
The Farmer and the Snake! When a Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard immediately rescued it, but was framed by the Philippine side

author:Tayanagi Talk

On the South China Sea issue, the Philippines has recently done another "self-slapping in the face" thing. On June 30, the Philippine Coast Guard issued a statement saying that an engine explosion occurred about 13 nautical miles from China's Scarborough Shoal about 13 nautical miles from China's Scarborough Shoal and that the boat was about to sink, and that two fishermen on board had suffered second-degree burns and needed to be rescued. Subsequently, the Philippine Coast Guard dispatched a patrol boat to successfully rescue the boat.

Although the accident occurred in the waters around Scarborough Shoal, the place where the Philippine fishing boat had an accident was 13 nautical miles away and did not enter the territorial sea line. Second, it was the fishermen in distress, so in the spirit of humanitarianism, the Chinese coast guard still opened a green channel for the Philippines to rescue.

Moreover, at the first time when the fishing boat called for help, the Chinese coast guard also threw out life jackets and lifebuoys for fishermen in distress to use. It can be said that in the process of handling the whole matter, the Chinese coast guard has shown enough goodwill. If the Philippines is interested, it can take this opportunity to find a step for itself to ease the current tensions between China and the Philippines due to the confrontation at 617 Ren'ai Jiao.

The Farmer and the Snake! When a Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard immediately rescued it, but was framed by the Philippine side

Injured Filipino fishermen board a Philippine coast guard vessel

But the situation did not go in this direction. For example, the Philippine Coast Guard's initial video included clips of the Chinese Coast Guard actively rescuing fishermen. But soon in the mouths of some Filipino media, things changed tone.

When reporting on the Philippine Star, the Philippine Star and other media maliciously edited the original video released by the Philippine Coast Guard, distorting the picture of the Chinese Coast Guard's assistance in the rescue into evidence of "obstructing" the Philippine Coast Guard's rescue, and hyped it up.

Obviously, there are a group of people in the Philippines who do not want to see any sign of easing Sino-Philippine relations, and even if they violate basic morality and conscience, they must fabricate facts and propagate China as an "enemy." There is no doubt that these people are pro-American factions in the Philippines. After the 617 confrontation between China and the Philippines at Ren'ai Jiao, there were obvious differences within the Philippines on how to deal with China and how to deal with the South China Sea issue.

The Farmer and the Snake! When a Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard immediately rescued it, but was framed by the Philippine side

The China Coast Guard 3302 and China Coast Guard 3105 were present to guard the scene, and lowered the dinghy and law enforcement officers to assist in the rescue

The spokesman for the Philippine president and the head of the Maritime Affairs Commission were the first to come forward after the incident. The attitude of this group of people is to characterize the normal confrontation as a "misunderstanding", emphasizing that the confrontation does not reach the level of an armed attack, let alone trigger a mutual defense document between the United States and the Philippines.

These words were clearly intended to cool down the situation. The Philippine Maritime Commission even said that it would make a recommendation to Marcos Jr. to hand over the Philippine Coast Guard's supply schedule to the Chinese side in advance, and the two sides would communicate well to avoid further escalation of the conflict.

However, just like the above rescue farce, just a few days after these people's words were spoken, a group of people in the Philippines immediately jumped out and began to "turn their faces and deny their accounts", and this group of people was led by the pro-American Philippine military. The Philippine defense secretary publicly shouted that the 617 Ren'ai Jiao confrontation was definitely not a "misunderstanding or accident" and accused China of being "aggressive."

The Farmer and the Snake! When a Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard immediately rescued it, but was framed by the Philippine side

Marcos Jr

Marcos Jr. then followed up and rejected the previous presidential spokesman's statement, saying that he would not communicate with the Chinese side about the supply schedule because the Philippines would not yield to the so-called "foreign powers". Marcos Jr.'s words are actually very ironic.

Because judging from the Philippine government's performance of constantly reversing its previous statements, it is obvious that it is influenced by external forces, but this force is not China as they say, but the United States, which cannot see the situation in the South China Sea calm down.

