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

author:World of Tanks
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲What news is in the super test suit?

Hello World of Tanks players, Supertest often adds a lot of tanks that will be added to the game's official client in the future, or adjusts existing content in the game, such as tank data, map location, etc. In the recent Supertest, quite a few tanks have been tweaked and new ones have been added, which are still quite mysterious to us players. Today, let's take a look at some of the high-level tanks that have been adjusted or newly added to the Super Test Suit. They are still being tested, and the specific data has not yet been finalized.

Vickers 3

【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲Vickers 3

Vickers 3 is a Tier X special medium tank of the Y series, which recently received the following changes:

  • Engine horsepower changed from 720 to 850
  • Tank unit power changed from 18.6 to 21.96
  • Main gun reload speed changed from 8.15s to 7.67s
  • Armor-piercing bullet damage per minute changed from 2871 to 3051
  • The flight speed of standard ammunition was changed from 1478 to 1540
  • Changed the speed of Special Ammunition and High Explosive Shells from 1173 to 1240

The Vickers 3 uses a 105 mm main gun with 390 HP of damage per shot and an average penetration depth of 268/330 mm armor-piercing shells. This modification is undoubtedly a relatively big enhancement for Vickers 3, and the increase in firepower and mobility will make it more aggressive.

【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲Y series X-class special medium tank

The Wix 3 has good mobility and firepower, but poor defense. In previous modifications, the Vickers 3 data received some fine-tuning, and now the basic fighting style of the tank has been finalized. Judging from the current data, the Vickers 3's fighting style is similar to that of a standard medium tank, its extremely outstanding firepower attributes, and its own mobility give it good field control, but its poor defense makes it unsuitable for head-on confrontation with the enemy.


【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened


The DZT-159 is a Tier IX medium tank of the C series, and the details of the most recent modification of the vehicle are as follows:

  • Tank repair cost changed from 16,500 credits to 16,000 credits
  • Tank health changed from 1650 to 1600
  • Turret armor changed from 270/110/50 to 270/150/50
  • Main gun reload speed changed from 11.51s to 13.42s
  • Armor-piercing damage per minute changed from 2295 to 1967
  • Gun accuracy changed from 0.38 to 0.40
  • The data of the body movement and expansion circle has been changed from 0.20 to 0.25
  • The data of the car's body rotation and expansion circle has been changed from 0.20 to 0.25
  • Turret rotation speed changed from 26.07 to 22.95
  • Tank Stationary Ceasefire/Stationary Fire Concealment changed from 6.61/1.26 to 14.76/2.80
  • Tank Movement Ceasefire/Mobile Fire Concealment changed from 3.31/0.63 to 11.06/2.10
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲ C series IX medium tank

The design of the DZT-159 was unusual, the tank combined the features of a medium tank with a heavy tank. It uses a 122 mm main gun, has high alpha damage of 440 HP, and has a good 7-degree gun depression angle. Another feature of the DZT-159 was the addition of a modified rocket booster to the tank. The DZT-159's rocket booster can be used 7 times, but only for 5 seconds at a time, which allows the tank to use it more flexibly.


【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened


The E-77 is a Tier IX heavy tank of the D series, and its design is also unusual, the tank has recently received the following modifications:

  • Tank vision changed from 400 m to 390 m
  • Tank speed changed from 45/18 to 40/16
  • Tank engine horsepower changed from 1050 to 1010
  • Tank unit power changed from 16.15 to 15.54
  • Tank health changed from 1850 to 1800
  • Tank repair cost changed from 16650 to 18000
  • Tank ammo reserve changed from 60 to 40
  • The tank standard ammunition penetration depth has been changed from 261 to 246
  • The tank's standard ammo flight speed has been changed from 1180 to 1080
  • The flight speed of the tank special ammunition has been changed from 1390 to 1190
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲D series Tier IX heavy tank

The E-77 is also a medium tank that combines the characteristics of a medium tank with a heavy tank, but the performance of the vehicle is a bit more heavy. The E-77 has a 128 mm cannon with 460 HP of damage per shot. The turret of the tank has good defense, but it cannot defend against special ammunition with high penetration depth, and the hull defense of the tank is poor, and it needs to rely on terrain and cover to cover it.


【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened


The XM57 is a Tier VIII tank destroyer of the M series, which has received the following modifications:

  • Main gun reload time changed from 17.74s to 18.22s
  • Aim time changed from 2.88s to 3.07s
  • Armor-piercing bullet damage per minute changed from 2131 to 2075
  • The data of the body movement expansion circle has been changed from 0.20 to 0.28
  • The data of the car's body rotation and expansion circle has been changed from 0.20 to 0.28
  • Changed hull rotation speed from 25.03 to 22.95
  • Hull armor thickness changed from 120.7/76.2/38.1 to 120.7/88.9/38.1
  • The tank was changed from an all-rounder to an assault tank destroyer
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲M series Tier VIII tank destroyer

The XM57 is a very prominent tank destroyer, it has a 155 mm main gun, armor-piercing shells up to 630 HP, and this main gun has a total range of 150 degrees, which allows the XM57 to fight like a heavy tank. However, the XM57 has poor gun control and low mobility, so it is better to rely on its own defenses to fight the enemy in the town.


【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲ Crusser

The Kruther is a Tier VIII heavy tank of the Y series, which has received the following modifications:

  • Tank health changed from 1500 to 1400
  • Tank turret armor changed from 230/100/80 to 230/130/80
  • Changed hull rotation speed from 31.29 to 29.20
  • Turret rotation speed changed from 36.51 to 33.38
  • Main gun reload time changed from 7.48s to 7.96s
  • Aim time changed from 2.11s to 2.21s
  • Gun accuracy changed from 0.35 to 0.36
  • Armor-piercing damage per shot changed from 330 to 350
  • Armor-piercing bullet damage per minute changed from 2648 to 2639
  • Changed the travel speed of standard ammo and high explosive shells from 1010 to 1000
  • Height-explosive penetration depth changed from 54 to 90
  • Changed high explosive damage per shot from 430 to 500
  • The flight speed of special ammunition has been changed from 1180 to 1100
  • The data of the body movement and expansion circle has been changed from 0.15 to 0.16
  • The data of the car body rotation and expansion circle has been changed from 0.15 to 0.16
【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲Y series Tier VIII heavy tank

The Kruther also has a standout appearance, with a 55-pounder gun and a very high rate of fire and DPM, which makes it a Y-series "rapid-fire god of war". It also has heavy armor protection, but its mobility is not very good, and it is clear that Cruther will be a strong player in town battles, using his high-velocity main gun to penetrate the enemy again and again.

【Supertest Preview】Recent supertest data adjustments: the data of many god cars has changed, and Vickers has been greatly strengthened

▲Which tank are you most looking forward to?

The data of the tanks in the Super Test Suit is constantly changing, and they will reach the most satisfactory state in this adjustment. In this article, we have selected a few tanks that have recently undergone important changes or are of great interest to commanders, but which of them do you think is the most popular for you? Leave a message to talk to everyone!