
Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

author:Flying Fish says history

There is only one stone in the world, Cao Zijian has eight buckets, I have one bucket, and the world is divided into one bucket.

This is Cao Zhi in Xie Lingyun's mind, of course, this is not that he is deliberately bragging about Cao Zhi, nor is he using Cao Zhi's fame to elevate himself, but Cao Zhi is indeed eight buckets.

Cao Zhi is a famous writer in the Three Kingdoms period, one of the representatives of Jian'an literature, and a master of Jian'an literature.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

Cao Zhi's talent is talent in our current eyes, but for Cao Zhi at that time, it was not necessarily a good thing, because he was in the vortex of power, and talent often became a deadly poison.

Mrs. Bian gave birth to a total of four sons for Cao Cao, Cao Pi, Cao Zhang, Cao Zhi, and Cao Xiong, we all know that it was Cao Pi who inherited the unification in the end, but in fact, Cao Pi is not Cao Cao's ideal successor at all, at least he is not in the first three.

Cao Cao's favorite son at first was his eldest son Cao Ang, but in the process of Cao Cao's conquest of Zhang Xiu, he died unfortunately in order to save Cao Cao, and after Cao Ang's death, Cao Cao's favorite son was Cao Chong, the one who appeared in our textbook, but Cao Chong died of illness at the age of 13.

After Cao Chong's death, Cao Cao's favorite person was Cao Zhi, but Cao Zhi was not angry, and a good hand of cards was played to pieces.

The battle for the throne between Cao Pi and Cao Zhi once became a dazzling infighting in the Cao Wei regime, but in the process of Cao Pi and Cao Zhi's struggle for the throne, Cao Zhi did a lot of outrageous things, which caused Cao Cao to be actively displeased, and finally Cao Pi won a big victory, while Cao Zhi was defeated.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

However, aside from the battle for storage positions, Cao Pi was not a scheming swinger as we think, and he was also commendable in terms of literary talent, and he was really far ahead in the cultural circle at that time.

Once, when Cao Pi saw two oxen fighting, he asked Cao Zhi to compose a poem, asking that the word "cow" not appear.

Cao Zhi thought while walking, and recited a poem within a hundred steps, which became a classic.

Cao Pi's ability

As the second monarch of Cao Wei, Cao Pi also left his own chapter in the troubled times of the Three Kingdoms, not only showing outstanding wisdom and decisiveness in politics, but also showing extraordinary talent in various fields such as literature, calligraphy and martial arts.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

Politically, Cao Pi inherited Cao Cao's legacy, stabilized the foundation of Wei, he was good at judging the situation, insight into people's hearts, and implemented a series of policies after taking power, attaching importance to agriculture, building water conservancy, reducing taxes, etc., to a certain extent, so that Wei went to prosperity and strength.

In literature, Cao Pi has been tireless in learning since childhood, well-read, especially good at poetry and songs, and his literary works are known for their majestic and bold and deep pathos, expressing a deep understanding of life, love, and war.

In calligraphy, Cao Pi also has a very high attainment, the works are good at grass, the strokes are smooth and natural, the structure is rigorous and orderly, the style is unique, both the majestic momentum of his father Cao Cao, and his own unique elegant beauty, and even known as "wonderful people".

In martial arts, Cao Pi also has extraordinary talent, he has practiced martial arts since childhood, proficient in riding archery, swordsmanship and other martial arts, in the process of following Cao Cao's southern expedition to the north, he has personally charged into battle many times, extremely brave, and has made great achievements for the military expansion of Wei.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

Therefore, when we evaluate Cao Pi, we must not be caught up in the prejudice brought to us by the TV series or romance, at least among the many emperors in feudal society, Cao Pi is not a mediocre emperor.

Many people may think that Cao Zhi will be even more dazzling if he inherits the unification of Cao Wei, but in fact, this is not the case, at least in terms of politics, Cao Zhi is not as good as Cao Pi at all.

