
["July 1st" style record] poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds - remember Liu Yili, an outstanding party worker in the autonomous region

author:Safe and Liaoning
["July 1st" style record] poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds - remember Liu Yili, an outstanding party worker in the autonomous region

Opening remarks

On the occasion of celebrating the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to vigorously create a strong atmosphere of striving for excellence, encourage all party members and auxiliary police to practice their original mission, and show the new responsibilities and new achievements of Tongliao public security under the light of the party flag, serving the people and escorting development, "Ping An Tongliao" has launched a series of reports to review the eventful years of the century-old party's hard work, record the touching chapters of the people's public security listening to the party's words and following the party, and listen to the sonorous sound of the public security people's police escorting the new era and new journey.

["July 1st" style record] poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds - remember Liu Yili, an outstanding party worker in the autonomous region
["July 1st" style record] poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds - remember Liu Yili, an outstanding party worker in the autonomous region

Liu Yili, who started his career in August 2003, joined the Communist Party of China in 2005, and is currently the deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Tongliao Municipal Public Security Bureau.

Because of her outstanding work achievements, she has been rated as an outstanding party worker of the public security organs in the whole region, an outstanding party worker in Tongliao City, and has won many honorary titles such as the most beautiful family in Horqin and the most beautiful police family in Inner Mongolia.

Not long ago, she was rated as an outstanding party worker in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region.

Vigilance to the party, "political work veterans" based on the post diligently

In the 21 years he has been a police officer, Liu Yili has always adhered to the original intention of being a police officer, backed by a strong party spirit, driven by a sense of political responsibility, and with a decent style and excellent work as the specific requirements, he has forged ahead with determination and worked diligently, and has made positive contributions to the party building and ideological and political work of the public security organs. In the successive "two studies and one doing" learning and education, party history learning and education, and learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, she was both an organizer and a practitioner, a liaison and a propagandist, successfully completed various tasks and achieved excellent results.

["July 1st" style record] poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds - remember Liu Yili, an outstanding party worker in the autonomous region

When carrying out the party's mass line education and practice activities, Liu Yili pituitary tumor craniotomy was only 10 months and was still in the recovery period, but in the face of such a heavy task, she did not flinch, overcome difficulties, and was responsible for the specific work of the special class. The Public Security Branch of the Development Zone was selected by the Municipal Party Committee as the "Demonstration Unit of the Party's Mass Line Education and Practice Activities". She served as the deputy director of the Political Department of the Public Security Bureau of the Development Zone, and concurrently served as a member of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, she actively explored the integration point of political work and the construction of party style and clean government, and through the establishment of party members, police risk problems and key issues files, summarized and sorted out the team's problems in political discipline, style construction, system implementation and other aspects of less than three categories of 12, and put forward rectification measures for the symptoms. The management of the party members has been further tightened. She actively made suggestions and suggestions for the implementation of the "1213" discipline supervision work model by the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Sub-Bureau, and the article "The Discipline Inspection Commission of the Development Zone Bureau Promotes the Construction of Party Style and Clean Government with the "1213" Work Model and Achieves Practical Results" was published by the "Inner Mongolia Legal News". As the director of the Women's Committee, she organized female police officers to go into communities and enterprises, participated in the "Police Flower Eji" volunteer service team, visited poor party members, and walked into special children's groups, giving vivid vitality to the party building work of grassroots public security organs.

In 2021, Liu Yili was transferred to work in the special class of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, she gave full play to her many years of experience in political work and party education, actively communicated and liaise with the outside world, strengthened supervision and guidance internally, and organized 2 grassroots party committees and 53 party branches of the Municipal Public Security Bureau to successfully complete various tasks, and achieved full marks in the party history learning and education assessment and evaluation of the Public Security Department. She collected and sorted out the materials and wrote the case of "I do practical things for the masses" of the Municipal Public Security Bureau with affection - "Tongliao Public Security: "Reunion Action" Let Love Go Home", which tells the story of the city's public security organs making full use of criminal science and technology to recover 6 abducted and trafficked children, which was praised by the leaders of the municipal party committee.