The behavior of the pro-American faction in the United States and the Philippines today in the South China Sea can be summed up in one word: a death throes. After the 617 confrontation at Ren'ai Jiao, the whole world has seen one thing clearly, that is, the United States simply does not have the resources and confidence to confront China on the South China Sea issue.

The Farmer and the Snake! When a Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard immediately rescued it, but was framed by the Philippine side


Before the Armed Forces of the Philippines ran to Second Thomas Shoal to provoke, the USS Roosevelt left the South China Sea and headed north. The United States has given itself a reason to participate in joint military exercises with the United States, Japan, and South Korea. But the problem is that the "Roosevelt" aircraft carrier was in Northeast Asia at that time, and if it was just to pull an aircraft carrier to "support the scene," there was no need for the "Roosevelt" to make a special trip.

In doing so, the United States just wants the Philippines to provoke China, and it does not want to take responsibility for itself. This has been proven by the facts. After the "617 confrontation", the 055 drive sailed through the Balabac Strait, and the People's Liberation Army practiced attacking F35 and F22 livery fighters at a military base in Xinjiang.

Under such circumstances, it is entirely possible that people in the Philippines will change their minds and want to stop being cannon fodder for the United States altogether. The Philippine civilian government's frequent overtures to China, saying that it was a "misunderstanding" and that it wanted to announce the supply schedule were all based on this mentality. Recently, the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs has also frequently released signals that it wants to negotiate and dialogue with China on the South China Sea issue and rebuild mutual trust.

The Farmer and the Snake! When a Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard immediately rescued it, but was framed by the Philippine side

China and the Philippines

But the problem is that, influenced by the colonial past, the pro-American faction in the Philippines has deep roots. The Philippine military, based on its own interests, is not happy to see the situation in the South China Sea settle down. Therefore, the civilian government came out to cool down, and then Marcos Jr. and the military were dead ducks and kept jumping out to provoke, which has become a norm in the current dealings between the Philippines and China.

So, how to deal with such a Philippines? There is only one answer, and that is that China wants to use its strength to slap the United States and the Philippines in the face until they are convinced. A lie told a hundred times will not turn out to be true. The ugly appearance of the pro-US faction in the United States and the Philippines on the South China Sea issue is essentially overdrawing their own national credit.

What China needs to do is to use the real to dispel the false and use the ironclad facts to tell the world who has the final say on the South China Sea issue. From this point of view, in fact, the dying struggle of the United States and the Philippines can be regarded as a good stage for China to "show its muscles". If the Philippines "admits intimidation" in this regard, then China may not really have the opportunity to show off the "dumplings" that have fallen into the sea in the past few years in front of Southeast Asian countries.

The Farmer and the Snake! When a Philippine fishing boat exploded at Scarborough Shoal, the Chinese coast guard immediately rescued it, but was framed by the Philippine side

Shandong ship

At present, in addition to the 055 drive, the Chinese aircraft carrier "Shandong" has also been spotted in the waters around Luzon Island in the Philippines. At the end of June, the China Coast Guard's 5901-ton law enforcement vessel also departed from Hainan and continued to carry out patrol activities in the South China Sea. The more the United States and the Philippines like to "talk about the South China Sea" issue, the more ridiculous it will be in front of China's patrol ships, destroyers, and even aircraft carriers.

With the Philippines as a "negative example," it will only become more and more difficult for the United States to win over other ASEAN countries to "join in." Not only that, China has also promulgated a new version of the "Rare Earth Management Regulations", making it clear that rare earth resources belong to the state. Obviously, this regulation is also a "big stick" prepared against US arms dealers.

Times have changed, and China is now fully capable and determined to dominate the situation in the South China Sea. If the United States and the Philippines do not understand the reasoning and have to toast and not eat and drink, then China also knows some fists and kicks, and can help these two countries that have become clowns to recognize the reality.


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