
Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity of Hui'an County's "two excellent and one first" typical deeds (3)

author:See Quanzhou

Editor's note

  On the occasion of "July 1st", in order to commend the advanced, promote righteousness, publicize models, and encourage party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members to inspire the spirit of love and hard work, the Hui'an County Party Committee decided to commend 35 outstanding Communist Party members in the county, 35 outstanding party workers in the county, and 30 advanced grass-roots party organizations in the county, and recommended 10 outstanding Communist Party members in the city, 9 outstanding party workers in the city, and 9 advanced grass-roots party organizations in the city.

  From now on, the "Hui'an Express" will publicize and report on the typical deeds of the city and county's "two excellent and one first", and further encourage the county's party organizations at all levels and the majority of Communist Party members to take the advanced model as an example, inherit and carry forward the "Hui'an spirit" in the new era, stand up and take responsibility, work hard, and make new and greater contributions to promoting the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Hui'an.

  This issue of Hui'an County's "two excellent and one first" typical deeds publicity report, focusing on the city's outstanding Communist Party member Xu Jianyang, the city's outstanding party worker Chen Wencan, and the city's advanced grassroots party organization Xiaoqiao Town Xinqiao Village Party Branch.

Xu Jianyang

  Since Xu Jianyang served as the secretary of the party organization of Liaoyuan Village, Dongqiao Town in 2015, Liaoyuan Village has won many honorary titles such as the first place in the performance of Dongqiao Town, "Advanced Grassroots Party Organization", and "Municipal Civilized Village" for five consecutive years; He was also rated as "Outstanding Communist Party Member", "Advanced Individual in Labor Transfer" and "Advanced Individual in Comprehensive Management Coordinator".

Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity of Hui'an County's "two excellent and one first" typical deeds (3)

The second from the left is Xu Jianyang

  In order to improve the living conditions of the villagers and increase the income of the villagers, Xu Jianyang often traveled around and had many long talks with the sages of the village, he said: "Opening a factory in the village and recruiting the labor force of the village can not only develop their own careers, but also contribute to the development of the village." In order to keep these factories, Xu Jianyang went around "running relationships" to do work. After some hard work, the factory in Liaoyuan Village has gradually been put on the right track, and many villagers have also been given employment opportunities, gradually getting rid of the traditional model of farming to support their families, their incomes have increased, new houses have been built, and more and more smiles have been painted on their faces.

  In order to let the villagers have a clean and orderly living environment, Xu Jianyang took the "two committees" of the village to conduct many household interviews and field visits, and carried out comprehensive scientific planning for the four natural villages in the village according to local conditions, and listed short-term, medium-term and long-term renovation and improvement projects. Starting from the aspect of grasping the system, an environmental sanitation supervision group was set up to clarify the responsibility system of the "two committees" of the village. On the one hand, 590,000 yuan was invested to carry out dredging of the streams and ditches in the whole village, and the stone walls on both sides of the river were built, and the new stone canals were 1,440 meters, which improved the blockage of the canals; On the other hand, more than 160 main road lights in the village were updated to realize the lighting of the whole village and meet the needs of the masses for night travel. Nowadays, Liaoyuan Village is clean, green, bright, and beautified, and the villagers' praise for Xu Jianyang is also overflowing.

  As a leader of a village cadre, Xu Jianyang has long adhered to the purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, always kept in mind the party's teachings, fulfilled the duties of a Communist Party member with his words and deeds in study, life and work, and confirmed his oath when he joined the party with the development achievements of Liaoyuan Village for more than ten years.

Chen Wencan

  Chen Wencan, Secretary of the General Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Xuanmei Village, Shanxia Town. He is diligent and conscientious, committed to the prosperity and development of his hometown, and has been awarded the titles of "Outstanding Party Worker" and "Responsible Person" of the village (community) in Hui'an County.

Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity of Hui'an County's "two excellent and one first" typical deeds (3)

The second from the right is Chen Wencan

  In 2015, when Chen Wencan was the director of the village committee, Xuanmei Village was a registered village in the county, and the fundamental crux was the lack of unity of the "two committees" of the village.

  "Whatever is on the table." Chen Wencan started by strengthening the construction of the team itself and the construction of the party members. Whether it is the management of village collective assets or the resolution of conflicts and disputes among villagers, he does it himself. In response to the tasks assigned by the superiors, he determined the leading village cadres one by one, implemented precise policies, and completed them efficiently, so as to continuously improve the combat effectiveness and cohesion of the team.

  Under his leadership, Xuanmei Village ranked first among the 16 villages in Shanxia Town in village-level performance for three consecutive years, and was rated as a municipal-level "Civilized Village and Town" for two consecutive years.

