
How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

author:History of Shiqi
How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

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How "miserable" was China fooled by the United States back then?

One dares to say, the other dares to create, the United States is responsible for imagining, and China is responsible for realizing!

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

Let's take a look at how China, under the flickering of US intelligence, has successfully counterattacked from imitation to transcendence?

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

U.S. intelligence flickering

In 1985, American scientists published a paper on special steel for submarine aircraft carriers, and the data shocked all Chinese experts! They all looked up to the sky and sighed, feeling that the gap between China and the United States is still too big, so big that they can't even see the back of their opponents.

But the Chinese are so backbone, not admitting defeat, thinking that what the United States can do, we must also be able to do! Therefore, in order to catch up with this special steel technology in the United States, Chinese experts have been catching up all the way, first to 50% of the American level, and then to 60%, but until the old expert retires, it only narrows the gap to 80%.

The old expert was unwilling, and once lamented:

"If God had given me another 10 years, I would have been able to achieve 90% of the steel level in the United States!"
How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

However, just when the old expert thought that he was about to regret it for life, in 2017, the American scientist who released the steel data against the sky suddenly admitted that his steel data for the past 32 years was purely fake!

Upon hearing the news, not only were the American people shocked, but the old Chinese expert, who was thousands of miles away, also had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was so angry that he scolded repeatedly: "What is going on!" ”

Figuratively speaking, it is China that has been catching up for 30 years, but it finds that there is no one in front of it! I don't know if it's time to cry or laugh.

So the question is, why did the United States want to falsify data back then? Is it just to brag and pretend to save face?

In fact, it's not entirely true to say that it's just to brag, after all, half of the submarine aircraft carriers in the United States have used this special steel with falsified data, and you can just say that the United States has deceived others, but even it has deceived itself, which is also a little incomprehensible.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

However, as a famous saying goes, the inferior nature of capitalism is destined to self-extinction, and eventually it will kill itself, and the falsification of US special steel data is not only to maintain the superiority of US hegemony, but also because of the profit-seeking of capital.

After all, once you make a fake, you can increase the price several times, how can any capitalist resist the temptation of this empty glove white wolf?

As for whether this kind of steel is used in submarine aircraft carriers, whether it is enough to resist construction, and whether it can achieve the expected defensive effect, in the face of unscrupulous capitalists who are bent on pursuing profits, these are all issues that do not need to be considered, and national security is not as important as making money on their own.

On the other hand, China, in order not to be angry with the United States, has been catching up all the way, thinking that it still can't catch up with the United States, but never thought that in fact, it has already left the United States far behind and ranked among the world-class level in the field of special steel.

As for the American submarines, which used substandard steel, they suffered a big loss, and the losses along the way were not small.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

For example, in 2021, when a U.S. most advanced nuclear submarine sneaked into the South China Sea of the mainland to investigate, it collided with an unknown object, resulting in damage to the submarine and eleven people were killed and injured.

The same thing happened to the USSR. In the 80s, the Soviet Union claimed that one of its heavy machine guns had achieved a light weight of only 25 kilograms. So he also decided to develop such a weapon, but in the process of development, it was found that no matter what, it could not be compressed to a weight of twenty-five kilograms.

It wasn't until the collapse of the Soviet Union that we learned that the weight of 25 kilograms in the Soviet Union did not include the weight of the tripod, but because of this beautiful misunderstanding, we developed the lightest heavy machine gun in the world in the real sense.

And that's not all, in 2008, the United States claimed that it had developed the AIM-120D air-to-air missile, with a range of up to 160 kilometers!

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

The Continental Army Industrial Enterprise refused to admit defeat, gritted its teeth, and insisted on creating the same 160 km range Thunderbolt 15 air-to-air missile, but who expected that after it was built, we found that the legendary AIM-120D missile in the United States was not made at all, and it was only in a conceptual stage with only PPT, so we once again unconsciously took the lead in achieving a breakthrough in missile technology!

