
Those who are self-aware and contented will be able to quit greed

author:The mountains stand tall and the sea is deep
Those who are self-aware and contented will be able to quit greed

Today, my aunt answered the phone and smiled so brightly that her face lit up. I had a gut feeling that it might be that she had been cheated out of her money and that some of it had been recovered, and when I asked, it was true.

The aunt said that she was really recovered 20,000 yuan by the police and asked her to go to the police station to collect it. I see that she is really in good spirits at happy events, and I can't help but be happy for her.

Although she was cheated of hundreds of thousands of dollars this time, she also made up an excuse to let us borrow money, and we persuaded her three times in a row before she admitted it; kept reasoning with her before she went to report the case.

But I think she's lucky:

  • First, fortunately, those scammers were impatient, and after they cheated the money, they disappeared, which made her wake up.
  • Second, she reported the case in a timely manner, which bought time for the police to arrest people.
  • Third, the police also made a strong effort to really file a case, and only a month, they began to recover part of the losses.
Those who are self-aware and contented will be able to quit greed

From the very beginning, we started to persuade my aunt, and my mother and I told her that everything was a good thing, although we lost money this time, but we bought self-knowledge, bought the experience of never being fooled in the future, and bought the wisdom that can alert others with our own lessons, which is a good thing.

At that time, the aunt sighed and couldn't listen, but now that the loss has been recovered a little, she will only approve of it when she says the same thing to her.

The aunt herself said that the lesson this time was too big, and she would not be greedy again in the future and fall for this kind of fool again.

Those who are self-aware and contented will be able to quit greed

This month, my aunt's body also broke out with serious problems, not only stomach problems, but also kidney stones, and went to the hospital several times. In fact, it was all caused by her depression.

My aunt and I joked that the first priority now is to relax and take care of your body:

The past has been reported, so it will be handed over to the police, handed over to God, don't think about it.

What we can do now is to take care of our bodies and do what we are doing well.

If you meet friends around you in the future, if you have this sign, quickly show up and tell others with your own experience, which is also a blessing.

Auntie nodded again and again, she was in a good mood at this time, so she could listen to what others said.

Those who are self-aware and contented will be able to quit greed

From my aunt's incident, as well as many similar things that have happened recently, I have come to realize:

Everything you encounter in life is attracted by yourself - if you are greedy in your heart, you will attract liars; If there is anger in the heart, it attracts a violent temper; If you are stupid, you will attract trouble, and the "dead ends" are endless......

Therefore, the two most important things for people to do:

  • First, have self-knowledge: know what you can do, what you want to do, and what you should do.
  • Second, have a righteous spirit: know your responsibilities, have a sense of the whole, have a sense of the overall situation, and have a long-term vision, so that you can raise your head, see the right path, and walk on the right path.

Those who have self-knowledge can quit greed if they are content and know how to stop; If there is a person who is upright, he will be firm and unshaken, and he will be able to stand up.

Actually, calm down, it's something we all can do.

Be grateful for everything that happened, and thank every teacher for the expression!

Those who are self-aware and contented will be able to quit greed

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