
Key points for open-field grape management in hot weather

author:Seed bank app

The rapid rise in temperature, especially in the open field, is susceptible to high temperature hazards, resulting in physiological diseases, such as red Fuji, Fuji Minoru, and beauty fingers are more prone to fruit shrinkage, and some varieties also have similar symptoms.

Key points for open-field grape management in hot weather

Apply the colored fertilizer, about 25 kg ~ 30 kg of potassium sulfate per mu, add 15-20 kg of compound fertilizer per mu to the vineyard with high yield, and water in time after applying the shallow ditch.

Timely drainage and irrigation, that is, drainage immediately after rain, should be irrigated in time when high temperature and drought occur, to prevent fruit cracking caused by too much change in soil dryness and wetness. Remove weeds in time and keep the garden clean.

Key points for open-field grape management in hot weather

After bagging open-field grapes, it mainly prevents downy mildew, red spider and grape moth. Usually pay attention to check whether the grapes in the grape bag are cracked or other diseases, if there is a timely treatment, found that the cracked fruit should be cut off in time, other diseases should be prescribed, and completed in time.

Remove the secondary shoots in time to maintain the ventilation and light transmission conditions of the vineyard and reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. If it is found that there are old leaves or yellow leaves, they can be removed in time, and the varieties that are prone to yellow leaves are giant roses, giant peaks, drunken golden incense and other giant peak varieties.

Key points for open-field grape management in hot weather

The key points of open-field grape management in hot weather are introduced here, and I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to buy high-quality and high-yield open field, you can download the seed bank app, and the country's excellent open field varieties are available for everyone to choose.

Key points for open-field grape management in hot weather

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