
Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".

author:Ji Pao investigation

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, further give full play to party building to lead grassroots governance, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of community residents, and continue to promote the role of the community's "party building + culture" main position, recently, Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, with the theme of "Invite you to bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together", jointly carried out a unique literary and artistic performance in the jurisdiction of the rainbow dance team and the voice of the people band.

Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".

A melodious instrumental ensemble "Kissing Jasmine" was played, which kicked off the art show. Later, the wonderful program took turns to stage "Snare Drum Performance", and the solo "I am in the motherland" and "The Red Sun Shines on the Frontier" sang the Zheng Zheng oath loudly with singing, dedicated to people's admiration for the party and love for life; The dance "Bless the Motherland" and "Five-Star Red Flag Floating" vividly show the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, leaving us with Yin Hong's nostalgia and entrustment; The soft ball "Glory and Dreams" and the Tai Chi fan "Chinese Kung Fu" show the residents' superb performance skills and profound musical literacy. It showed the artistic talent and spiritual outlook of the residents, and won the applause and admiration of the audience.

Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".
Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".
Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".

The event also set up a question-and-answer session with residents to interact with the residents, and gave carefully prepared gifts to the residents who participated in the answers. In order to better shorten the distance between neighbors and enhance the emotional exchange between each other, the community also carried out the "Neighborhood" fun sports meeting at the same time as the art show, which set up a number of fun sports such as using hands and feet, a lap to the end, table tennis, and back-to-back balloons. The residents are enthusiastic, eager to try, all energetic, brave to be the first, enjoy the fun of sports and competitions, applause and cheering in the arena, showing a happy and peaceful atmosphere, the event finally ended in a song "Singing the Motherland" national chorus. The series of activities attracted nearly 200 people to participate, sending the "voice of the party" into the hearts of the masses in a way that the masses like to see, and also narrowing the distance between neighbors.

Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".
Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".
Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, Fusong County, carried out the theme activity of inviting you to "bask in the sun and celebrate July 1st together".

Thinking more and making progress, riding a horse and whipping up its own hooves. This activity not only built a stage for the majority of literary and art lovers in the community to show their talents, but also stimulated the patriotic enthusiasm of the community party members and the masses through the form of literary and artistic performances, realized the good interaction between the units under the jurisdiction and the community, and also enhanced the cohesion and centripetal force of the community. Changlin Community, Quanyang Town, will continue to carry out more colorful activities, provide residents with more platforms to show themselves, communicate and interact, adhere to the guidance of party building, close the relationship between neighbors, better transmit the party's voice to the masses, jointly create a harmonious and beautiful community environment, and promote community governance to a new level.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Chen Xianli

Source: Changlin Community, Quanyang Town

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Han Yuhong

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