
There is no way back from drug addiction! The 12th Division has carried out various forms of anti-narcotics propaganda and education activities

author:Tien Shan Meltant

This year, 26 June marks the 37th International Day Against Drugs. In order to carry out in-depth anti-narcotics propaganda and education among the whole people and continuously improve the people's awareness and ability to recognize, prevent, and reject narcotics, in the past few days, all regiments of the 12th Division have organized and carried out various forms of anti-narcotics propaganda and education activities, and continued to create a social atmosphere for the whole people to fight narcotics.

Sanping Farm

On June 25, the Sanping Farm Community Drug Rehabilitation Workstation, together with the police station, the judicial office, and the Sanping Farm Social Management Comprehensive Management Office, carried out anti-drug propaganda activities in the integrated community of Sanping Farm.

At the event site, the staff explained to the residents of the jurisdiction from four aspects: the origin of drugs, the types of drugs, the harm of drugs and how to prevent drug use, and reminded residents not to accept food from strangers easily, stay away from complex places such as game halls and Internet cafes, and report to the public security organs in time if they encounter suspicious persons. More than 500 copies of anti-drug publicity materials were distributed during the event, and more than 350 people were educated.

Wang Bingjie, a resident of Sanping Farm, said: "Looking at these real cases, it is shocking, once you get infected with drugs, the consequences are unimaginable, and you must build your own anti-drug defense line." ”

"In the next step, we will further strengthen cooperation and cooperation with multiple units, make joint efforts, comprehensively publicize and popularize anti-drug knowledge, further expand the coverage and influence of anti-drug publicity work in Sanping Farm, continue to create a social atmosphere of severe punishment of drug crimes in accordance with the law, and work together to build a green and drug-free environment." Sanping Farm Community Drug Rehabilitation Workstation Specialist Sirzat Shawut said.

Toutun River Farm

In order to enhance the awareness of drug awareness, drug prevention and drug rejection among the whole people, Toutunhe Farm has carried out anti-drug propaganda activities in schools, enterprises and communities, and built the "first line of defense" against drugs for residents of all ethnic groups.

On the morning of June 25, the Damenyuan Community Joint Police Office and the Judicial Office walked into the Wantong Technical School in the jurisdiction and carried out an anti-drug publicity lecture with the theme of "Preventing Drug Abuse among Teenagers and Protecting the Physical and Mental Health of Teenagers". During the lecture, the staff explained in detail the types of drugs, how to identify them, and played promotional videos to make the students deeply aware of the great harm of drugs to individuals, families and society. The lecture not only guided the students to establish correct values and outlook on life, but also improved their anti-drug awareness and ability to resist drugs.

There is no way back from drug addiction! The 12th Division has carried out various forms of anti-narcotics propaganda and education activities

Subsequently, the staff came to the merchants, enterprises and residential communities in the jurisdiction in groups, and popularized the relevant knowledge of drugs to the employees and residents of the enterprise in the form of distributing brochures and on-site consultation, which further improved everyone's ability to recognize, prevent and reject drugs, and effectively stimulated the enthusiasm of employees and residents to participate in anti-drug propaganda. At the same time, the broad masses of the people are called upon to actively report to the public security organs once they discover illegal and criminal acts such as drug use, drug trafficking, drug cultivation, and drug production.

"I hope that through this activity, we can create a strong anti-drug atmosphere in the jurisdiction, guide everyone to consciously stay away from drugs, enhance their awareness of self-prevention, actively participate in the fight against drugs, strive to be a propagandist for drug rejection and drug prevention, and jointly create a good social atmosphere and a stable and harmonious public security environment." Zhou Lihong, community director of the gate courtyard, said.

Two-two-one regiment

In order to further intensify anti-drug publicity and education, and improve the awareness of drug awareness, drug prevention and drug rejection among the masses of employees, on June 26, the Political and Legal Committee of the 221st Youth League, the Judicial Office of the Youth League and the Jiaohexi Police Station launched an International Anti-Drug Day publicity activity with the theme of "Healthy Life, Green and Drug-free".

There is no way back from drug addiction! The 12th Division has carried out various forms of anti-narcotics propaganda and education activities

Through the setting up of legal consultation desks, the distribution of anti-drug publicity materials, hanging publicity banners, etc., the activities introduced the types and characteristics of common drugs to the workers, and through vivid cases and pictures of new drug models, face-to-face told the residents about the great harm caused by drugs to individuals, families and society, so that the residents can deepen their understanding of the harmfulness of drugs. A total of more than 200 anti-drug brochures, more than 80 legal publicity materials, and more than 110 exquisite gifts were distributed during the event.

During the activity, the police of the Jiaohexi Police Station introduced the characteristics of opium poppy to the residents with pictures and texts, guided the residents to consciously abide by national laws, resist the cultivation of various drug plants, and called on residents to actively report and expose the illegal cultivation of opium poppy to ensure that the original drug plants in the jurisdiction are "zero planting". At the same time, the staff of the judicial office also publicized the relevant laws and regulations on drug use, drug-related and other illegal acts.

There is no way back from drug addiction! The 12th Division has carried out various forms of anti-narcotics propaganda and education activities

On the day of the event, the staff also carried out a warning education activity for young people in the jurisdiction, through watching warning education videos, on-site exchanges and discussions, etc., reminding and admonishing the majority of young people to be vigilant, cautious in making friends, improve the determination to eliminate temptation, resolutely refuse items from unknown sources, cultivate a healthy and civilized lifestyle, and consciously resist drug abuse.

Through this activity, the residents fully understood the harmfulness of drugs and further created a good atmosphere of "cherishing life and staying away from drugs".

(Special correspondent: Guo Lei, correspondents: Rehangul Abuliz, Zhao Wenhui, Sirzat Shawuti, Zhu Yu, Cui Cui, Chen Honghao, Sun Shiqi, Zhang Dongmin, Editor: Qin Yi)

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