Reform and innovation, "party craftsmen" strive for excellence and create good results

In order to comprehensively strengthen the party building of the public security organs, in January 2021, the Municipal Public Security Bureau established the party committee of the organ, and Liu Yili was transferred to the position of deputy secretary of the party committee of the organ. With a pragmatic and rigorous work style and a strong party spirit, Liu Yili devoted herself to the work of the new post, she never forgot that she was a party worker in the new era, insisted on constantly learning the latest theories, absorbing nutritional strength, improving the quality of party affairs, and using theory to guide work practice. She led the team to go deep into the public security (sub) bureaus of various banner counties and urban areas, carried out investigation and research, investigated the problems in the party building work of less than 12 categories and 20 items, distinguished the party committee of the municipal public security bureau, the party committee of the banner county bureau, and the party branch of the three-level responsibility body, formulated a rectification list, and focused on making up for the shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and laying the foundation for the grassroots party building. According to the investigation, she led the formulation of the "Tongliao City Public Security Organs" Party Building "Three-level and Five-Posts" Responsibility List and the "Tongliao City Public Security Organs Party Building Work Classification and Classification Guiding Opinions", and improved the "four-in-one" party building work pattern led by the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau, the planning and promotion of the Party committees of the banner and county bureaus, the organization and implementation of the Party committees of the organs, and the specific implementation of the grass-roots Party branches, and guided the public security organs at the two levels of the city and county to establish 54 pilot projects for the grading and classification of party building.

["July 1st" style record] poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds - remember Liu Yili, an outstanding party worker in the autonomous region

How to solve the problem of deep integration of party building and public security business, Liu Yili has been thinking deeply, one day, when she heard the words "project construction completed" on the "News Network", she suddenly had an inspiration, so she took the lead in proposing to promote the integration of party building and business of public security organs with "project-based" construction, for different types of police, she drafted and formulated the "Tongliao Municipal Public Security Bureau to comprehensively promote the implementation plan for the deep integration of party building and business work", and took the initiative to study the party building work and public security business, reform and innovation projects, After two years of construction, good results have been achieved, and at the same time, the selection of "Top Ten Dynamic Party Building Cases" has been organized to build a party building work pattern of integration and linkage, interoperability and sharing. The party building work of the Municipal Public Security Bureau has achieved good results in the assessment and evaluation of the Public Security Department and the Municipal Party Committee for two consecutive years.

Optimistic and strong, the "most beautiful mother" laughs and sows love to life

At work, Liu Yili is highly praised for her steadfastness and diligence, and in life, she is widely praised for her optimism and strength. In 2008, Liu Yili's two-year-old son was diagnosed with childhood autism. After the grief, she chose to face it strongly, she learned the correct method of autism rehabilitation training, made annual and daily training plans for the child, and made more than 100 teaching aids for the child in her spare time. 16 years, more than 5,000 days and nights, Liu Yili tirelessly gave the child rehabilitation training, a small action repeated teaching, a pronunciation corrected thousands of times, the neighbors of the community will always see, in the morning just dawn, the mother took her son in the small square to practice catching, throwing, one-footed jumping ......, seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the sky is getting dark, the mother also took her son to learn to ride a bicycle under the street lamp ....... "Well done!" "You're awesome!" With Liu Yili's unremitting persistence, the child's comprehension and cognitive ability improved, his body coordination improved, and he was able to pronounce some correct syllables, until he became a first-year student of a vocational high school in a special education school. Even in the face of all kinds of unsatisfactory life, she has always been diligent and hardworking in her work......

"Love is under the blue sky, children's loneliness will melt under the warm sun of love", in order to be able to help other parents of autistic children, Liu Yili also shared his experience in teaching children with everyone, often helping families in difficulty and seriously ill children, hoping to use his meager strength to pass on a positive energy, and hope that people facing difficulties can take up the baton of love strongly. In 2012, fate played a joke with Liu Yili again, she was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor and underwent a craniotomy, and in 2017, the condition recurred and she underwent a second operation. Struggling on the line of life and death, she said to herself, children can't lose their mother, and I can't leave my post.

In the face of all kinds of setbacks, as a wife, as a mother, and even as a party member, she persevered and fought tenaciously to write the song of youth of the times.

Source: Party Committee of the organ

Editor: Zhang Tingting

Review: Wang Qiang

Producer: Zhang Wei

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["July 1st" style record] poor and strong, do not fall into the ambition of the clouds - remember Liu Yili, an outstanding party worker in the autonomous region

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