
When the man gives you back, he is telling you that he has changed his mind

author:Shamo MO
When the man gives you back, he is telling you that he has changed his mind

Text/Xia Mo

01, frontispiece

Love is like a gust of wind without direction. When you feel that he is here for you, it doesn't take long for him to leave you.

Some men's love comes and goes quickly.

Before you're ready to let go, he's already packed up his stuff and escaped from your world.

When a man gives you back the following things, he is telling you that he has changed his mind.

When the man gives you back, he is telling you that he has changed his mind

02. Give you back the money I borrowed from you, and I don't want to owe you

Before, I watched such a video:

It is very difficult for a man to start a business, and his girlfriend saves money to help him and gives him all her savings.

After the monthly salary is paid, she only sets aside a little living allowance for herself, and gives him the rest, hoping to reduce the pressure on men.

The man is grateful, and his career has improved step by step.

Later, the man suddenly gave her a large sum of money and proposed to break up, saying that the two were not suitable.

The woman was very sad and inquired from a friend to find out that the man fell in love with a woman who could bring him more resources and cruelly abandoned her.

Two people are really together, and money will not be divided between each other. We will work together for the future and for each other's happiness.

A man who returns the money he borrowed from you is the most important step in drawing a line with you, and he does not owe you financially and has nothing to do with money.

Master Hongyi said: "Love is voluntary, don't talk about debt. As soon as I think of it, the end of the world is at hand; A thought is extinguished, and the end of the world is at hand. ”

Even if you helped him in the past, he just wants to make up for you with money, and he doesn't want to be emotionally involved with you anymore.

I just want to make a break with you as soon as possible and give myself more options.

When the man gives you back, he is telling you that he has changed his mind

03. I gave you back the key to your house and decided to move out

A man loves you, and he will work hard for your little family with each other.

Kitajima wrote in "Daydream": "You didn't come back as scheduled, and that's what parting is all about. ”

If so, after a man changes his mind, he will no longer take care of his family, and he will no longer maintain a small family between each other.

Even, he gave you back the keys, removed all the things that belonged to him, and left all the gifts you gave him. At home, there is no longer a trace of him.

His love, his promises, the future promised with him, were uprooted and taken away by him.

Only your bits and pieces of memories remain, appearing in your mind again and again, disturbing your mind.

When a man gives you back the key to the door, it means that the man has made a decision to draw a line with you.

From now on, he is just your ordinary friend and does not want to go in and out of your world at will.

Whether you want it or not, you can't keep his heart or his people. Instead of crying bitterly, it is better to accept the reality, say goodbye, never see each other again, and no longer miss.

When the man gives you back, he is telling you that he has changed his mind

04, give you back the promise, and confess that I won't marry you

Xu Bochang and Liu Shufen in "No Questions Asked", the two of them met, knew each other, and engaged each other for life.

Shufen gave everything for Xu Bochang without regrets, saving money for him to go to college, thinking that she could share her white head with him in this life.

However, when he came back from studying, he changed his mind.

He tried everything he could to break the marriage contract they had made.

He offered to give her money and meet her other demands, but he didn't want to marry her.

The man confesses that he does not want to marry you, which means that his good opinion of you has all disappeared.

Before, all his vows to you were gone, and you no longer had a place in his heart.

Haruki Murakami said, "Not all fish live in the same sea. How can things be as good as they should be? Not all two people who love each other can be together in the end. ”

If a man doesn't love you, he will ignore his oath to you. Once, he didn't want the future you said he was good for.

He doesn't want to walk into marriage with you, and he doesn't want to be bound to you for the rest of his life. In the past, all your fantasies, all your dreams, all your dreams have come to naught.

When the man gives you back, he is telling you that he has changed his mind

05. Summary

Love, like a rising flame, cannot be hidden. If you don't love it, you can't hide it.

Man, if you don't love it, you will feel that he has become indifferent and ruthless, and he is drawing a line with you step by step.

If the man really decides to leave, take back the tears and let himself come out of the relationship.


Author: Xia Mo, a cutting-edge emotional tutor, a psychology scholar, a popular emotional writer with more than 1 billion people on the whole network, a happy woman manager, focusing on emotion, sexes, and mother-in-law and daughter-in-law for more than ten years.