
The party flag is flying | The Chengnan Community of Gaolan County organized a series of activities on the Party Founding Day of "My Heart Starts Again to the Party".

author:Gaolan release

In order to carry forward the great spirit of party building and unite the strength of party members in the new era, on the occasion of the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the party committee of Chengnan community organized a series of activities on the party founding day with the "seven ones" as the main content.

The party flag is flying | The Chengnan Community of Gaolan County organized a series of activities on the Party Founding Day of "My Heart Starts Again to the Party".
The party flag is flying | The Chengnan Community of Gaolan County organized a series of activities on the Party Founding Day of "My Heart Starts Again to the Party".

On the morning of July 1, a party member meeting was held, at which all party members sang the national anthem and solemnly swore to the party flag, "I volunteer to join the Communist Party of China and support the party's program ......." During the discussion session, the party members lamented the glorious course of the development of the party organization, talked about their inner feelings, and expressed their strong desire to continue to exert their residual heat at the grassroots level. Wei Xiaofang, a veteran party member, said enthusiastically that "after joining the party for 28 years, my heart is surging", which aroused the spiritual resonance of the party members present.

The party flag is flying | The Chengnan Community of Gaolan County organized a series of activities on the Party Founding Day of "My Heart Starts Again to the Party".

The oath is sonorous, and the original heart is like a rock. The community secretary also said that in the future, he will lead all community staff and party members to practice their original intentions and take on the mission, and strive to write a chapter of the times that lives up to the people on the new journey. (Contributed by Chen Wenjing of Chengnan Community)

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