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

The United States is responsible for imagining, China is responsible for realizing

Today, our DF-41 has even reached an astonishing 15,000 kilometers and flies at a speed of up to 30,000 kilometers per hour!

This means that the DF-41 can be launched from any location in the territory of China to cover the surface of the earth without dead ends, and it only takes 10 minutes to reach Tokyo, 16 minutes to London, and 29 minutes to New York, USA!

What's even more exaggerated is that with a range of tens of thousands of miles, the strike error will not exceed 100 meters, which is enough to show its perverted lethality, which is already far ahead.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

Coincidentally, as early as 2005, the United States boasted that it was preparing to develop a weapon that could hit anywhere in the world in just one hour.

However, until 20 years later, the United States did not invent this legendary weapon, and the mainland, on the other hand, fought all the way to catch up because it listened to the braggadocio of the United States.

Unexpectedly, when we researched this kind of weapon, the United States still stopped where it was, and did not even draw a drawing, and then we reacted, it turned out that the United States was just trying to be a hero for a while.

And the reason why the United States didn't think about realizing it is, to put it bluntly, they themselves didn't believe that they would make it at all, so it was just like making a science fiction movie, and it was just a bull shell.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

What is embarrassing is that China has stubbornly turned the US "science fiction film" into reality, so that now with the US military's defense system, there is no way to intercept our DF-41, and it can only preach the "China threat theory" in a high-profile manner every day, shaping China into the world's number one villain, but everyone knows who the actual villain is.

Of course, when it comes to science fiction films, we have to mention the legendary "Scepter of God".

A few decades ago, in order to save the maintenance cost of nuclear bombs, the United States fantasized about a space-based kinetic energy weapon called "God's Staff", which is no less powerful than nuclear bombs, and is extremely cost-effective, only need to use carrier rockets, carrying dozens of tons of tungsten rods to the sky, and then you can launch directly from space, towards the ground, just like an artificial meteor, launch a nuclear bomb-level power, but the cost is far lower than that of a nuclear bomb.

Of course, after the United States put forward this theory and boasted about this bull criticism, it was over, and it did not have any serious test whether it would work, but China listened to it and directly built the legendary "Scepter of God" in the United States in 2017, and also carried out a real ground strike experiment on the Gobi Desert in the western part of the mainland.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

However, after the experiment, it was found that the power of the "Scepter of God" was not as big as the nuclear bomb that the United States said, but about the same as the power of an ordinary bomb.

Of course, although the Scepter of God was fooled by the United States, we did not waste our efforts, because this experiment allowed us to discover the possibility of completing the strike from the moon to the earth in just 0.3 seconds.

And this is the laser weapon that we are planning to build on the moon, and with the laser weapon on the moon, we will be able to turn the strike effect imagined by the American "scepter of God" into reality.

This is undoubtedly another slap in the face of the United States, after all, the United States will always only blow it, and whether it can be realized or not depends on the mood of the United States.

Seeing that he was slapped in the face by China for bragging about it, the United States immediately bragged about it in order to get back face, saying that its F22 fighter lift coefficient could reach 2.0, ranking first in the world, and it was 0.4 lift coefficients higher than the most advanced Su-27 fighter at that time.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

When the mainland heard this, they couldn't help but get nervous, thinking about what it was like? This is not good, we must also have what the United States has! So I buried myself in it, and I also came up with a J-20 with a lift coefficient of 2.0!

But who expected that at this time, the United States found out that its original test data was wrong, and their F-22 upgrade coefficient was actually only at the level of 1.6, which was wrong that year!

When we found that the United States was bragging again, the scientific researchers on the mainland were suddenly numb, and it can only be said that the United States painted cakes, and once again succeeded in stimulating us to catch up, and we accidentally made the world's first place.

The United States was not convinced, so it began to talk nonsense again, saying that future weapons must have electromagnetic guns, how awesome the electromagnetic guns are, and they already have them, but you China actually don't have them, are you afraid?

