
【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause, High-quality Development Research Trip】Sail with the wind and activate the new momentum of all-for-one tourism development

author:Qinghai News Network
【New Era, New Journey, New Great Cause, High-quality Development Research Trip】Sail with the wind and activate the new momentum of all-for-one tourism development

Qinghai Lake Shengquan Bay Scenic Area. Wu Zhanyun/photo

A grand event embraced the wind of midsummer June, and a collision of "brainstorming" and "spark of thinking" unfolded on the shore of Qinghai Lake.

On June 26, the first Qinghai Provincial Tourism Development Conference (Qinghai Lake) and Qinghai Lake High-level Ecological Protection and High-quality Tourism Development Observation Conference (hereinafter referred to as the "Tourism Development Conference") was held in Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture. This is a fruitful conference, but also a voyage of the conference. At present, the tourism consumption market is fully recovering, and the tourism industry has entered a new stage of recovery. In recent years, in order to accelerate the construction of an international eco-tourism destination and continuously enhance the international influence of the cultural tourism brand of "Shanzong Water Source and Beautiful Qinghai", Qinghai has started from the proud green ecology and appeared in the international community with the beauty of ecological harmony, showing the new achievements of Qinghai's ecological development and construction to people all over the world, actively expanding green ecological space, giving full play to ecological value, fulfilling ecological responsibilities, and vigorously promoting the high-quality and efficient development of eco-tourism. The holding of the first Tourism Development Conference has opened the horizon of the province's tourism development, and is another new departure, witnessing and promoting the development of the tourism industry to a new level. Pay equal attention to protection and development, and make industrial transformation "fast" Based on the new stage of development, what should Qinghai, which is rich in cultural and tourism resources, do, and how to improve the quality and efficiency of the development of the cultural and tourism industry? The outside world is full of new expectations. Qinghai also strives to take this conference as an opportunity to help the cultural tourism industry continue to upgrade strongly and move towards a farther place of poetry and distance. Qinghai adheres to ecological priority and green development, focusing on building world-class eco-tourism resource brands such as Sanjiangyuan, Qinghai Lake, Qilian Mountain, and Qingqing Yellow River, creating a number of A-level tourist attractions such as Chaka Salt Lake and Huangzhong Kayang Flower Sea, and building a four-level eco-tourism destination system of tourism cities and prefectures, tourism counties and districts, characteristic tourism towns and towns, and key eco-tourism villages. At the same time, we will create a high-quality loop system with "inter-provincial ring line as the framework, provincial ring line as the support, and characteristic theme line as the supplement", optimize the design of the import and export of the line, and smooth the circulation. Integrate cultural resources such as literary and artistic creation, public services, intangible cultural heritage, cultural relics utilization, and archaeological excavations into the construction of the tourism loop, and connect the dots into a line and a piece to promote "fast forward and slow travel". The top-level design is in full swing, the action is in full swing, and the prospects are suddenly bright...... Keeping an eye on the goal, Qinghai has taken a vigorous step towards the high-quality development of cultural tourism, and has also achieved certain results. In the first half of this year, the province received 22 million tourists and spent 19.1 billion yuan on tourism, an increase of 23.7% and 20% year-on-year respectively. Lucid waters and lush mountains are the foundation of Qinghai, and it is also the foundation of Qinghai's persistent and vigorous development of eco-tourism. Under the premise of protecting the ecology, we should develop in an orderly manner, find a path for the effective integration of ecology and tourism, and fully release the effect of ecological civilization construction. "We should not engage in large-scale development, but should engage in large-scale protection." The exchange speeches of the participants clearly conveyed the same voice - we must always put the protection of Qinghai's lucid waters and lush mountains in the first place, make every effort to promote the construction of beautiful Qinghai, continuously build a solid ecological security barrier, improve the quality of the ecological environment, and lay a solid foundation for building an international eco-tourism destination. Liu Jianyu, deputy director of the Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said that since the "14th Five-Year Plan", Qinghai Province has sought more than 130 billion yuan of special funds for ecological and environmental protection at the central and provincial levels, accelerated the completion of