
Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

author:See Quanzhou

At 10 o'clock on June 28, in accordance with the work deployment of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, the Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Brigade officially added the "Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Bureau" brand. Guo Shouzheng, a first-level supervisor of the Quanzhou Fire and Rescue Detachment, and Cai Xumeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Huian County Party Committee and executive deputy county magistrate, attended the listing ceremony.

Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

The national comprehensive fire and rescue team is the main force and national team of emergency rescue, and undertakes the important responsibility of preventing and resolving major safety risks and responding to various disasters and accidents. After the county fire and rescue bureau is listed, it will better perform its territorial fire supervision and management duties, standardize the construction and management of local government full-time fire brigades, further improve the level of fire safety risk prevention and comprehensive rescue capabilities, and ensure high-quality economic and social development with high-level fire safety services.

Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Bureau will take the listing as a new starting point, always adhere to the standards for the construction of disciplined forces, more efficiently promote the implementation of various tasks for the reform, construction and development of the team, actively integrate into the overall situation of local economic and social development, and resolutely shoulder the responsibility and mission of ensuring the safety of one party and promoting the development of one party with new responsibilities, new actions and new style, and live up to the expectations and trust of the party and the people.

Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

Source | Hui'an County Fire and Rescue Brigade

Edit | Chen Zhenyu

Editor-in-charge | Cai Xiaoqing

Audit | Lin Shuda

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