
Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

author:Health Week Talks

  If there is dampness in a woman's body, then she should find a way to get rid of the dampness in the body in time, otherwise it will lead to some diseases in the body. Nowadays, there are many ways to get rid of moisture, so let's take a look!

Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

  How do girls get rid of moisture in their bodies?

  1. Cupping to remove moisture

  TCM cupping, as a method that can remove moisture from the body, is very practical for women, because the method of negative pressure adsorption is used during cupping, and the moisture in the body can be "pulled out" in this process.

  Many people feel light and refreshed after cupping, which means that the moisture in the body has been removed.

Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

  However, when cupping, you must go to a regular hospital or traditional Chinese medicine clinic, on the one hand, you can ensure the safety of cupping, and on the other hand, the skin damage after timely cupping can also be treated in a timely and effective manner.

  In addition, the cupping time should not be too long, otherwise the skin may appear red, swollen, blistered, bruised, etc., and the frequency of cupping should not be too frequent, otherwise it will also cause some harm to the skin.

Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

  2. Dietary therapy to remove moisture

  Diet therapy is also an important point of view of traditional Chinese medicine health preservation, if there is dampness in a woman's body, and you don't want to get rid of dampness through cupping, then you can try the method of diet therapy to remove dampness.

  In addition to eating less or not eating spicy and stimulating food, you should also eat more barley and red bean porridge, and you can also drink more lotus leaf tea, which can play a role in removing moisture, and also has the effect of beauty and beauty.

Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

  3. Exercise to remove moisture

  Many women are particularly convinced of the saying that life lies in exercise, in fact, women can not only lose weight through exercise, but also achieve the purpose of removing moisture in the body through running and other exercises.

  If you find that your limbs are swollen and you often feel weak, it means that there is a lot of moisture in your body, and you can get rid of it through appropriate exercise.

Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

  Because girls can open the pores on their skin during exercise, they can not only emit some heat at this time, but also release the moisture in the body in the process.

  Therefore, women who usually exercise regularly basically have no moisture in their bodies, and they can also shape their bodies in the process of exercising, and effectively improve their personal image and temperament.

Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

  4. Take a bath with mugwort leaves to remove moisture

  Mugwort leaf bathing is a relatively common way to remove dampness in the body, because mugwort leaves belong to a kind of Chinese herbal medicine, this Chinese herbal medicine is rich in a large number of anti-virus and antibacterial substances, so if women with moisture in the body can often soak their feet with mugwort leaves, it can not only effectively promote blood circulation and metabolic ability, but also effectively remove moisture in the body, and can also effectively relieve physical fatigue.

Swelly and weak limbs? This may indicate that you have heavy dampness in your body, and if you want to effectively dispel dampness, teach you 4 tricks

  The above introduces 4 suitable methods for women to get rid of dampness in the body, many women do not know that they have dampness in their bodies, in fact, when there is too much dampness in the body, it will not only lead to swelling of the limbs, weakness, but also suffer from some diseases.

  Therefore, only by mastering the method of removing dampness from the body can the body be restored to a healthy state, and it can also effectively prevent some diseases.