
Cohesion promotes integration and promotes the high-quality development of Pudong's military pension services

author:Chinese veterans
Cohesion promotes integration and promotes the high-quality development of Pudong's military pension services

On the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, in order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, fully rely on the Pudong model of "big city pension", innovate and promote the in-depth integration and development of military and civilian, continue to improve the efficiency of pension services for retired military cadres, and vigorously create an atmosphere of respect and care, on June 26, the Pudong New Area Veterans Affairs Bureau held a release ceremony of ten measures for the pension service of retired military cadres in Pudong New Area in Taikang Home and Jinxiu Mansion. More than 70 people attended the event, including Zhu Jinghong, Deputy Director of the Military Retirement Service Management Office of the Shanghai Veterans Affairs Bureau, Zhuang Shenfang, Deputy Director of the Pudong New Area Veterans Affairs Bureau, relevant leaders of the Social Welfare Department (Pension Service Office) and Military Retirement Service Management Office of the Bureau, and the heads of the Pudong New Area Military Retirement Center, the Pudong New Area Pension Service and Social Welfare Affairs Center, the Pudong New Area Home Care Assessment and Service Guidance Center, the co-construction unit pension institutions and Fushoukang and other relevant units, and representatives of Pudong military retired cadres.

Cohesion promotes integration and promotes the high-quality development of Pudong's military pension services

At the ceremony, Pudong New Area released the first batch of 10 measures and 25 specific contents of pension services for retired military cadres, providing comprehensive, diversified and personalized pension services for retired military cadres. At the same time, the Pudong New Area Military Retirement Center has signed a co-construction agreement with eight elderly care institutions, including the Pudong New Area Pension Service and Social Welfare Affairs Center, the Pudong New Area Home Care Assessment and Service Guidance Center, Fushoukang and Taikang, to jointly provide more convenient, high-quality and intimate services for the elderly care and home care services for military retired cadres.

Cohesion promotes integration and promotes the high-quality development of Pudong's military pension services

At the ceremony, Zhuang Shenfang, deputy director of the Pudong New Area Veterans Affairs Bureau, said that retired military cadres have made important contributions to the revolution, construction and reform led by the party and are the precious wealth of the party and the country. Pudong has always attached great importance to the management of military retirement services, and should focus on the theme activity of "Building a Leading Area and Striving for Respect", closely follow the actual needs of military retired cadres, fully rely on the high-quality pension resources of Pudong society, gather social forces, promote integrated development, and further promote the development of pension in Pudong to better benefit the majority of military retired cadres, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of respect and care for soldiers. "It is hoped that through the release of the ten measures for the pension of retired military cadres, the retired military cadres will have a greater sense of happiness, gain and respect, and make the military a respected profession in the whole society; It is also hoped that the majority of retired military cadres will take root in Pudong, give full play to their own advantages, better contribute to the society, serve the community, feed the people, continue to shine, and contribute to the social construction of Pudong. ”

Cohesion promotes integration and promotes the high-quality development of Pudong's military pension services

In the future, in accordance with the spirit of the Notice on Further Improving the Pension Service for Military Retired Cadres Transferred to the Government for Resettlement by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs and other 6 departments, Pudong will be based on the actual situation of Pudong, give full play to the advantages of integration, continue to innovate and promote the high-quality development of socialized pension services for military retired cadres, and continue to create a new chapter in Pudong's military retirement work.

Cohesion promotes integration and promotes the high-quality development of Pudong's military pension services
Cohesion promotes integration and promotes the high-quality development of Pudong's military pension services

Source: Pudong New Area Military Retirement Center

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