
Do a good job in demand-side response to help balance power supply and demand

author:China Energy News
Do a good job in demand-side response to help balance power supply and demand

With the arrival of the peak summer peak period, power grids in many places have dug deep into the potential of demand-side response. At present, 24 provinces in the State Grid Business Zone have issued demand response policies. Industry insiders unanimously believe that through a series of measures to optimize the power demand-side management, the reliable supply of electricity and the balance between supply and demand can be ensured during the peak summer.

Do a good job in demand-side response to help balance power supply and demand

▲The picture shows that on June 27, the staff of State Grid Yinchuan Power Supply Company inspected the equipment of the new energy charging station located in the CCmall commercial plaza of Xinhua Department Store, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan City, to ensure the green travel of new energy customers. Yuan Hongyan/photo

With the in-depth exploration of power demand-side response, the participation awareness and enthusiasm of the majority of power users are constantly improving.

The reporter of "China Energy News" recently learned that when the peak summer peak period is approaching this year, the power grid in many places will dig deep into the demand side response potential to ensure the stability of the power grid and the security of power supply. At present, 24 provinces in the State Grid Business Zone have issued demand response policies.

Industry insiders unanimously believe that through a series of measures to optimize the power demand-side management, the reliable supply of electricity and the balance between supply and demand can be ensured during the peak summer.

The scope of the response is constantly expanding

In recent years, the national and local levels have successively issued relevant policy documents on the power demand side, and the policy system has been continuously improved. In 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments issued the Measures for the Management of Electricity Load (2023 Edition) and the Measures for the Management of the Electricity Demand Side (2023 Edition), which pointed out the direction and provided a basis for the development of demand response work in various localities.

"The scope of demand response implementation is constantly expanding, and the responsiveness is gradually improving." Yao Li, a researcher at the Institute of Economics and Energy Supply and Demand of the State Grid Energy Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from China Energy News that since 2014, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Tianjin, Zhejiang and other provinces (cities) have successively carried out demand response. "It is expected that by 2025, the demand response capacity of each province will reach 3%-5% of the maximum historical electricity load in the local area."

The reporter of "China Energy News" noticed that various localities are currently continuing to optimize the response mechanism. Zhejiang, Anhui, Sichuan and other provinces have established a two-part compensation mechanism of "capacity subsidy + response subsidy" for demand response, which effectively enhances the enthusiasm of users to participate; Jiangsu was the first to build a self-closed-loop peak electricity price mechanism, and it was clear that all peak electricity charges were used for demand response incentives.

Among them, Zhejiang's demand-side response policy is worth paying attention to. In 2018, the province carried out demand response work on a pilot basis, further enriched the response types to all time scales in 2021, and included measures such as air conditioning load and peak shifting and valley filling for the first time in 2023. The recently released "2024 Zhejiang Province Peak Summer Power Demand Side Management Implementation Plan" has been upgraded on the "basic actions" in previous years, and the power demand side management has added centralized maintenance, that is, users can adjust the equipment maintenance period to the peak summer power supply and demand tension period by reasonably arranging the production plan, so as to achieve peak peak maintenance and effectively alleviate the pressure on power grid supply and demand.

"Our factory originally planned to start overhauling the equipment in batches in May this year, which lasted about one month." The person in charge of Vinda Paper (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. said, "At present, there is a centralized maintenance policy, and we are willing to adjust the maintenance to mid-July." ”

In addition, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province has also clarified the load management work of peak shifting and valley filling, air conditioning load management, demand response and energy storage peak throughout the year, and is expected to arrange a subsidy fund pool of 30 million yuan for various load management measures. According to the characteristics of economic development and user portraits in various districts and counties, Lishui City, Zhejiang Province has introduced a county-level load management subsidy method of "one county, one policy" covering the whole area. Up to now, all cities in Zhejiang have introduced subsidy policies for various types of load response methods.

Actively implement the response resource pool

In the interview, the reporter of "China Energy News" found that power grid enterprises around the country have recently begun to organize and start the demand-side response declaration work to guide users to take the initiative to stagger and avoid peaks. The expansion and regulation of demand response resources by power grid enterprises has become an important starting point for the peak summer work.

At present, State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power is planning demand-side management in advance by optimizing the load response mode and improving the incentive mechanism to ensure the reliable supply of electricity during the peak summer. Up to now, Zhejiang has introduced various types of electricity demand-side management policies to achieve full coverage of prefectures and cities.

