
Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

author:The mountains stand tall and the sea is deep
Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78 [Original] 

The world is weaker than water, and the strong can win, with its easy.

The weak is better than the strong, the soft is better than the strong, the world knows everything, and nothing can be done.

It is based on the sage cloud: the dirt of the country (gòu), which is the lord of the society (jì); The ominous of receiving the country is the king of the world.

Honest Youth.

Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

Tao Te Ching, Chapter 78 and the Month of Wu Wei ^09

Sixth, weakness can make the world orderly.

Everything in the world is a unity of contradictions. Strength and weakness are one, just like the two sides of Tai Chi, when it should be strong, it will be strong, and when it should be weak, the key is to use.

Sometimes, if you are obsessed with showing strength, you will be compromised; Only by knowing how to show weakness can we preserve.

For example, the spirit is invisible, the body is tangible, and the spirit is weak compared to the body. But this invisible spirit can direct the physical body to function and support the physical health for a long time. Once the mind is lost, the blood and qi are chaotic, and the body will also collapse.

Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

Weakness is like an invisible hand of the universe, exercising great power to keep everything in order in the world.

Just like water, water can conquer and be invincible, relying on the weakness of nature.

Here's a key point: "Can weakness prevail over strength?" ”

In terms of magnitude alone, there is no doubt that the weak will definitely not be able to defeat the strong.

However, in terms of nature, flexibility can exert the activity of the Tao, and rigidity is full of inertia, not easy to change, and therefore easy to be damaged.

Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

For example, a strong piece of iron cannot be shaped, but if it is fused into molten iron, it can be made into various utensils and play a powerful role, which is the power of flexibility.

For another example, the knife is sharp, but the water is more flowing when the knife is drawn, and the rigid force is flexible in the face of flexibility, and it cannot be used if there is a heart.

However, although the water nature is weak, there are infinite possibilities in this weakness:

  • If the water is rotated at a speed, the waterjet can cut steel;
  • If the water is given for a long time, the dripping water can corrode the gold.

Therefore, in terms of nature, weak agility and toughness are far better than strong stubbornness and rigidity.

Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

In addition, in "the weak is better than the strong, and the soft is better than the strong", the word "win" is the key.

For example, defeating the enemy is different from killing the enemy, and the so-called "killing the enemy" is to destroy, so that it is often necessary to kill a thousand enemies and lose 800 self-inflicted losses, and no one can retreat with his whole body.

But "defeating the enemy" is different, "winning" refers to the transformation to the extreme, so defeating the enemy is conquest - that is, it can change the opponent's position, change the opponent's attitude, and improve the relationship between the two sides.

The real victory of the enemy is: to be able to convince people, and there is no residual resentment and no trouble.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the army can only destroy the enemy; But the deep weakness of virtue can turn enemies into friends. It goes without saying which of the two is stronger.

Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

Weak forces can keep the world in order.

Our positive thoughts of love, humility, tolerance, understanding, etc., are all weak. Negative thoughts such as cruelty, arrogance, sharpness, and hatred belong to strength.

If we use strength against strength, society will only become more and more chaotic; Only by being weak and strong can we turn hostility into jade silk and get back the long-lost harmony.

Therefore, the way to win in life, the way to achieve great success in life, is very simple, is to keep the weak. Because only weak forces can keep the world in order.
Weakness can make the world orderly (serial 702)

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