
Plummeted! The United States claims to help Taiwan join international organizations, and Taiwan is getting worse and worse, and the situation is grim

author:Land abandonment

Text: Lu abandoned

A Republican member of the United States who was once posted to Japan has returned to the United States. Because now in the US presidential election, this person has also assumed a very important responsibility, that is, to urge votes. This person is the executive chairman of the Republican Party in a region, and he said that the United States did not send the deputy assistant secretary for East Asia and the deputy assistant secretary in charge of international affairs to Taiwan and talk to Taiwan about "Resolution 2758."

Plummeted! The United States claims to help Taiwan join international organizations, and Taiwan is getting worse and worse, and the situation is grim

He said that the Democratic administration's approach was wrong, because it is impossible for "Resolution 2758" to say that the mainland has replaced Taiwan as the UN Security Council, and that the five permanent members must generally have other resolutions, such as the 368 resolution. After becoming the top five of the Security Council, many resolutions will be decided one after another, but it is very strange for the United States to emphasize this point. The United States has always encouraged Taiwan to attack, and the so-called attack means that the United States endorses Taiwan, because Taiwan's "undetermined status" only solves the problem of China's representation, but does not solve the problem of Taiwan's political status, so the United States encourages Taiwan to seek a country to "establish diplomatic relations" with Taiwan.

Second, the United States said that if Taiwan wants to join international organizations, Taiwan should strive for it on its own. The United States beat gongs and drums, and also found a few people by the way, all through Taiwan's "friends" in the past. However, Taiwan's "friends" have now become 12, and less than three can help Taiwan speak, and the United States is in a hurry. He said that you should also encourage other countries to see if they can provide economic assistance to other countries, so that they can speak for you in international organizations.

Plummeted! The United States claims to help Taiwan join international organizations, and Taiwan is getting worse and worse, and the situation is grim

Taiwan was very happy to hear this, and he did it, one attacked, the other is to tell you how to do it, Taiwan did it all, and recently the first hit a wall. The United States hopes that Taiwan will join certain international organizations, unless there is no sovereignty and the organizations that join as economic and trade entities, such as APEC, the Asian Development Bank, and the Central American Development Bank, which Taiwan led in the past. Central American Development Bank, Taiwan may be expelled, but because of the situation of the United States ignition, Taiwan is very self-congratulatory. Taiwan has hit a wall in the WHO and WHA, and has also talked a lot about things with European countries, and now it has also hit a wall, not only has it hit a wall, but they have to downgrade it.

Third, among these countries encouraged by the United States, those who once spoke for Taiwan are now not speaking at all. The fourth country that Taiwan wants to engage with now is to tell Taiwan bluntly that we uphold one China. Taiwan hit a wall everywhere, and began to laugh at itself. Taiwan said it was for me to be on the camera or what? He said some encouraging remarks, but this kind of thing still failed to attract the attention of the international community, and the United States stressed that none of the beacon attacks on Taiwan succeeded in the end.

Plummeted! The United States claims to help Taiwan join international organizations, and Taiwan is getting worse and worse, and the situation is grim

Now three of these 12 countries are about to have problems, and if these three countries really have problems, Lai Qingde will not be able to go to the United States if he wants to visit the United States in the future. From this point of view, the current issue of Taiwan's international status is actually said by the UN Secretary-General that Taiwan should be allowed to negotiate with the mainland itself.

The secretary general of the WHO also said that these problems are not something that the secretary general can handle, and that they should be approached to the mainland, and the two sides will talk about it after they have reached a good agreement, so that the WHO can handle them, and if the talks are not good, there is no way to deal with them. Now that it has reached this point, Taiwan is still laughing at itself, and it is beginning to hit a wall after it is done. In the past, every year in October, the "Movement for Return to the United Nations" would beat gongs and drums, but this year there were no gongs and drums, and even Taiwanese reporters were not allowed to enter. Now the United Nations does not allow Taiwanese journalists to enter, but there was no such problem in the Ma Ying-jeou era.

Plummeted! The United States claims to help Taiwan join international organizations, and Taiwan is getting worse and worse, and the situation is grim

Now it is not a question of whether or not to accept the "consensus of '92" or whether or not to recognize the "consensus of '92," but that the mainland wants to adopt another way. The so-called other way is a more stringent clause than the "92 Consensus," and Taiwan should not accept it. In the past, the mainland was lenient and forgiving, so that Taiwan still had room for interpretation, because we are still brothers. However, Taiwan does not want this brother, so Taiwan will get to this point.

Politics is the art of compromise, but in Taiwan, politics becomes the art of non-negotiability. What Taiwan is doing over there now, is it worth associating with a group that doesn't know how important it is? At present, Taiwan's way of making itself proud is to let the world see that Taiwan is constantly creating an environment in which Taiwan is constantly creating a dangerous environment of war and war, and they are proud to let people see that Taiwan is in an environment of war and danger, and that it is the worst environment.

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