
The 12th Division held the first National Science Quality and Science Popularization Contest

author:Tien Shan Meltant

In order to strengthen the capacity of the 12th division for science popularization and improve the scientific quality of the whole people. On June 27, the Science and Technology Bureau of the 12th Division, the Association for Science and Technology and other departments jointly held the first National Science Quality and Science Popularization Contest of the 12th Division. Lv Xueqiang, member of the Party Group of the Science and Technology Bureau of the XPCC and full-time vice chairman of the Association for Science and Technology, and Gu Chengkui, deputy commander of the 12th Division, attended the event.

The 12th Division held the first National Science Quality and Science Popularization Contest

In the competition, 52 players from 15 teams from various teams competed on the same stage, presenting a popular science feast integrating fun, knowledge and science. The competition is divided into two parts: popular science answering questions and popular science explanation, in which the contestants answer science-related questions in turn, showing a solid scientific knowledge foundation.

The 12th Division held the first National Science Quality and Science Popularization Contest

Li Yuexuan, chief of the comprehensive section of the Science and Technology Bureau of the 12th Division, said that the competition aims to vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, disseminate scientific ideas, popularize scientific knowledge, transmit scientific methods, and further promote the overall improvement of the scientific quality of the whole people of the 12th Division, and also to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Corps and create a strong atmosphere of science popularization.

After the answering session, the competition entered the stage of popular science explanation. The contestants took the stage one after another, focusing on natural science, social science, common sense and other fields, explaining scientific knowledge to the audience in a vivid and interesting way, and explaining to the audience that complex scientific knowledge can also be easy to understand. The competition also set up an audience interaction session to increase the audience's participation and interest through interactive science popularization.

The 12th Division held the first National Science Quality and Science Popularization Contest

Niu Xiaoting, a member of the Changzhou Street Area Management Committee team, said: "The weather is getting hotter, and we have specially chosen how to prevent heat stroke as the theme of the popular science explanation, hoping to improve everyone's understanding of hot weather and self-protection ability." ”

After fierce competition, the team of Changzhou Street Area Management Committee finally won the first prize of the competition. In the next step, the 12th Division will continue to strengthen the work of popularizing science, innovate ways and means of popularizing science, and make greater contributions to improving the scientific quality of the whole people, promoting scientific and technological progress and social development.

(Reporter: Zhang Xiang Correspondent: Zhang Xiaosong Photographer: Zhang Xiang Editor: Qin Yi)