
All units of the 12th Division have actively carried out warning education activities on party style and clean government

author:Tien Shan Meltant

In order to enhance the sense of discipline and rules of party members and cadres

We will further promote the study and education of party discipline and deepen it

Recently, all units of the 12th Division have been actively carried out

Warning education activities on party style and clean government

Improve the awareness of integrity and self-discipline of party members and cadres

Build a strong ideological line of defense

The 12th Division Development and Reform Commission

In order to further promote the study and education of party discipline, guide all party members and cadres to learn discipline, know discipline, clear discipline, and abide by discipline, enhance the political consciousness, ideological consciousness, and action consciousness of all party members and cadres to abide by rules and disciplines, and further promote all party members and cadres to know and respect, guard against fear, and abide by the bottom line. On June 27, the 12th National Development and Reform Commission held a warning education meeting on party style and clean government and a special party class on party discipline learning and education.

All units of the 12th Division have actively carried out warning education activities on party style and clean government

The meeting conveyed and studied General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction, the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China" and the spirit of the relevant documents of the Party Committee of the military division, and reported typical cases of violating the "six disciplines". Lv Xiaopin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the National Development and Reform Commission, gave a special party class on the topic of "Insisting on Doing Practical Work, Abandoning the 'Lying Flat' Mentality, Promoting the Change of Work Style, and Serving Economic and Social Development". Finally, all the participants watched the warning education film and carried out exchanges and discussions around typical cases.

At the meeting, Lv Xiaopin focused on the great significance of carrying out party discipline learning and education, the characteristics and highlights of the revision of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China", closely combined with the actual development and reform work, and profoundly expounded that carrying out party discipline learning and education is an important measure to strengthen the party's discipline construction and promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth, internalize the party's discipline and rules in our hearts and externalize them in our actions, effectively transform the results of learning and education into tangible performance results, and promote the high-quality development of development and reform work.

12th Division Financial Media Center

In order to further promote the study and education of party discipline and strengthen the deterrent effect of warning education, on June 26, the 12th Division Financial Media Center organized more than 30 party members and cadres to go into the Urumqi Prison of the Corps to carry out warning education activities, through "zero distance" to understand the living and working conditions of prisoners, and guide party members and cadres to further strengthen their sense of discipline, strengthen self-restraint, improve immunity, and effectively achieve awe, vigilance, and bottom line.

All units of the 12th Division have actively carried out warning education activities on party style and clean government

Under the guidance of the commentator, everyone visited the psychological correction center and the education and reform achievement hall of the Urumqi Prison of the XPCC, and learned about the prison law enforcement management and education reform. During the activity, a prisoner "showed up to explain", deeply analyzing how under the temptation of money and the "hunting" of the boss, he lost his bottom line, lost his principles, destroyed his mind, and walked step by step into the abyss of depravity, and finally became a prisoner from a leading cadre. The inmates' heart-wrenching repentance gave everyone a vivid and thought-provoking warning education lesson, and tightened the switch of thinking.

All units of the 12th Division have actively carried out warning education activities on party style and clean government

"Through this 'immersive' warning education, I really feel that 'one wall separates two worlds, one thought difference two lives', as a financial and accounting officer, I want to take the case as a lesson, the alarm bell rings, build a strong sense of integrity, cherish the current job and a better life, and always maintain a good character of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility." Yao Fang, an accountant at the Shirong Media Center, said.

This immersive warning education activity sounded the alarm bell and touched the soul of every party member and cadre present. In the next step, the Shirong Media Center will take the opportunity of party discipline learning education and inspection and rectification to study the newly revised "Disciplinary Regulations of the Communist Party of China" in its original form, chapter by chapter, and in connection with the actual situation, so as to integrate discipline education into daily work, make it a conscious follow-up of party members and cadres, and ensure that iron discipline is transformed into daily habits and conscious actions. At the same time, make good use of the "living teaching materials" of typical cases around us, deeply analyze the root cause of the problem, deeply learn lessons, and truly take the case as a lesson and the alarm bell rings for a long time.

(Reporter: Zhao Xuepin Correspondent: Yao Jiawen Cao Yi Photographer: Zhao Xuepin Editor: Qin Yi)

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