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

When China heard this, it suddenly felt a sense of crisis, and hurriedly asked the United States, can you take out the electromagnetic cannon for us to see what this thing looks like?

But who would have thought that the United States would refuse without saying a word, saying that this is a state secret, how can outsiders be allowed to watch it casually?

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

Science fiction comes to reality

Seeing that the United States is so secretive, we are actually very skeptical about whether the United States has electromagnetic guns, but for the sake of insurance, we still treat the United States as if it has electromagnetic guns, so we once again entered the mode that the enemy has and I must have, and in 2018, we really succeeded in building the electromagnetic cannon!

When the United States saw this scene, it also smeared its eyes again, saying that it was still in the research stage, so why did you really create it?

In addition to the electromagnetic cannon, the United States also threatened to create an artificial sun, this time we don't care whether the United States really created it, we can only say that we are grateful to the Yankees for the inspiration, and then snapped, and really created this artificial sun, that is, controlled nuclear fusion.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

Although our controllable nuclear fusion has not yet been put into civilian use immediately, we have also promised that by 2035, we will build the first controllable nuclear fusion power station in human history, which is expected to be completed and officially put into production before 2050.

At that time, we will be able to truly achieve energy freedom, and it is a completely healthy, green and pollution-free energy, which is the real fragrance.

In terms of China's ability to act, it must be able to be achieved, and it is even possible to complete the task ahead of schedule.

After all, compared to the braggart of the United States, China is really down-to-earth and realistically fills the flesh and blood of the cowhide that the United States brags.

That's why people always say that the United States is responsible for imagining, and China is responsible for realizing; China must find ways to turn it into reality, and no matter how difficult and dangerous it is, we must do our best to overcome the difficulties.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

At this time, I will look back and savor it carefully, only to come back to taste, why only Chinese mythology has foolish fathers moving mountains, Jingwei reclamation, boasting fathers day by day, and knowing that it cannot be done, and this is the people engraved in the genes of Chinese people who will win the day, so we Chinese can create so many miracles and do so many things that others can't do in the eyes of others.

Until now, China has long since changed from a simple imitation to transcendence, and even fooled the United States in turn, such as the famous Nantianmen Project, although we claim to the outside world that it is only an aviation science fiction IP proposed by AVIC, but many of the weapons and equipment involved are rumored to be secretly developed by the People's Liberation Army.

So, how advanced is our "Nantianmen Plan"?

Let's just put it this way, with the level of interstellar warfare equipment in any science fiction film, some of them are exaggerated, so exaggerated that even the United States sourly claims that China's "Nantianmen Project" must be a trap, the purpose of which is to lure the United States into participating in the arms race, just like the United States dealt with the Soviet Union back then.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

However, it should be noted that in order to fool the Soviet Union, China has already turned the technologies of hypersonic weapons and electromagnetic catapults proposed by the United States into reality, so we proposed the "Nantianmen Project", which is very likely because the science fiction script proposed by the United States can no longer meet our pursuit of excellence, so we simply create a science fiction script ourselves as a scientific research goal.

Now, it is the United States that should be nervous, and you want to say that China's "Nantianmen Plan" is not true, but if China really creates it, won't the United States be finished? But if we want to say that China's "Nantianmen Project" is actually fake, but the United States is serious and misled by China, will it really fall into the trap of China's version of "Star Wars" and embark on the same old path as the Soviet Union?

What's more, with our low-key and pragmatic style of doing things in China, if we are not sure, we will never make our plans public in a high-profile manner, especially in terms of weapons and equipment.

How "miserable" has China been fooled by US intelligence? One dares to say, one dares to create!

After all, we have been able to do some of these technologies now, and it may only be a matter of time before the "Nantianmen Plan" becomes a complete reality in the future.

And this time, the initiative is in our hands, if the United States decides to follow, then hurry up and follow, if not, then when the United States reacts, maybe China will really achieve mass production once.

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