
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life

author:Huairou blending media

Improve the registered capital subscription registration system, prohibit "big data killing" and standardize "automatic renewal", and pilot the implementation of electronic motor vehicle driving licenses in 60 cities...... From July, these new rules will be implemented, which will affect your life!

Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life
Implement it today! These new rules will affect your life and my life


Source: Beijing Daily, People's Daily Online

Editor: Great Lake

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