
Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

author:Pace, MIT senior

► Preface:

Recently, Google's stock has risen sharply, and it seems that it is because it wants to talk about cooperation with Apple. Apple has always wanted to engage in AI, and after withdrawing from the tram market, it was put on the agenda, and this wave of strong alliances looks like it is going to win!

Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

Apple and Google press conferences

►AI this cake, the apple is set:

A while ago, Cook came to Shanghai to celebrate the grand opening of his 8th store, and many people came to meet him by chance.

Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

Cook and Zheng Kai on the Bund

Shortly after he finished his trip to China, there was news that Apple and Google were going to talk about a partnership. Apple's AI is poised to go. According to Bloomberg, Apple and Google are planning to apply the AI model Gemini to the next generation of iPhones, and Cook has also promised investors that Apple will launch new generative AI features this year.

Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

Bloomberg reports: Apple is in talks to get Google Gemini to power the iPhone's artificial intelligence capabilities

In fact, Apple's idea of wanting to show its strength in the field of AI is not a day or two, and it was originally engaged in the tram project for ten years, but it was stillborn, and the entire business was stopped in February this year. It is estimated that in addition to engaging in wearable technology gadgets, the cake that Apple wants to touch the most is AI. Apple's "Lord of the Rings" is new in autumn, and there are so many smart things in the technology circle!

As a result, Apple has been silently making efforts, first secretly poking and acquiring some small AI companies, and then publishing some AI papers; Now it's time to talk to Google about integrating Gemini AI directly into the OS.

It is said that Apple also chatted with OpenAI to see if it could use their technology, and it seems that Apple has spent a lot of effort in seeking AI cooperation. However, none of the three giants have publicly responded to the matter, but as soon as the news was released, it was directly reflected in the stocks, with Google shares up 4.4% and Apple shares up 2.7%.

Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

Axios reports: Apple, Google shares rise on rumors of iPhone partnering with Gemini AI

According to the technology website Axios, as soon as these two top technology companies cooperate in the AI industry, Google will be able to expand its scale in the AI circle with the influence of Apple's 2.2 billion active devices worldwide. And for Apple, inserting a new generation of artificial intelligence functions into smartphones is super conducive to the soaring sales of products.

►AI is a game of chess, Apple has a plan:

At Apple's shareholder meeting at the beginning of this year, Cook said that he would take Apple to "break new ground" in the field of AI.

Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

TechCrunch报道:库克说苹果今年将在AI领域“break new ground”

Therefore, many teams within Apple have been quietly developing various AI models, but they have not caused much splash in the technology circle, and the bigger limelight is in Sora and Gemini. We have had some Sora-related news before, which can be called an earth-shattering technological breakthrough in the technology circle, which has caused quite a stir, click on the link below to review: Sora was born, which industries will be subverted?

However, Gemini AI was not so lucky when it was first released, not only was it compared to Sora, but also all kinds of surreal content generation, so it had to be taken off the shelves and rebuilt. However, there are many people who think that its interactive fluency is better than Sora, and the 1.5 version that is now on the shelves can be expected, click the link below to review: Apple's "Lord of the Rings" is new in the fall, and there are so many smart little things in the technology circle!

For example, the "Ajax" large model AI that was exposed is estimated to invest millions of dollars in artificial intelligence every day. Insiders involved in the development revealed that Ajax is far more powerful than OpenAI's GPT-3.5.

Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

Apple GPT concept art

Apple also plans to integrate its self-developed AI into Siri and Messages, allowing users to automate complex tasks. The AI feature is expected to appear in the iPhone software update to be released in 2024, which is expected to go live with iOS 18.

In addition, Apple has also acquired a lot of talented start-up AI companies last year. Up to now, Apple has acquired a total of 32 AI companies, making it the first person in the technology circle to acquire AI.

► Hiring in the tech world never stops:

Apple and Google, as super manufacturers, have been recruiting a steady stream of new people, and the positions of data and software engineers are very sought-after.

Face Meridian | Apple Data Jobs

I also introduced Google's software engineer position:

Dry goods | Google Software Engineer Job Description

In the fast-growing tech world, there is no shortage of jobs that are being hired, although there is a possibility of being replaced by AI. Our PH job search will summarize the latest job summary for students every week to help you save time in job search.

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Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

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Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...
Apple and Google have joined forces, and both may have to win...

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