
Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

author:Scientific knowledge points

India has always looked at China's rapid development for the development of its military industry, and has an inexplicable self-confidence, thinking that as long as the population base is similar, then China can do it. The Indian version of the 0.55 million ton drive was tested for the first time, but the big ship pulled the small cannon but it looked very strange, which made the outside world feel that India's design was very puzzling.

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

Recently, India's destroyer "Surat", under the boast and propaganda of the Indian media, has achieved sea trials, this is the first trial voyage of an Indian destroyer, India's propaganda for this destroyer is really afraid that other countries in the world do not know, so it is hyped up, but the real performance of India's destroyer has made the international community feel ridiculous, what is going on?

The Surat destroyer was built by India itself, so India believes that it can already compare with China's 10,000-ton destroyer, and even calls it the Indian version of the 055 drive, touting its advanced degree and combat power level.

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

However, the level of military equipment built by India is far from reaching the level of comparison with similar ships in China, and even through sea trials, the gap is very obvious.

First of all, this destroyer has a tonnage displacement of 7400 tons, and it is expected to be put into service in 2025, but such a large-tonnage destroyer is actually equipped with a 76 mm caliber naval gun, and the model of this naval gun is produced in Italy, and the version is still at the level of more than 20 years ago.

The weapons built by India are used to using parts and components from many countries, but this destroyer uses a large ship to pull a small gun, and this design makes the outside world feel funny and puzzled.

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

What does India think about such a design, the power of such a small naval gun, compared with today's naval combat power needs, is obviously outdated, but India has also said that its design is expected to build the most advanced destroyer today, such a large ship pulling a small naval gun with the way of matching, let the international community pick up another joke.

Many netizens have turned on the mode of ridiculing India, because from the appearance, India's destroyer is larger than the classic destroyer 052D on the mainland, but it is not comparable at all in terms of weapon loading, combat power, power endurance, sailing speed, and radar equipment.

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

This is not to belittle India's destroyers, because the effect of India's destroyers is really a mess, through different countries, different parts and instruments produced, pieced together and installed, like a patch of ship.

Such a situation will cause an obvious problem, because the system is different, the research and development countries are different, the materials and quality are different, and these components from different countries and construction systems are all used on the same destroyer, resulting in mutual interference and incompatibility, which is unavoidable, at least not to achieve the initial effect of Indian design.

The most important naval gun, why did India install such a small one? The power is not enough, the ability to fight is insufficient, what does India think?

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

In fact, the United States initially said that it could provide naval artillery support to India, a model of Mk45, a caliber of 127 mm naval guns, India is obviously very happy, thinking that the United States can show support, naturally has greater combat power, but when the United States quoted out, India was dumbfounded, 127 mm naval guns, although the combat power is greater, but the price cost is too high, not the price that India can afford, to reach 1 billion US dollars!

Although this is the total price of more than a dozen naval guns, the unit price of each naval gun is close to 80 million US dollars. This is an unacceptable price for India, because there are other weapons on the destroyer to be carried, so the overall cost is too high, so India still gave up the installation of American naval guns after thinking about it.

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

The United States is very familiar with exporting weapons to make huge profits, and wants to fool India into buying expensive naval guns, but India is reluctant to do so, which makes the United States feel unhappy, so because of the purchase of naval guns, the United States and India have a very unhappy quarrel.

India finally chose the old ship gun model produced in Italy, which was also a helpless move. The current situation of large ships carrying small naval guns is also caused by lack of funds, and India has no better way.

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

The situation of the destroyer "Surat" represents the level of India's comprehensive military industry, and it can also be seen that India still has many problems and deficiencies in building naval ships, but India is unwilling to admit it.

No wonder netizens will comment that India wants to build destroyers, and it is free to build it as it wants, and it is really beyond its power to compare with China's 055, the level of research and development and construction of the Chinese Navy has long reached the world's leading level, and there is still a big gap if India wants to catch up.

Can I do it in China? The Indian version of the 055 big drive was tested for the first time, and it was very strange for the big ship to pull a small cannon

It can be seen from this that it is not so easy for destroyers in the world today to catch up with and match the level of 055 destroyers on the mainland.

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