
A woman who is cherished by a man, held in the palm of her hand: there is a kind of ability

author:Shamo MO
A woman who is cherished by a man, held in the palm of her hand: there is a kind of ability

Text/Xia Mo

01, frontispiece

Love is mutual, just as flowers provide nectar for bees to feed, and bees help flowers spread pollination.

When two people are together, they can make each other better, and they will feel more happiness and have a better future.

A woman who is really pampered by a man probably loves him very much and knows how to meet his needs.

A woman who is held in the palm of a man's hand and hurts for a lifetime has a ability: to meet the needs of men.

A woman who is cherished by a man, held in the palm of her hand: there is a kind of ability

02. A man's emotional needs, she can respond as soon as possible

The man looks very strong and resolute on the outside. In fact, they will also encounter difficulties, they will also be confused, and they will also have anger and frustration hidden in their hearts.

No matter how difficult life is, men will not easily present their emotions in front of women.

My cousin and aunt have always had a good relationship, and my cousin seems to be a big man, but he is actually very delicate.

Whenever my cousin noticed that my cousin was unhappy, she would become very funny and humorous; Whenever her cousin encountered a difficult situation, she would talk to him, let him speak his heart, and relieve the pressure in his heart.

Uncle Cousin often said that in this world, only Aunt Cousin is the person who understands him best.

Zhang Xiaoxian said: "I just hope that there is someone who knows that I am not really okay when I say that I am okay, and that there is someone who knows that I am not really happy when I am forced to smile." ”

Women have the ability to appease a man's emotions, and it is not difficult to capture his heart.

Feel his needs, be able to respond quickly, don't let his negative emotions last too long, don't let him be wronged, and be sad alone.

A man will feel that he also has someone to understand and rely on in this world.

Women, you can help a man out, you can let him come out of negative emotions, give him more support and strength, and he will become more and more inseparable from you.

A woman who is cherished by a man, held in the palm of her hand: there is a kind of ability

03. For a man's dedication, she can quickly give back

Minglan in "Do You Know" was actually not sincere to Gu Tingye at first.

However, Gu Tingye protects her everywhere, remembers to buy her delicious food every day, and sacrifices her life to help her when she is in trouble. Minglan also gradually opened her heart to Gu Tingye.

She began to become jealous, caring about who he was going to see and who was close to him.

She would be distressed to learn that he was punished by the royal family, and she tried every means to meet the queen and intercede for Gu Tingye, regardless of her confinement.

Gu Tingye was very happy when he found out, because she responded to his dedication, and he felt her love.

In love, although men are not as romantic as women, they are eager for surprises in life. However, he also hopes that his efforts can be accepted, grateful, and given back by his lover.

Yu Guangzhong said: "Your eyes are so beautiful, there are sunny and rainy, sun and moon, mountains, rivers, clouds and mist, flowers and birds, but my eyes are even better, because I have you in my eyes." ”

A woman actively reciprocates a man's love, and he will feel that it is worth it no matter how much he gives.

For example, after a man buys you clothes, don't forget to praise him for his discernment; A man has a surprise for you on your birthday, and don't forget to give back a gift on his birthday.

Between men and women, give to each other, love can be warmer and longer.

A woman who is cherished by a man, held in the palm of her hand: there is a kind of ability

04. She can respond quickly to men's emotional needs

Men are very strong in life, and they must use all their strength to support life.

Sometimes, I am under a lot of pressure and bitter in my heart, and I don't want to tell a woman or worry about her.

If a woman can guide a man to tell sad things, release the pressure in his heart, and make him much more relaxed, the man will love you more.

When he wants to stick to you, take more time to spend with him, listen to him, and talk to him about life and emotions.

When he loses self-confidence and becomes indecisive, give him more support and encouragement.

Zhang Xiaoxian wrote in "Missing": "Love is a never-ending longing for each other, a concern that can never be let go, and a willing bond. ”

In life, emotionally satisfying a man's needs can make him feel loved, respected, and protected.

Occasionally, cooking him a delicious meal, buying something he likes, or saying some affectionate words to express the love in his heart will make a man love you more.

When love is reciprocated, the meaning of loving each other will be greater.

Only by loving each other and redeeming each other can we achieve a better marriage.

A woman who is cherished by a man, held in the palm of her hand: there is a kind of ability

05. Summary

Love must have come and gone.

When women manage their relationships, they must also continue to grow and improve their abilities. And, pay in time to give back to men's needs.

When both of you have the determination to work hard and become better, help each other achieve their wishes, complete their plans, and become better. Such an emotional road will also go more smoothly.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychology scholar, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the whole network, a happy woman manager, focusing on emotion, sexes, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.