ecological and environmental infrastructure shortcomings, implemented environmental governance and ecological restoration projects in a step-by-step and orderly manner, and promoted the continuous improvement of regional environmental quality. In the Qinghai Lake Basin, a special fund of 800 million yuan will be allocated to support the implementation of 7 water environment management and ecological restoration projects of the main rivers entering Qinghai Lake, such as the Buha River and the Baochuan River, to help build an international eco-tourism destination Qinghai Lake Demonstration Zone. Ma Tiancheng, deputy director of the Qinghai Lake Scenic Area Protection and Utilization Administration, said that in the process of promoting the creation of Qinghai Lake National Park and Qinghai Lake Demonstration Zone, an international ecotourism destination, it is necessary to scientifically formulate protection measures and development policies, continuously explore the value transformation and franchise path of ecological products, maximize ecological, social and economic benefits, build an eco-tourism development pattern in which national parks and demonstration areas complement each other, and promote the coordination and unity of ecological protection, green development and people's livelihood security. Take multiple measures to let tourists stay for a long time Green mountains, green grass, white clouds and blue lake water complement each other, and the rippling blue Qinghai Lake welcomes this grand event with full vitality, showing the hospitality of the Qinghai people. Qinghai Lake Scenic Area has always adhered to the priority of ecology, and coordinated and balanced the harmonious and unified relationship between eco-tourism and scenic spot development. Carry out the innovation of the business model of "eco-tourism + transportation" and "eco-tourism + culture" in scenic spots, implement new ideas and new practices such as "Rainbow Road", "Fish and Gull Soaring" series of paintings on the entrance road, characteristic Internet celebrity check-in points, and the transformation of open-air performing arts squares to launch folk performing arts programs, reflecting the diverse, humanistic and ecological characteristics of scenic spots. The medical service station in the scenic spot also dispatched additional medical personnel, prepared enough equipment such as commonly used medicines, oxygen and medical aid, and made every effort to provide health services for tourists. The toilets have been upgraded, all 8 parking lots have been opened, and a number of tourism service points have been set up in the core area of the scenic spot to provide tourists with free milk tea and boiled tea, and to provide warm-hearted services for tourists in the changeable weather of the plateau. In 2023, Qinghai Lake Scenic Area will receive a total of 3,227,400 tourists, a year-on-year increase of 38% over 2019 and a record high. In the first five months of this year, Qinghai Lake Scenic Area received 482,000 tourists, with a total operating income of more than 3,600 yuan. "This is my second time to Qinghai Lake, compared with 5 years ago, it is really a big change, no longer worry about parking, you can also eat special snacks, and there are medical staff escort, bring the elderly to worry about it...... The improvement of infrastructure and services in Qinghai Lake Scenic Area are all visible. Wang Zheng, a tourist from Beijing, said and gave a thumbs up. At the first Tourism Development Conference, Li Jisheng, Chairman of Qinghai Provincial Communications Holding Group, said: "Qinghai Lake Scenic Area will further promote the upgrading of tourism infrastructure, the integrated construction of smart scenic spots, the expansion of high-quality routes, the construction of Fairy Bay Ecological Civilization Education Practice Base, and the construction of a tourism service town in the Heima River Lake National Park...... We will continue to enrich the supply of tourism service products and further improve the quality and level of supply services, so as to retain more tourists. Also favored by tourists is the Chaka Salt Lake Sky Mirror Scenic Area, at present, the renovation and upgrading project is in full swing, and tourists are weaving, becoming a "flow" gathering place. In addition to large-scale upgrades in hardware, the scenic spot has also achieved greater breakthroughs in service quality. In recent years, relying on the tourism resources of Salt Lake, Chaka Town has guided the masses to participate in the operation of B&Bs through the Internet through the model of "Internet + Tourism + Smart B&B", and has carried out all-round upgrading and transformation of infrastructure and software platforms for more than 200 family B&Bs and hotels in Chaka Town through the model of "Internet + Tourism + Smart B&B", so as to realize the experience of smart tourism and intelligent services. Qinghai adheres to ecological priority and green development, starts with the creation of Qinghai Lake Demonstration Zone, focuses on building a new pattern of eco-tourism development of "one core, one ring and multiple belts", accelerates the construction of Xining International Eco-tourism Center City, builds a high-quality eco-tourism loop around Qinghai Lake, relies on the province's eco-tourism resources, optimizes the launch of a number of eco-cultural tourism belts, and accelerates the formation of an eco-tourism development layout of "one core leading, one ring demonstrating, and multiple belts in series". At the same time, we will accelerate the creation of Jinyintan-Atom City as a national 5A-level tourist attraction, and build a four-level eco-tourism destination system of tourism cities and prefectures, tourism counties and districts, characteristic tourism towns and towns, and key villages for rural tourism. There are 38 newly assessed A-level tourist attractions and 9 new provincial-level industrial tourism demonstration bases. 