
July peach tree so tube

author:Seed bank app

1. Pruning management The purpose of pruning peach trees in July is mainly to solve the problem of sealing the tree body, and the focus of pruning is to remove the over-dense branches inside and outside. When the inner chamber is seriously insufficient, the overly dense dorsal branches and old and weak branches are thinned.

When the peripheral branches are too dense, they should be properly thinned to facilitate ventilation and light transmission; When the vegetative branch is too large, it can be twisted to become a diagonally drooping branch to slow down growth.

July peach tree so tube

2. Clear the ditch and drain the peach fruit will be ripe around mid-July, and the rainy weather will have a great impact on the sugar content of the fruit before ripening, so the peach orchard must check the drainage of the peach orchard ditch in time, and do a good job of cleaning the ditch system to ensure that there is no water accumulation in the peach orchard during the rainfall, so as to ensure the normal absorption of the root system and the quality of the peach fruit. In case of dry weather, it should also be properly irrigated with small water, and it is not suitable for irrigation within 7-10 days before the harvest of peach fruits.

3. Fertilization management For late-maturing varieties, use fruit expansion fertilizer in time around the beginning to mid-July. The fertilizer is mainly combined with phosphorus and potassium, the proportion of potassium fertilizer is appropriately increased, and the fertilizer amount is applied according to the fruit setting of peach trees.

4. Cultivating and weeding in July There are more high temperature weather, and the leaves will droop at noon, so it is not necessary to remove all the weeds when cultivating and weeding, but it can be cut to about 5-10 cm and covered around the trunk to increase soil water retention and reduce soil surface temperature.

July peach tree so tube

5. Fruit unpacking about 10-15 days before the peach fruit ripens to unbag and observe the good fruit of the light part, when the peel begins to turn from green to white, it is the best time to unpack. In addition, it should be noted that bag unpacking should be carried out on cloudy days or when the sun is weak in the evening to prevent sunburn; When unpacking, tear the bottom of the bag into an umbrella shape, cover it above the fruit, and then completely remove the bag after 3~4 sunny days.

6, pest control in July high temperature, rainfall, conducive to the occurrence of various diseases and epidemics, the main pests and diseases in July are bacterial perforation, anthracnose, scab, brown rot, longhorn, pear, peach, peach borer, red and white spider, leaf miner moth, etc. The control of pear small, peach small, peach borer and peach leaf miner moth can be controlled with 4.5% cypermethrin 1200 times or 25% chlorpyramide No. 3 1200 times or 20% sweep profit 2000 times. The red-necked beetle can be done manually at the base of the trunk between 12 and 13 noon.

Peach tree bacterial perforation, anthracnose, scab disease, brown rot, etc. can be treated with 8% ningnanmycin 800 times or 80% complexed mancozeb 600-800 times or 10% difenoconazole 1200 times + 4% chunleimycin 1000 times or 20% thiazole zinc 500 times + 25% pyraclostrobin 2000 times or 43% tebuconazole 5000 times.

July peach tree so tube

July peach tree is introduced here, I hope it will be helpful to everyone. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield peach trees, you can download the seed bank app, and the country's excellent peach tree varieties are available for everyone to choose.

July peach tree so tube

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