
The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply

author:Ji Pao investigation

At 0:43 on June 30, Balang Town, Qianguo County, encountered a large thunderstorm and strong winds and short-term heavy rainfall weather, and strong convective weather formed a tornado.

The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply
The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply
The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply
The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply

The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company launched an emergency response as soon as possible and organized emergency repair personnel to quickly rush to the scene for repair. The company dispatched a total of 23 emergency repair personnel and 6 vehicles, divided into three teams to carry out emergency line restoration, and adopted the order of emergency repair of the main line, then the branch line, and the last station area. Due to the influence of heavy rain and strong winds, the village roads are waterlogged and trees are lodging, which has brought great difficulties to the repair work, and after many hours of hard repair, the main line power supply of the 10,000-volt Taxi line, Tadong line and Tabei line was restored at 2:53, 7:15 and 11:02 respectively.

The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply
The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply
The State Grid Qianguo County Power Supply Company quickly responded to the strong convective weather and made every effort to ensure power supply

According to statistics, the bad weather caused a total of 3 10,000-volt lines to trip, 7 inverted poles and 23 broken lines in Balang Town, causing a total of 11,000 households in 11 villages and 1 farm to lose power. As of 15:30 on June 30, after 15 hours of hard work by the emergency repair personnel, the emergency repair of the inverted rod and broken line was restored, and the cleaning of 18 hidden dangers such as iron sheets and floating objects was completed. At present, the emergency repair work has been fully completed, and all power transmission has been restored.

Produced by Jilin Daily

Author: Li Tingting

Curator: Han Xuejie

Executive Editor-in-Chief: Yu Yue

Editor: Han Yuhong