11 routes, including "Tianjing Qilian" and "Hehuang Folk Culture", were selected as the national rural tourism boutique routes of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism's "Four Seasons of Good Scenery in the Countryside". "What I feel most deeply today is not only the beauty of Qinghai, but also the sincerity and enthusiasm of Qinghai, Qinghai's ecological protection is very good, I believe that there is a lot of room for the development of Qinghai cultural tourism in the future, and I also hope that the company can develop in Qinghai and cooperate in some projects." Chen Xinxin, general manager of China Travel Service in Hong Kong, said. Image enhancement makes the brand influence "hot" The cultural tourism industry is an eternal sunrise industry and an important engine for economic development. The degree of industrial integration is not deep, the value conversion path of ecological products is not smooth, and the market cultivation and product supply are insufficient...... While facing the shortcomings and weaknesses of Qinghai's development of eco-tourism, Dong Fuhai, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism, proposed that to deepen the creation of the Qinghai Lake Ecotourism Destination Demonstration Zone, it is necessary to continue to cultivate and create high-quality scenic spots with the "1+N" model; Implement the strategy of fine arts, deepen cultural projects to benefit the people, increase the protection, inheritance and utilization of cultural heritage, and promote the in-depth integration and development of culture and tourism; We will increase efforts to attract investment, continue to stimulate cultural and tourism consumption, accelerate the development of all-season and full-time eco-tourism, and promote the sound of "mountain water source and beautiful Qinghai" to go out. From ecological protection to development and utilization, from industrial development to improvement of people's livelihood, from business cultivation to IP building...... In the discussion and exchange of the Tourism Development Conference, the innovative "spark" of high-quality development of eco-tourism in Qinghai continued to burst out. Focusing on how to do a good job in Qinghai eco-tourism, a concentric upsurge has always been surging at the venue. As the central city of the eco-tourism development pattern of "one core, one ring and multiple belts", how can Xining further enhance the ability of tourism agglomeration and radiation drive, and give full play to the role of the central city in eco-tourism distribution? Wang Gang, member of the Standing Committee of the Xining Municipal Party Committee and deputy mayor, believes that it is necessary to speed up the introduction of the "Xining Tourism Market Management Regulations", investigate and rectify unreasonable low-cost tours, false propaganda and other behaviors, carry out the tourism market credit rating assessment and "good, medium and bad" dynamic assessment, release the Xining tourism "red and black list", and work hard to maintain the business order of the cultural tourism market. Liu Xiaorong, associate professor of the Quality Supervision Institute of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and a member of the expert group of the National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee, believes that Qinghai has a large number of unique, world-only, China-only and high-quality natural resources, and has a very rich cultural heritage. A large number of differentiated tourism resources have been retained, and they are relatively well preserved, but there is no link between the tourism brand and the market. It is recommended to establish industries, brands, and services to further expand brand influence and attract more tourists here. It is an exchange, a discussion, and a collision of the "sparks" of the participants' thinking, which will "increase the strength" for the development of Qinghai cultural tourism. Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron, and now it is stepping forward from the beginning. With the convening of the first Qinghai Provincial Tourism Development Conference, Qinghai's cultural tourism has also ushered in an important historical opportunity and development outlet. Qinghai has started to enhance cultural influence, tourism attractiveness, product supply capacity, and industrial competitiveness, and drive the high-quality development of the cultural and tourism industry.

Source: Qinghai Daily Author: Ni Xiaoying Editor: Bao Tuoye Editor: Xie Qingyu Producer: Ma Zhenlong

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