
The highest level of showing off wealth: family is always with you, life is hopeful, and your body is safe

author:Night reading

Writer Edamame once said:

"To be truly rich is not to have a lot, but to have what you want right by your side."

When we are young, we are busy fitting into larger circles and chasing more wealth.

I think that having these things is the greatest abundance.

For this reason, we do not hesitate to squeeze out the time, overdraft the body, and in the end we find that it is all a passing cloud.

It wasn't until more than half of my life that I realized that what was really worth cherishing and guarding was not in the distance, but beside me.

A person's highest level of showing off his wealth is nothing more than being accompanied by his family, promising life, and being in good health.

The highest level of showing off wealth: family is always with you, life is hopeful, and your body is safe
The highest level of showing off wealth: family is always with you, life is hopeful, and your body is safe

Family is always around

There is such a question on the Zhihu hot list:

"Which word healed you deeply?"

One answer received numerous likes:

"No matter how big the world is, there are always people waiting for me to come home."

True happiness is not to have fame and fortune, but to have a family to carry it with when you are frustrated, and to have relatives to share when you are proud.

When Bai Yansong first entered CCTV, he was arranged to plan independently and host the program "Lonely Night".

CCTV has strict requirements for the host, and if you read a wrong word, you will be fined and criticized.

When Bai Yansong hosted the show, he was always nervous, causing him to not get paid for several months and always being fined.

Slowly, he became a person who was recognized as a poor host in the station.

Colleagues were reluctant to cooperate with him, and leaders often criticized him, blaming him for causing trouble in Taili.

The most difficult thing for him to accept is that the show that carried all his hard work was also canceled by the station a few months later.

During that time, Bai Yansong's enthusiasm and self-confidence were gone;

I was cramped and restless at work, and I didn't say a word when I got home, and I often locked myself on the balcony and smoked one cigarette after another.

Faced with such a situation, his wife Zhu Hongjun did not blame her, but understood her husband very well.

She always encouraged Bai Yansong and said:

"You're very capable, you just need help."

In order to help Bai Yansong improve his Mandarin level, Zhu Hongjun accompanied him to read the "Xinhua Dictionary" every day, picked out the rare words in the dictionary separately, and practiced repeatedly.

The son also discovered his father's abnormality and secretly pasted encouraging post-it notes on his father's document bag to cheer him on.

Knowing that Bai Yansong couldn't sleep well at night, the family changed the slippers to soft-soled.

On weekends, his wife would take him out for a run, buy groceries and cook, and his son would pester him to play basketball and share the joy of school.

The family told Bai Yansong in a silent way:

You never fought alone, you still have us.

Later, thinking of the darkest time in his life, Bai Yansong was very emotional.

It was the understanding and companionship of his family that healed him and gave him the courage to keep going.

I've heard a saying:

"Life is a swimming, and family is the boat that crosses the sea."

After half a life, I understand that the most beautiful time is when the children are happy, the partner is by the side, and the parents are healthy.

When life is turbulent, seemingly strong relationships can also break up.

There are often ditches and bumps in life, and we stumble.

But as long as we have family by our side along the way, we can overcome the suffering.

The highest level of showing off wealth: family is always with you, life is hopeful, and your body is safe
The highest level of showing off wealth: family is always with you, life is hopeful, and your body is safe

There is hope in life

Some time ago, the news that "the rider's little brother earns 20,000 yuan a month and buys a 138-square-meter new house in full" rushed to the hot search.

This little brother is Feng Quanming.

In the five years he has been a rider, he has not received a single bad review, and his annual salary is close to 200,000.

When he first started working, he always took orders before dawn, and he was busy outside all day, delivering food non-stop.

Running upstairs and downstairs made him breathless, and the intricate routes made him distressed, and he often found such a life difficult.

Until one time when I was chatting with my wife, my wife said that if he saved up the money he sent back, he could buy a house.

This news lifted Feng Quanming's spirits.

From that day on, the matter of making money to buy a house took root in his heart.