  Land expropriation is often an unavoidable topic for villages and towns. Xuanmei Village is no exception. In 2012, the Hui'an Carving Art Cultural and Creative Park project settled in Xuanmei Village, involving the expropriation of 680 acres of land, accounting for nearly 40% of the total area of the village. He went into the homes of peasant households day and night to grasp the hopes and worries of the masses. It not only assisted 10 demolition and resettlement households to apply for land ownership certificates, solved the problem of 22 homestead approvals, but also skillfully used the surrounding vacant land to build a paid parking lot covering an area of more than 10 acres, which increased the collective income of the village. In recent years, it has resolved 21 mass contradictions and disputes left over from land acquisition, demonstrating responsibility and wisdom.

  "To be a good village secretary is to find ways to lead the masses to get rich and let the people live a good life." Chen Wencan said so and did the same.

  He focused on promoting large-scale operation, through the circulation of 235 acres of land, the introduction of large planters, the development of large-scale agricultural production, and the attraction of all kinds of traditional processing factories to station, not only to achieve agricultural efficiency, but also to increase the annual income of the village collective by 360,000 yuan. Give full play to the advantages of Chen Kun's former residence as a red education base, and strive to build the countryside into a red economic belt integrating red research, cultural creativity and tourism. Actively strive for the support of all parties, improve the appearance of the village, and realize the hardening of the main roads in the village and the lighting of the village roads.

  In addition, he also actively assisted poor households to apply for dilapidated house renovation, strengthened village environmental improvement, and carried out dredging of drainage and sewage ditches in the village.

  Under the leadership of Chen Wencan, the appearance of Xuanmei Village is changing with each passing day, and a beautiful picture of rural revitalization is slowly unfolding.

Xinqiao Village Party Branch

  "The Xinqiao neighborhood is a family, and the big beauty and the small are heart-to-heart." Approaching the "Party Building +" Neighborhood Center in Xinqiao Village, Xiaoqiao Town, a yellow LOGO is particularly eye-catching. In 2024, the center will be awarded the five-star "Party Building +" Neighborhood Center in Quanzhou.

Work hard and move forward with dreams - a series of publicity of Hui'an County's "two excellent and one first" typical deeds (3)

  In order to promote the quality and efficiency of grassroots governance, the party branch of Xinqiao Village deeply implemented the party building to lead the grid of grassroots governance, divided the whole village into 5 grids, and gave full play to the advantages of "familiar people, familiar places, and familiar situations" of village-level grid members, and extended the service tentacles to the doorstep of the masses. On the eve of the landfall of Super Typhoon "Dusuri", they successfully resettled five elderly people living alone, ensuring the safety of the people's lives.

  "We have set up 'people's talking points' in neighborhood centers to promote the resolution of neighborhood disputes." Chen Laishun, secretary of the party branch of Xinqiao Village, said.

  They relied on the grid to establish a villager discussion group online, and relied on the "people's talking points" such as the Huinu mediation room and the old party member's studio offline to smooth the communication channels of the masses. At the same time, they also set up "three teams" such as the party member vanguard team, the women's volunteer service team, and the youth commando team, relying on the grid to carry out anti-drug, anti-fraud, safety construction and other publicity activities, and won the title of "three nos" safe demonstration village (community) in Hui'an County in 2023.

  Walking into the canteen for the elderly in Xinqiao Village, the food is fragrant, and the old people sit around, chatting about family life while eating lunch, and they are happy. "The food in the canteen is delicious and affordable, only 12 yuan for a lunch at noon, and it is close to home, so I often come here to eat." Uncle Chen, a villager, praised and said. The party branch of Xinqiao Village effectively integrated resources and upgraded the second floor of the old village department as a canteen for the elderly, providing preferential meals for the elderly and low-income households in the jurisdiction, and providing more than 60 meals per day. At the same time, they also introduced Ding Ding art education institutions, traditional Chinese medicine physiotherapy halls, and jointly built a municipal children's home to provide public welfare services for children, middle-aged and elderly people in the district, so that the people in Xiaoqi Town can enjoy one-stop cultural entertainment, elderly care, medical care, catering, convenience and other services.

  In addition, in order to promote rural revitalization, the party branch of Xinqiao Village explored the dual-base linkage model of "party building + finance", coordinated the implementation of a series of projects such as rural sewage treatment and road area environment improvement, and built cultural and sports squares, gateball courts, bocce courts, basketball courts, etc., giving the village a new look.

Source | Organization Department of Hui'an County Committee of the Communist Party of China

Edit | Lian Yunqian

Editor-in-charge | Yang Zhentang

Audit | Lin Shuda

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