
The big truth of a middle-aged man: the unspoken rule that a man falls in love with you is realistic and cruel

author:Heart in the story

There is a saying that says:

Whether it is love or marriage, it is not a harbor, but a river and lake, and it is a game between men and women.

This is especially true for men.

In the face of feelings, men are often realistic and utilitarian, and there are some very realistic and cruel unspoken rules behind him finally falling in love with you.

The big truth of a middle-aged man: the unspoken rule that a man falls in love with you is realistic and cruel


For extramarital affairs, your appearance must be greater than your willfulness

There is a saying about the relationship between men and women:

Start with appearance, fall into talent, and be loyal to character.

However, for extramarital relationships, only start with appearance, and moreover, your appearance must be higher than your willfulness value, otherwise, a man will not pay for your love at all.

Even if you are sincere and dead to him, he will never really fall in love with you, let alone end up with you.

A middle-aged man with old money has experienced such a marital relationship.

At that time, Lao Qian was divorcing his wife, and when he was extremely depressed, he met the beautiful girl Fei Fei.

In all fairness, Lao Qian was very interested in Fei Fei at that time, because Fei Fei was beautiful and smooth, her skin was like congealed fat, she was really beautiful, in Lao Qian's words, but as long as Fei Fei appeared in front of her, she couldn't help but take a second look. It was a bright light in the crowd.

But there is one thing that Miss Feifei also makes Lao Qian nerve-wracking, that is, she is very delicate and willful, and she always likes to make trouble unreasonably. As long as she is in need and wants Lao Qian to accompany her, she will desperately call Lao Qian and send messages, regardless of whether Lao Qian was busy at the time, whether it is very convenient.

At first, Lao Qian still enjoyed this feeling of being needed, and he also felt that beautiful girls would be a little willful, after all, appearance is justice, and it is normal to be arrogant. So he also tries to be as accommodating as possible.

But Lao Qian's tolerance did not change Miss Feifei's outlook, on the contrary, the more tolerant he was, the more willful Miss Fei Fei became, always relying on Lao Qian's preference, all kinds of things.

Gradually, Lao Qian felt bored and tired, and decisively cut off contact.

Later, he chose a woman with average appearance but gentle personality to be an extramarital lover, and he planned to divorce and remarry.

The big truth of a middle-aged man: the unspoken rule that a man falls in love with you is realistic and cruel


In marital affairs, the higher your earning ability, the more tolerant the man is

Friend Qingmei, recently found that men are becoming more and more critical of her, and sometimes a little trivial matter, men will be angry and cold for a long time.

Three years ago, that would not have happened at all.

After getting married, Qingmei's income rose all the way, from being lower than men, to being on par with men, and finally becoming twice as man.

The increase in income also brings about a change in men's attitudes. In the past, men didn't care about family affairs, and Qingmei didn't do well and had to count down, but later Qingmei's income became higher and higher, and her work became more and more busy.

But three years ago, Qingmei was transferred to an ordinary position due to physical reasons, and her income was greatly reduced. Qingmei, who has suffered a career crisis, is trying to improve her business skills while recuperating her body, hoping to return to her former position as soon as possible.

Just when she needed the man's support the most, the man's attitude began to become bad, especially after the child chose a school, the tuition fee rose sharply, and the man began to complain about the financial pressure and no one could help share it.

Every time she sees a man's irritable face, Qingmei can't help but sigh in her heart.

Writer Wang Huiling said in "Grassroots Women":

Love can't stand the polish of reality, love will disappear, and only if each party has the ability to give each other what they want and benefits in marriage, the marriage relationship will last for a long time.

Relative to salary, love is also born by salary, worldly love, is so realistic.

The big truth of a middle-aged man: the unspoken rule that a man falls in love with you is realistic and cruel

Writer Xin Yiwu once said:

For men, love is only a small part of life. No matter what kind of promises he gave at the beginning, when faced with choices, they will always be more realistic and rational than women.

The relationship between men and women is never as beautiful and pure as we imagined, it is more of a combination of reality and reason.

Only by looking at men with men's thinking will you not be heavily hurt in your relationship, and you will break your attachment and usher in a new life.