Wang Guanghua, deputy director of the power control center of Baoding Power Supply Company in Hebei Province, told the China Energy News: "The peak summer power supply is inseparable from the support of local governments, and we urge the Baoding Municipal Development and Reform Commission to issue the "Baoding City 2024 Power Load Management Work Plan", expand the construction of demand response resource pools, give priority to landscape lighting, construction electricity, agricultural drainage and irrigation and other adjustable and transferable loads into the power conservation, and expand the demand response resource pool for 2,352 industrial and commercial users. ”

When implementing demand response guarantees, State Grid Ningxia Electric Power has expanded the scale of adjustable load resources such as virtual power plants, enriched the types of resource aggregation, and ensured that the demand-side resource regulation capacity is more than 800,000 kilowatts. At the same time, we will give full play to the role of energy storage and supply, and promote the maximum regulation capacity to reach more than 3 million kilowatts, and the continuous peak capacity of evening peaks to reach 1.6 million kilowatts, so as to ensure that energy storage resources can be "exhausted".

Do a good job in demand-side response to help balance power supply and demand

▲The picture shows that on June 14, the staff of the State Grid Baoji Power Supply Company carried out live operations in Diaowei Town, High-tech Zone, Baoji City. Photo by Lu Wenbo

State Grid Shaanxi Electric Power continued to expand the demand response resource pool this year, completed the signing of 4.5 million kilowatts of resources, and prepared a peak summer electricity consumption plan in strict accordance with 30% of the maximum load. In addition, we will carry out special dynamic verification of the scale of adjustable load resources for key users, deepen the construction and application of new power load management systems, sort out users in the "two high" industries on a rolling basis with "one household and one book", standardize load management measures, start the implementation process, and do a good job in load grading, classification and hierarchical management, so as to ensure the accurate implementation of load management measures.

"We have made every effort to do a good job in the demand-side market-oriented response organization and build an 8 million kilowatt load regulation resource pool." The relevant person in charge of State Grid Sichuan Electric Power told the "China Energy News" reporter that the company uses the "online State Grid" and "green State Grid" to push energy efficiency bills and energy-saving diagnosis services to guide industrial and commercial enterprises to save energy and reduce consumption. "At the same time, we advocate that the whole people save electricity and use electricity scientifically, carry out power-saving demonstration actions for the company's office buildings and employees, and residents' e-power-saving activities, so as to form a good energy-saving trend in the whole society."

It is understood that the State Grid Sichuan Electric Power has vigorously implemented the "power supply + energy efficiency" service, accelerated the collection of energy consumption data of key enterprises, formed energy efficiency analysis reports, and continuously improved the quality and level of energy efficiency diagnosis services. At the same time, the company has formulated an energy management plan of "one enterprise and one policy" to explore more scientific energy use methods with enterprises, improve the response ability of enterprises on the electricity demand side, and achieve precise load control.

Innovate responsive business models

How to further improve the power demand-side response? Yao Li said that the first is to improve the demand response subsidy fund guidance mechanism, and establish and improve the long-term channel of demand response funds; The second is to expand the type and scale of users participating in demand response, and encourage new energy storage, distributed power generation, electric vehicles, air conditioning loads and other entities to participate in demand response; The third is to promote the orderly connection and efficient coordination between demand response and the power market, and improve the marketization of demand response; Fourth, explore innovative demand response business models and cultivate load aggregators and virtual power plants.

According to several industry insiders, innovative demand-response business models are becoming increasingly important in the electricity market. With the deepening of electricity reform, power demand response is moving towards marketization. Taking State Grid Shandong Electric Power as an example, the company has established a "dual-oriented, dual-market" demand response mechanism to adapt to the electricity spot market for the first time in China, that is, a system-oriented emergency demand response and a price-oriented economic demand response model. It is understood that this model balances the needs and interests of the government, power grid companies, power generation companies, electricity sales companies, power users and other participants, and gradually establishes a win-win business model. In addition, Jiangsu, Shanghai and other provinces and cities are also constantly innovating and exploring demand response mechanisms.

Yao Li believes that in recent years, affected by factors such as extreme weather and the increase in the number of air conditioners, the load of air conditioners has repeatedly reached new highs, which has caused great challenges to ensure the safe and reliable supply of electricity. "We can focus on tapping the regulation potential of industrial and commercial air conditioners with large equipment capacity and mature regulation technology routes, establish and improve the mechanism for air conditioning load aggregation to participate in demand response, and promote the normalization and large-scale participation of air conditioning load in power grid operation and regulation through market means."

Do a good job in demand-side response to help balance power supply and demand
Do a good job in demand-side response to help balance power supply and demand

Text丨Reporter Su Nan Lin Shuijing


Editor丨Yang Xiaoran