
Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation

author:Famous enterprises and famous brands

Professor Jin's career and contributions truly reflect his outstanding achievements and profound achievements in the fields of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation. His multiple identities – Vice President of Jiangsu Design Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Distinguished Expert of Rural Revitalization of Jiangsu Province, Chief Expert and Professor of Rural Revitalization of Southeast University, and Dean of Xinyu Snail Industrial Technology Research Institute – fully demonstrate his extensive influence and practical achievements in these fields.

Professor Jin Jingqi's work in rural revitalization has not only provided valuable theoretical support and practical guidance for the rural revitalization strategy of Jiangsu Province and even the whole country, but also cultivated a large number of professionals in the field of rural revitalization through his education and training work. These talents will become an important force to promote the in-depth implementation of the rural revitalization strategy.

Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation

The Xinyu Snail Industrial Technology Research Institute led by him has promoted the scientific and technological innovation and industrial upgrading of the snail industry through the close combination of scientific research and industry. This innovative model has not only injected new vitality into local economic development, but also opened up new ways for farmers to increase their income. Professor Jin Jingqi's work not only reflects his deep understanding and firm belief in scientific and technological innovation, but also shows his deep concern for local economic development and the well-being of farmers.

Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation

Professor Jin's work and achievements not only demonstrate his professional ability and leadership skills, but also reflect China's remarkable achievements in rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. His work provides strong support for the realization of the goal of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and also shows us the broad prospects and infinite possibilities of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation.

Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation
Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation
Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation
Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation
Professor Jin Jingqi: A beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation

Finally, we should pay high tribute and deep gratitude to such an outstanding person as Professor Kim Kyung-kee. Their efforts and contributions have not only set an example and benchmark for us, but also pointed out the direction and path for us to move forward. Let us work together to achieve the beautiful vision of rural revitalization and scientific and technological innovation!

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