
The man reversed the car and ran his wife to death, and the son thought it was an accident and was about to be buried, but the police called off the funeral

author:Fangyuan Sect

"She doesn't deserve to be a mother!" When a man in Henan reversed, he accidentally crushed his wife to death, and his own son thought it was an accident. But just when the whole family was holding a funeral for the deceased, the police suddenly broke in, stopped the funeral and arrested the man.

The man reversed the car and ran his wife to death, and the son thought it was an accident and was about to be buried, but the police called off the funeral

"Wang XX, how did your wife die, don't be smart, tell the truth."

In the face of the police's interrogation, Wang hesitated for a long time and did not say a word, until the police took out various evidence and put it in front of him, Wang cried and told the real reason for his wife's death.

Wang and his wife have been married for many years, often have fierce quarrels, after the birth of their son, the honest Wang thought that his wife would make changes, but he didn't expect his wife to become more and more excessive, not at home all day, every day dressed up to show off, play until late at night to come back.

The task of taking care of his son is undertaken by Wang, and he wants to run a big car to earn money and maintain living expenses, and his son can only ask his old mother to take care of him.

On the night of the crime, Wang had just come back from a sports car, and bought meat and side dishes for his wife and children at the market to improve the food, but as soon as he drove home, he saw his wife and a man hugging each other.

The son's clothes did not fit, his feet and necks were still exposed outside in winter, and he didn't even wear warm pants, Wang was distressed, and he put meat in the bowl for his son, and when his wife returned home, when she saw Wang, she began to sneer, laughing at Wang for being a man who had no ability, and he was so poor that he couldn't even support his wife and children, and he was a wreck. Waste.

Wang didn't want to quarrel with his wife in front of his son, for his wife's abuse, he went in his left ear and out of his right ear, after eating, Wang took his son out to take a bath, after his son took off his clothes, he found that his son was covered in scars, and after some inquiry, he learned that his wife actually brought the wild man home, and his son was beaten by his wife after finding out, disgusted with his son for delaying his good deeds.

The man reversed the car and ran his wife to death, and the son thought it was an accident and was about to be buried, but the police called off the funeral

Looking at his son's simple smirk, Wang made up his mind to do something for his son, he hated his wife's practice, he could endure stealing a man behind his back, but he must not hurt his son.

For the sake of his son, Wang decided to create an accident in which his wife died, and he bought an accident insurance for his wife in advance, and the beneficiary wrote the son's name to ensure that the son could get a sum of money.

After the insurance came down, Wang began to implement the plan, when his wife pointed at him and scolded, Wang no longer chose to forbear, dragged his wife's hair, punched and kicked his wife, and dragged his wife to the car, the wife was angry and wanted to slap her husband, Wang directly smashed his wife with a hammer, and lifted his wife out of the car and put it in the back of the car, he had completely lost his mind, accelerated the accelerator forward and backward, and crushed his wife to death.

After doing everything, Wang pretended to be sad, immediately called the police, hugged his unrecognizable wife and cried, his son who was lying on the bed at home was sleeping soundly, when he heard his father's crying, he immediately ran to the door, and when he saw his mother's bleeding appearance, he cried loudly.

After the police arrived at the scene, Wang pretended to be depressed and said, "Comrade policeman, I accidentally crushed my wife in reverse." ”

After speaking, Wang instantly burst into tears, kept slapping himself, and pretended to take all the mistakes on himself.

The police investigated the scene and brought the body of Wang's wife back to the police station, and after questioning Wang and the villagers, they returned to the police station, and the police thought it was an accident.

But after the forensic results came out, the police immediately believed that it was a murder, and when the forensic doctor examined the body of Wang's wife, he found that the deceased had been severely beaten and had a lump on his head, and the fatal blow was that he was run over by a car and died.

The police sensed that something was wrong, and immediately reconnoitred the scene again, and found many suspicious points, the car door found the deceased's bloodstains, Wang said that he accidentally crushed his wife by reversing, but the car was obviously moving forward and backward as many traces, and the blood stains on the wheels were splashed in the opposite direction.

The man reversed the car and ran his wife to death, and the son thought it was an accident and was about to be buried, but the police called off the funeral

At the same time, Wang was anxious to hold a funeral for his wife, but the police did not have any evidence, so they could only ask Wang to take the body back for the funeral.

Wang's strange performance made the police more sure that this was definitely not an accident, and immediately launched an investigation into the social relationship between Wang and his wife, and came to the village again, asking the villagers door to door, the police quickly found clues, and learned that Wang and his wife often had fierce quarrels, coupled with the insurance company's accident insurance, the police quickly locked up the suspect Wang, and mastered various evidence.

When the Wang family was preparing for the funeral, the police suddenly appeared and immediately took Wang away, and the son cried loudly, not believing that his father was the murderer of his mother.

"Good son, study hard, wait at home for Dad to come back."

Wang glanced at his son with tears in his eyes, followed the police to the police station, and when he looked at the evidence, he knew that he had been exposed, so he told all his grievances and confessed the crime.

"The stinky woman stole a man behind my back, I have endured it, but she beat my son, I have no choice, she can only die, and my son will be fine."

But killing to pay for his life, repaying debts, his son has no father and mother at the same time, and there is no one to accompany him on the road to growth......