
FIBA launched the MVP of the losing side, Zhang Zhenlin was wronged, and another Chinese rising star lost the best game

author:Extremely speaking balls

In the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, the Chinese team unfortunately lost to the Australian team again in the finals, and the Chinese women's basketball team also lost to the Australian team in the last game and lost the championship.

FIBA launched the MVP of the losing side, Zhang Zhenlin was wronged, and another Chinese rising star lost the best game

So as the losing side of Zhang Ziyu, in the end is the most valuable player in this competition, in the best team, the Chinese team also has two players selected, in addition to Zhang Ziyi, the Japanese team has a player selected for the championship, the Australian team has two players selected into the best team, this losing side MVP is the best praise for Zhang Ziyu.

FIBA launched the MVP of the losing side, Zhang Zhenlin was wronged, and another Chinese rising star lost the best game

Because the loser got the best player, the topic of MVP on the losing side came up again. When Zhang Zhenlin was subjected to cyberbullying before, a very big point of attack was that in the Rookie Challenge, as the loser, he won the most valuable player of the losing side, coupled with her mother's relationship, so many fans used this to attack Zhang Zhenlin. Zhang Ziyu is also a rising star in Chinese basketball, just like Zhang Zhenlin back then. Got the MVP of the losing side.

FIBA launched the MVP of the losing side, Zhang Zhenlin was wronged, and another Chinese rising star lost the best game

Zhang Ziyu's MVP of the losing side can be said to be well deserved, because her performance in this competition is really too good. In the history of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup, there have only been two occasions when a person scored more than 40 points in three games, and both of these games appeared in this competition, both of which were created by Zhang Ziyu. They scored 44 points against Japan in the last game of the group stage, which is also the scoring record in the history of the U18 Women's Basketball Asian Cup. In addition, the 42 points in the final are also the second highest score in history.

FIBA launched the MVP of the losing side, Zhang Zhenlin was wronged, and another Chinese rising star lost the best game

In this competition, Zhang Siyu averaged 36 points per game, plus 13 rebounds, becoming the first player who can average 35+10 per game since the event was held in 1970. What's even more terrifying. She only plays 22 minutes per game. The women's basketball game is relatively slow, and the number of offensive and defensive rounds will be less, her 35 points plus 13 rebounds, if you convert it to a men's basketball game, it is equivalent to an average of 42 points and 16 rebounds per game, this horror can be imagined. Therefore, Zhang Ziyu, the most valuable player on the losing side, has no problem at all, even if the Chinese team still has a big score in the final, losing to the Australian team, but her 42 points are still very terrifying.

FIBA launched the MVP of the losing side, Zhang Zhenlin was wronged, and another Chinese rising star lost the best game

Australia can win the Chinese women's basketball team, in fact, it depends more on a whole, except for Zhang Ziyu, every point of them is better than the Chinese women's basketball team, plus the physical fitness of the Australian players is also very good, and the effect is better when they hit Zhang Ziyu, but when Zhang Siyu adapts to such intensity, the Australian team still has no way to stop her from scoring, so Zhang Ziyu's losing MVP can be said to be well deserved.

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