
There is a small courtyard, be an idler

author:Pick-up grids
There is a small courtyard, be an idler
There is a small courtyard, be an idler

In the city, the lights are dim, the traffic is full of rivers, the streets are full of lights, and the skyscrapers are towering into the sky, so that people do not see the natural light during the day and the moon and stars at night. The prosperity of modern urban life has also taken away the sweet taste of life after chewing it carefully.

There is a small courtyard, be an idler

Maybe it's a good memory of childhood life, or maybe I like to be close to the mountains and rivers, when others are intoxicated with the urban life of paper and gold, or sigh "If there is a courtyard, it should be as beautiful as a fairy", by chance, I embarked on the road to return to nature, and had a small farmhouse courtyard, although it is not so literary and artistic courtyard, but the small building has two floors, there is a terrace, there is a small courtyard, stone brick paving, vegetable blue flowers are full, and its own flavor is leisurely, and my heart is full of ripples.

There is a small courtyard, be an idler

Since then, living in the countryside, living according to the water of Lingbo Lake, neighboring with the fields and green mountains, hoeing diligently when it is sunny, and tasting poetry and wine when it rains; Choose a hundred flowers and warblers to rest for a long time, jump with flying insects and fishes, read books in silence, and cook tea in leisure time; Sunrise and sunset, with you, around the fireside night talk, with you.

There is a small courtyard, be an idler

There is no courtyard deep, my small courtyard is small and pure, with safflowers, green trees and vegetables, stone tables, stone benches and books and tea. Only for idlers, a pot of water, a cloud of mist, plain wall melon vines, blue sky osmanthus, a few roses, drink with you.

There is a small courtyard, be an idler

In the early morning, from time to time, there are roosters crowing, dogs barking, the sun is sprinkled all over the windowsill, waking up the flowers, waking up the sleepy eyes, pulling the curtains and pushing the windows, the breeze is coming, the warmth is blowing on the face, stretching the waist and rubbing the eyes, waking up with the small courtyard and the village, listening to the human voices, insects, and birds intertwined into a song.

There is a small courtyard, be an idler

In the afternoon, the countryside is more and more quiet and auspicious, the yard is lazy and not lazy, under the sun, the shade of the green trees is thick, the petals are slightly contained, the reclining rocking chair, the black tea is served, the book is a volume, or the casual reading, or the light sleep covers the face, the wind passes, the tea fragrance is curling, the book fragrance is faint, and the flower fragrance is delicate. Let time fly, live leisurely.

There is a small courtyard, be an idler

The sun is in the mountains, the sun is setting, the evening breeze is blowing, the clouds are light, the early moon is vast, the stars are dotted, the night is heavy, the frogs are chirping, the wooden door is creaking, sitting under the orange lamp, the soft light is like water, the rice wine is fragrant, and you, to the moon, or drinking, or drinking, living in leisure.

There is a small courtyard, be an idler

Living in the countryside, far away from the troubles of the world, the heart is as simple as a simple one, quietly watching the flowing water to send flying flowers, sending love letters and tea in the smoke, and time as a companion, suitable for peace. Plant a fragrant plant, sow a piece of fruit sweetness, diffuse in front of the quiet window, a wine and a tea are poems, a porridge and a meal are also into the painting.

Living in the countryside, there are flowers, grass, people's homes, mountains, water, courtyards, tea, books, sake, you, me, time, do not seek the morning and twilight, only wish to keep the love for a long time, so that, moisten a mood, achieve a way of living, steady happiness, quiet happiness, enough!

There is a small courtyard, be an idler