
Wu Xihong: There is a baby at home

author:Edelweiss original literature

There is a baby at home

Text/Wu Xihong

Wu Xihong: There is a baby at home

After the mid-term exam, the English teacher showed a movie to the children in order to relax, and the little baby excitedly told her mother: "The teacher still understands us", looking complacent. As a person who has come over, as a teacher, how can my mother not understand this trick to convince people's hearts.

The mother told the little baby to go to bed on time every day, to go to bed at a fixed time every day, and to go to bed early and get up early on time. But on the first day, my mother was still busy in front of the computer, my father was still watching TV, and my mother repeatedly urged the little baby to wash up and go to bed quickly. Xiaowa pouted and said dissatisfied: "Let me sleep on time, you can't do it, slap your face!" "I said that my mother was blushing, hey, parents should really set an example to be effective.

Every afternoon, the baby starts class 20 minutes earlier than her mother, so that her mother has to wake up early and take her to school, so that she sacrifices a lot of time every day, and her mother complains dissatisfiedly: "Because of you, my mother can't get enough rest, hey!" When will you be able to go to school by yourself? I thought that Xiaowa would be ashamed to express her apologies, but she said: "Then I often get up early with you to read early and study at night!" One sentence made the old lady speechless, so it is my mother who should be ashamed!

Accompanied Xiaowa to get a haircut, Xiaowa looked left and right and commented on herself: "Hey, except for showing a big face, there is no other change in hairstyle, and I am lonely." ”

Wu Xihong: There is a baby at home

Every time before cooking, Xiaowa always said, "I'm not hungry", but it tasted so delicious, and every time I stretched out my thumbs up. Mom's hateful competitiveness was troublesome again, and she couldn't help but ask the problem of the century: "Who cooks the best food between Dad and Mom?" Xiaowa replied every time: "Mom and Dad's cooking is delicious, Mom is good at making soup and vegetarian dishes, and Dad is good at making meat dishes." "It's justified, everyone gets their praise, and adults can't bear to force her.

Before every major exam, Xiaowa will always take a deep breath and close her eyes, fold her hands and pray to the gods from all walks of life: "Bless me with a good score in the exam!" My mother couldn't help laughing: "It's better to ask for others than for yourself, your kung fu is better than grinding a gun in battle, and it's not happy to be light!" "However, looking at Xiaowa's solemn appearance, it is very valuable to look pious to the gods.

After the exam, Xiaowa has been worried about her grades, always muttering that she may usher in a "love education" from her father or mother or please eat a meal of fried meat with bamboo shoots. As a person who has come over, the meaning of fried meat with bamboo shoots and my mother knows, what kind of nonsense is "education of love"? Xiaowa revealed that this is the tacit understanding of children, love education and bamboo shoots fried meat are beaten, or mixed doubles, hey, now children are really proficient in everything else except learning.

Wu Xihong: There is a baby at home

Every time after the exam, Dad will make a delicious meal for the baby to celebrate and make up for the consumption of the brain. Mom deliberately asked, "Did you do well in the exam?" The little baby couldn't stop eating, and Yun Qingfeng said lightly: "You have to eat well if you take the test well or badly!" "Okay, just eat and drink well and have fun, there are more important things in life than exams.

Every time Xiaowa doubts her IQ, she can't help but sigh: "Hey, if only I could travel to kindergarten with the wisdom of the fourth grade!" "I've watched too many time-traveling dramas!

The test results came out, and the little baby was more satisfied, although there was still a gap with "other people's children", but because of the progress, he got a small prize, and proudly showed off to his mother: "The prize is beautiful and easy to use!" "Children like to be rewarded and praised and encouraged, it's good to work hard, why do you have to be the first, adults should learn from children.

Every time her mother nagged her and was annoyed, the little baby would roll her eyes and shout: "Mom, I'm going to blacken!" Mom had no choice but to recite the tongue twister "Gray fertilizer will volatilize black, black fertilizer will volatilize" and laughed away from her. She was made laughing at her mother's plastic tongue twister.

Looking at the long lines of cars jammed on the road, Xiaowa couldn't help but start to use her imagination again: "This string of cars is really like a skewer!" "The true nature of snacks has not changed!

Mom hesitated again and again or decided to buy a domestic mobile phone, not only patriotism but also price considerations, Xiaowa summed up her mother's heart in one sentence: "It's not that Apple can't afford it, but domestic is more cost-effective." How do you feel that this is so familiar, Xiaowa explained the source and said: "It's not that you can't afford a down jacket, but that a military coat is more cost-effective." "That's right, haha, this Internet slang is familiar to my mother.

The mother washed the baby's hair, afraid that it would not be clean, so she scratched her fingers a few times, and the baby said: "You can't use your nails to wash your hair, you have to gently massage the scalp with your fingers." "The look of the very reliable thing surprised my mother, in fact, my mother has also heard of this truth, but she is used to catching and washing. Xiaowa also continued to popularize science: "Scratching with your fingernails will pick out the natural oil." The serious sample scared my mother, and every time I washed my hair in the future, I would reflexively think of the baby's popular science.

Once the two watched a small video together, the familiar music background in it made people's backs chill, and the little baby couldn't help blurting out: "Mom, this music is so weird." "It seems that the little baby has inherited her mother's sensitivity and sensibility.

Since eating dumplings and eating coins last year, Xiaowa is still a little obsessed this year, hoping to eat coins this year. The mother joked that she could cheat when making dumplings, but Xiaowa resolutely refused, saying that she would rely on strength and luck. As a result, it was eaten by her mother this time, and her parents comforted the disappointed baby. Xiaowa looked casual: "It doesn't matter if you eat it or not, how can you eat it every year?!" Good luck doesn't happen every day. "Mom hopes that it really doesn't matter if you are, a good attitude is more important than eating coins.

Wu Xihong: There is a baby at home

After receiving some New Year's money, the baby deliberately asked her mother what to do, and her mother said that she still saved her mother's card as usual. Xiaowa was unconvinced and said: "Children's money can't be used casually, it's illegal." "Ah, it's so serious, since I read the popular science of the Civil Code, Xiaowa's legal awareness has risen. After discussing the opening of an account for her, you can rest assured, and the child should also learn how to manage money.

After living at his grandfather's house for a few days, the little baby was picked up, and the moment he entered the house, he suddenly sighed: "It's really familiar and strange!" This sentence made my mother, who was used to parting in the first half of her life, feel close, and every time she returned to her hometown, she would often have this feeling of homesickness. It's really a mother-daughter connection, and even the feelings are connected!

Wu Xihong: There is a baby at home

About the Author:

Wu Xihong, born in the 80s, graduate student, teacher, psychological counselor, member of Zhangjiakou Writers Association, has published many articles and papers, and her literary creations have been scattered in daily newspapers, evening newspapers and online self-media literary platforms.