
Zhang Huiqiang went deep into the grassroots to visit the representatives of party members

author:Yulin News Network
Zhang Huiqiang went deep into the grassroots to visit the representatives of party members

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on the afternoon of June 28, Mayor Zhang Huiqiang visited enterprises and rural areas to express condolences to the representatives of party members who have won the party's meritorious and honorary commendations and old party members in difficulty, extended holiday greetings and sincere blessings to them, and sent the care and warmth of the party and the government.

Zhang Huiqiang went deep into the grassroots to visit the representatives of party members

On June 28, Mayor Zhang Huiqiang came to Yuchai Group to visit party member Xu Yanni.

Xu Yanni has worked in Yuchai Co., Ltd. for 29 years, and has grown from an ordinary worker who graduated from a technical school to a special technician and management backbone of internal combustion engine assembly test, and has successively won the honorary titles of "National May Day Labor Medal", "National 38 Red Flag Bearer" and "Guangxi Outstanding Communist Party Member". Coming to Yuchai Group, Zhang Huiqiang expressed his gratitude to Xu Yanni for her contribution to the development of the enterprise, and inquired in detail about her work and life. Zhang Huiqiang said that Yuchai is a beautiful business card of Yulin, and hopes that Xu Yanni will continue to play the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, carry forward the spirit of craftsmen, give full play to her own advantages, study technology hard, do a good job of passing on the help, cultivate more experts, and contribute more to the realization of the goal of the Yuchai Group scale doubling project.

Zhang Huiqiang went deep into the grassroots to visit the representatives of party members

In Guangen Village, Nanjiang Street, Yuzhou District, Zhang Huiqiang visited Yang Jun, a party member and veteran party member who is living in difficulty in rural areas.

Zhang Huiqiang then came to Guangen Village, Nanjiang Street, Yuzhou District, to visit Yang Jun, a party member who was in difficulty, and carefully learned about his physical condition, medical treatment, family life, and children's employment. Despite his illness, the comrade remained optimistic and actively participated in supporting the work of the village. Zhang Huiqiang thanked him and encouraged him to take care of his health, bravely face difficulties, and strive to live a better and better life with the care and help of the party and the government. Town and village cadres and relevant departments should always keep the well-being of party members in difficulty in mind, and care for them ideologically, in life, and spiritually, so that they can truly feel the care and warmth of the party organization.

Shen Guang, general manager of Yuchai Group, attended the condolences when he was in Yuchai.

Written | Reporter of Yulin Rong Media Center Liang Hua/Text Chen Dong/Picture

Editor-in-charge | Qin Wei

Proofreading | Tuo Yunping

Audit | Lu Xiaoqing

Executive Producer | Chen Li

Produced by | Yulin Rong Media Center

Zhang Huiqiang went deep into the grassroots to visit the representatives of party members
Zhang Huiqiang went deep into the grassroots to visit the representatives of party members
Zhang Huiqiang went deep into the grassroots to visit the representatives of party members