Because of this hope, he survived many difficult moments:

When he took the order in the early morning, he no longer complained, but took it in time and set off quickly;

When he is not running, he will also go out, ride the streets and alleys, and memorize the route of the store;

In order to win praise, he constantly refined his abilities.

Once, when he received an order to deliver a cake, he was afraid of the bumps in the ride, so he simply trotted to deliver it.

Feng Quanming's wholehearted dedication has paid off:

For five years, he consistently ranked No. 1 in terms of running orders.

Because of his outstanding ability, his income has also continued to increase, and just last year, he bought a house in his hometown with full money.

In the adult world, there are always more troughs than peaks, perhaps because of the difficulties of life, or the stagnation of careers.

In those dusty days, the scales in our hearts were overturned, and life was full of depression and anxiety.

The way out of the predicament is not to surrender to suffering, but to regain strength and find hope in life.

As Haruki Murakami said:

"At all times, we must always learn to look for a glimmer of light around the dark clouds, and live tenaciously."

This expectation may be ordinary and small, but its existence allows us to regain our courage again and again and get up from the quagmire of life.

When we have light in our hearts, life can be lit up, and when we have hope in our hearts, life can flourish.

The highest level of showing off wealth: family is always with you, life is hopeful, and your body is safe
The highest level of showing off wealth: family is always with you, life is hopeful, and your body is safe

The body is fine

Zweig once said:

"When a man is young, he always thinks that sickness and death will only patronize others."

In fact, our bodies are not as strong as we think.

Writer Ma Boyong once told a story of his past:

In 2014, his relative fell ill with lung disease, and the family decided to go to the hospital for a check-up.

Ma Boyong didn't want to go at first, he felt that he neither smoked nor drank, and he didn't have any physical discomfort and didn't need to be checked.

It was because of his wife's repeated insistence that he reluctantly made one.

Unexpectedly, the physical examination list showed that there was a shadow in his lungs, which did not rule out the risk of early cancer.

It was difficult for him to accept the facts, so he chose to go to many hospitals for repeated physical examinations, but the conclusions he came to were surprisingly consistent:

It looks like it may be a malignant tumor and will need to be observed for three months.

At this time, Ma Boyong realized the seriousness of the problem and sat on the chair in the hospital to reflect on himself.

In the past, he relied on his good health and often stayed up late at the desk to write;

When you are busy at work, you will be hungry and full, and your diet will be irregular;

If you don't have the habit of exercising, you will sweat profusely if you run a little.

While waiting for the review, he silently reduced his workload;

I made time to exercise, got rid of the habit of staying up late, and took time to go to Yunqiu Mountain to relax and relieve my emotions.

And when he began to cherish his health, Lady Luck also quietly came:

When he went for a follow-up examination, the doctor compared the two films and was pleasantly surprised to tell him that the shadow was much smaller and could rule out the risk of cancer.

After the ghost gate was closed, Ma Boyong said with emotion:

"No matter how free you are, don't forget that you always have a boss above you.

The name of this boss is Health.

Only by keeping healthy can we have the energy to pursue more things. ”

We always think that life is a race, and in order to catch up with the progress of others, we always force ourselves to work hard and refuse to relax.

In exchange for more fame and fortune, even if he overdraws his body, he doesn't care.

As everyone knows, life is a long marathon, and what really fights in the second half of the race is not career and money, but health.

In "Everyman's War", it is written:

"Staying healthy doesn't have to be hard and time-consuming, it's just a lifestyle change."

Don't let work take up time for meals, and don't let your worries disrupt a good night's sleep.

There is still a long way to go in life, and only when the body is healthy can we live life as we want.

Zhou Guoping once said:

"Everything extraordinary in the world must eventually return to the ordinary.

Live an ordinary life well, and life can be fulfilled. ”

A person's happiness index does not lie in material abundance, but in inner contentment.

Family is always with us, no matter how hard the years, we also have a haven from the wind;

There is hope in life, even if it is difficult at the moment, it will eventually wait for the turn of fate;

The body is unharmed, even if the days are dull, you can operate comfortably.

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