
The state in which a woman is dead to you and no longer loves you: an act

author:Heart in the story

There is a saying that says:

Love is like a tornado, when it comes, it is extremely fast, and when it disappears, you can't catch it.

When a woman loves you, she will hold a heart and not take away half a straw.

When a woman's heart dies and she doesn't love you anymore, she will use a decisive way to withdraw from your world.

Psychology guru Owen Aaron said:

Behind every happy marriage, it is inseparable from the tolerance and patience of two people to each other, and it is also inseparable from the joint efforts and growth of the two.

Don't wait until love is gone, and the woman's heart is dead to you, and then you remember to regret it.

The state in which a woman is dead to you and no longer loves you: an act


No longer restricts you, no longer expects from you

There is a saying that says:

A man who is desperate to earn money must have a woman he loves behind him. A woman who is desperately trying to earn money must have a man behind her who makes her scarred.

Reader Chen Chen said that this is her current state.

In the first few years of marriage, Chen Chen had high expectations for men, and always hoped that men would have good development in their careers. In order to create conditions for men, Chen Chen tried his best to take care of the big and small things in the family.

However, it's a pity that men not only don't buy it, but always complain that Chen Chen is more serious than others, and always uses other people's husbands to measure himself.

Because of this incident, the man always quarreled with Chen Chen. Later, the man had an ambiguous object outside, and in front of the woman outside, the man also publicly complained that Chen Chen was strong and domineering, without a little gentle and considerate femininity.

After experiencing this incident, Chen Chen understood that the most important thing for adults is to be themselves.

Let go of the complex of being a human being and respect the fate of others, even if it is between husband and wife, there is no need to meddle in each other's lives.

After that, Chen Chen withdrew his attention and expectations for men, and put his time and energy on himself.

Writer Zhang Xiaoxian said:

The biggest harm a man can do to a woman is not that he falls in love with someone else, but that she is disappointed when she has something to expect.

Disappointment is spiritual poverty, a woman has no expectations and requirements for a man, and there is no restraint, and her original love for a man's heart will slowly die.

The state in which a woman is dead to you and no longer loves you: an act


I don't care about your needs anymore, I don't care about you anymore

Since she had the idea of divorce psychologically, her best friend Xiao Yin has no concern for men, even if the man takes the initiative to ask, she also replied in a light tone, "It's okay", "You can do it yourself".

Before this, Xiao Yin was a typical good wife and mother, and the man's life was meticulously cared for. After ten years of marriage, men have to ask Xiao Yin even to find their own clothes.

But since he found out that the man has an outside heart, Xiao Yin's heart has been cold. Although the marriage will continue due to various practical reasons, she is no longer willing to care about men.

When eating, I no longer give priority to men's liking, I buy whatever I think is good, and men don't like to eat.

The details of life are no longer managed, and when a man can't find the clothes he wants to wear, she will always pretend to be busy, and then throw a sentence: Look for it yourself.

There is a saying that says:

People don't treat important things casually. Most of the time, the coldness, neglect, and indifference you feel are not delusional.

Mourning is greater than heart death, a woman is dead to you, and she no longer cares about everything related to you.

She will retract her love and concern and treat you as a familiar stranger. She no longer pays attention to your daily life, and she ignores your life needs. There are differences in the concept of marriage, and she is too lazy to spend time on communication.

In a nutshell, she drew a clear line between you and her.

The state in which a woman is dead to you and no longer loves you: an act

Writer Maugham said:

The tragedy of love is not life and death, the tragedy of love is indifference.

If a woman is not loved, her heart will become cold and hard. Her life, your needs, your difficulties, and even any of your acts of redemption, she is unmoved.

The distance between her and you, between her heart and her heart, has become more and more distant, until one day, she completely disappears into your world.