
I am 1 in 99.185 million, come to report!

author:Chinese veterans
I am 1 in 99.185 million, come to report!

According to the latest intra-party statistics of the Organization Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

As of December 31, 2023

The total number of members of the Communist Party of China is:


This is a net increase of 1.144 million from the end of 2022

An increase of 1.2%

I am 1 in 99.185 million, come to report!


What a privilege to be honored to join the party

Do you remember the oath of joining the party?

Do you still maintain that original intention?

Do you still have ideals for life?

I am

I'm in Beijing

Engaged in veterans' affairs

The party has been in the party for 5 years

Report to your comrades


How many years have you been in the party

In which position is it to serve the people today

Please report in the comment area!

I am 1 in 99.185 million, come to report!

Article source: Chinese veterans (ID: zgtyjr). The reprint must be indicated from the WeChat public account of "Chinese veterans", otherwise it will be regarded as infringement.

Curator: @中国退役军人