
Attention of the people! You're about to have an extra amount of money in your account, and someone has already found it!

author:Love Guangrao


Today (1 July)

There will be an extra sum of money in your CPF account!

Attention of the people! You're about to have an extra amount of money in your account, and someone has already found it!

Annual CPF interest

Coming soon

June 30 of each year is the annual provident fund interest settlement date, and the provident fund center will automatically settle the annual interest for the depositing employees, and the interest calculation period of this year is from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024, and the annual interest settlement interest rate is implemented at the benchmark interest rate of 1.5% for one-year time deposits.

Interest amount = personal account funds × actual number of days × annual interest rate ÷360

On July 1, 2024, the interest earned by employees will be transferred to the personal accounts of employees, all of which will be owned by individuals, and will be exempted from individual income tax, and employees do not need to go through relevant procedures.

At the end of last year's interest

Many netizens posted their bills

Someone received a few dozen dollars

Someone received thousands of dollars

Attention of the people! You're about to have an extra amount of money in your account, and someone has already found it!
Attention of the people! You're about to have an extra amount of money in your account, and someone has already found it!
Attention of the people! You're about to have an extra amount of money in your account, and someone has already found it!
Attention of the people! You're about to have an extra amount of money in your account, and someone has already found it!