After talking about Cao Pi's ability, let's take a look at Cao Zhi's talent.

Cao Zhizhi's talent

Cao Zhi was a talented man, one of the seven sons of Jian'an, and left his unique name in the history of literature.

Cao Zhi has been brilliant and well-read since childhood, and has a high talent and enthusiasm for literature, and his poems are sincere and far-reaching, with both bold passion and delicate tenderness.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

In particular, works such as "Luo Shen Fu" and "White Horse Chapter" have established his identity as one of the seven sons of Jian'an, no one can shake it, and most of his works are majestic and bold, gorgeous and elegant, which is a model of Fu literature in later generations.

In addition, Cao Zhi also has a wide range of interests and cultural heritage, he is proficient in music, good at calligraphy, and also has a strong interest in painting, Go and other arts. His versatility makes his literary works more colorful and of higher artistic value.

In addition to his outstanding cultural performance, Cao Zhi also has a keen sense of observation in politics, and he is well aware of the cruelty and complexity of political struggles, especially when competing for the throne with his brother.

Cao Zhi has a heart of worrying about the country and the people, and has written to Chen Zheng many times, and has put forward many insightful principles and policies, but the suggestions he put forward are only articles on paper after all, and cannot be compared with Cao Pi's actual actions.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

Taking 10,000 steps back, if Cao Zhi is really allowed to inherit the unification, will Cao Wei move to a new level?

In fact, not necessarily, because Cao Zhi lacks Cao Pi's ruthlessness, and governing the country does not rely on mercy, which is also the key to Cao Zhi's loss to Cao Pi.

After talking about the talents of the two, we will turn our attention to the competition of cultural internal forces, just talking about this, Cao Pi can only bow to the wind.

A hundred steps into a poem

In ancient times, there were not many activities that could be entertained, and bullfighting was a popular performance for dignitaries at that time.

Once, when Cao Pi was out for a walk in the house, he heard a low and powerful crashing sound when he walked out into the street, and Cao Pi followed the sound and saw two strong bulls fighting fiercely in the bullring in the distance.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

These two bulls, one fur as black as ink, the other as golden as the sun, their hooves on the ground, their tails raised high, as if to pour the strength of their whole bodies into every impact, every wrestling collision, accompanied by the flying of dust, as if even the surrounding air was trembling.

Cao Pi was deeply attracted by the fierce bullfight, and he stopped, his eyes locked on the two bulls on the field.

At this time, his heart moved, and he thought of his younger brother Cao Zhi, so he ordered someone to find Cao Zhi, pointed to the bullring and said to Cao Zhi:

You see that these two bulls are fighting so fiercely, can you improvise a poem on this scene, but the word "cow" must not appear in the poem.

Hearing this, Cao Zhi smiled slightly, a hint of challenge flashed in his eyes, he thought as he walked, and when he didn't take a hundred steps, he had already chanted:

The two flesh walk in unison, and wear a horizontal bone on the head.

Walking to the head of the earth, the ridge is abrupt.

The two enemies are not strong, and one is lying in the dirt cave.

If it is not as good as the strength, the grand intention cannot be vented.

Although Cao Zhi's poem does not directly mention the word "cow", it vividly shows the bravery and strength of the bulls by depicting the fierce scene in the bullring.

Cao Pi saw the two cows fighting and asked Cao Zhi to compose poems, and asked that the word cow should not appear, and Cao Zhi achieved a classic in 100 steps

Cao Zhi skillfully connects the scene of this bullfight with the natural forces of heaven and earth, making the whole poem far-reaching and evocative.

It's just that Cao Zhi didn't expect that his 100 steps into a poem were already admirable, but later Cao Pi asked him to compose a poem within seven steps, in the face of this excessive request, Cao Zhi has understood that under power, family affection is no longer there, so he chanted another more classic "Seven Steps Poem":

Boiled beans burn beans, and beans cry in the kettle. It's the same root, why is it too anxious to fry each other?

References: "Three Kingdoms" etc.

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