
Zhang Lin: The pioneer of the entry and exit management front and the vanguard of cross-border governance

author:Safe and Liaoning
Zhang Lin: The pioneer of the entry and exit management front and the vanguard of cross-border governance
Zhang Lin: The pioneer of the entry and exit management front and the vanguard of cross-border governance

Zhang Lin, in April 2022, served as the deputy head of the Exit and Entry Administration Detachment of the Tongliao Municipal Public Security Bureau, in charge of the detachment office and international police cooperation, and conducted serious study and research on the work of the office and the fight against cross-border gambling.

Zhang Lin: The pioneer of the entry and exit management front and the vanguard of cross-border governance

Since 2022, more than 200 notices, briefings, and summaries have been drafted; From May to July 2022, Comrade Zhang Lin, as a member of the Political Supervision Group of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, supervised the Party Committee of the Qixian Bureau; From July to December 2022, it took the lead in completing the special work of the pilot cities for the rectification of gambling-related shell companies and corporate accounts carried out by the city, and achieved remarkable results; In September 2022, he took the lead in completing the approval and listing of the first batch of INTERPOL local liaison offices in the region; Since October 2022, we have deeply studied the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, integrated theory with practice, and guided daily work. In December 2022, because the masses communicated and contacted in a timely manner, solved problems, and received a pennant.

Zhang Lin: The pioneer of the entry and exit management front and the vanguard of cross-border governance

Since 2023, we have deeply studied the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions when he inspected Inner Mongolia. In accordance with the requirements of "grasping party building, rectifying style, strengthening quality, and building image" and research work, from February 2023 to the end of the year, we will go to nine banner counties and cities to conduct inspection and research, and continue to promote performance appraisal. At the beginning of June 2023, he went to the Public Security Department of the Autonomous Region to participate in the business training course held by the Exit and Entry Administration Bureau of the Public Security Department, which strengthened his professional quality. From June to September 2023, we concentrated our efforts on promoting the "summer offensive" of cross-border gambling case cluster crackdown, and achieved great results. In late August 2023, we will go to Shenyang together with the Development Zone to deal with 8 foreigners who are "three non-foreigners". At the end of August, he participated in the training course for young and middle-aged people and business backbones held by the Tongliao Municipal Public Security Bureau, served as the squad leader and won the title of outstanding student. From September 2023 to January 2024, conscientiously implement the relevant deployment requirements of "theme education". From 2024 to the present, in accordance with the requirements of the "122" Mechanism Office of the Autonomous Region, we will continue to promote the special work of combating and governing cross-border gambling crimes.

Editor: Wang Ying

Review: Wang Qiang

Producer: Zhang Wei

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Zhang Lin: The pioneer of the entry and exit management front and the vanguard of cross-border governance

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