
Shidaohe Town, Huinan County, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the "July 1st".

author:Ji Pao investigation

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and carry forward the glorious history and great spirit of the party, recently, Shidaohe Town, Huinan County, held a grand literary and artistic performance with the theme of "The Most Beautiful Ode to the Party and Forge Ahead on a New Journey". The purpose of this activity is to stimulate the enthusiasm of the cadres and masses in the town to love the party, the country and socialism, strengthen the education of party spirit and patriotism, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of the economy and society of Shidaohe Town.

Shidaohe Town, Huinan County, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the "July 1st".

At the event site, more than 500 people, including all the cadres of the Shidaohe Town Government, the staff of the various units directly under the town, the village party branches and village committees of the villages, the representatives of the villagers, and the public, gathered together to witness this grand event. At the beginning of the event, all the staff reviewed the oath of joining the party and expressed their loyalty and belief in the party.

Shidaohe Town, Huinan County, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the "July 1st".

In the theatrical performances, the programs are rich and colorful, and the forms are diverse, including enthusiastic dances, majestic choruses, and affectionate solo singing, recitation, etc., each program shows the good spiritual outlook and literary and artistic talents of the cadres and masses in Shidaohe Town. In particular, the dance "Yangge of Supporting the Army" in Dabeicha Village, the Korean dance "Yanbian People Love You" in Quansheng Village, and the poetry recitation "My Hometown in Shidaohe" won bursts of applause and cheers from the audience with their unique artistic charm and profound ideological connotation.

Shidaohe Town, Huinan County, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the "July 1st".

In addition to theatrical performances, the event also set up a tug-of-war competition, through the rules of the best-of-three system, to further enhance the cohesion and centripetal force between the cadres and the masses. In the competition, the participating teams were full of spirit and high morale, showing the spirit of unity and courage of the cadres and masses of Shidaohe Town.

Shidaohe Town, Huinan County, held a literary and artistic performance to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the "July 1st".

After fierce competition, the best performance award, the best creativity award, the best style award and other awards were finally selected, and the winners were commended and rewarded. This activity not only enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the cadres and the masses, but also further enhanced everyone's cohesion and centripetal force, and injected new vitality into the sustainable and healthy economic and social development of Shidaohe Town.

In the end, all the cadres of the organs sang "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China", which pushed the activity to a climax. This song not only expresses everyone's infinite love and loyalty to the party, but also inspires everyone to continue to forge ahead and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Zhang Jianhua

Source: Shidaohe Town, Huinan County

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Han Yuhong

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