
Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

author:A history of history

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Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Biao and Su Yu were the two heroes of the mainland liberation war, and Lin Biao laid the foundation for the dominant situation in the northeast and laid a good foundation for the entire liberation war. Su Yu annihilated countless enemies in the battles of eastern Henan and Huaihai, and almost single-handedly reversed the offensive and defensive situation of the entire Liberation War.

In terms of the merits of the Liberation War, the two are indistinguishable from each other, but in terms of combat style, they are completely different.

Lin Biao has always only fought a battle with certainty, even if there is a little risk, he will hesitate again and again, and even disobey orders because of this.

But Su Yu is completely different, as long as there is a three-percent certainty, and the benefits after winning are big enough, then Su Yu will dare to stud all the way.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Lin Biao also once commented: "Su Yu is fighting a fairy battle. "It's just that Su Yu is very bold.

Throughout the Liberation War, it is actually easy to find that the command styles of the two are actually integrated into the team, and they are also influenced by the battlefield to a certain extent.

So, what was the difference between the East China and Northeast China battlefields at that time? And what caused Lin Su's completely different conducting style?

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

A typical battle commanded by Lin Biao

Speaking of the typical battles commanded by Lin Su in the War of Liberation, then we have to mention the three Jiangnan battles, the four Linjiang and Jinzhou fortifications commanded by Lin Biao.

When it comes to Su Yu, we have to talk about the Menglianggu Battle and the Huaihai Campaign.

It can be seen from the style of these battles that Lin Biao's combat style is conservative, and he is not completely sure, and he will definitely not take risks with himself.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Even, Lin Biao's caution has reached the point where he can disobey on the battlefield.

In November 1945, Chairman Mao sent a telegram to Lin Biao, asking Lin Biao and the Kuomintang to fight a decisive battle in Jinzhou and completely end the Liberation War in Northeast China.

Because, although Jinzhou is a small city, its geographical location is extremely important, and it is the gateway of the whole Liaoning and the gateway of the northeast.

Jinzhou is located at the pass of the eastern Liaodong hills, if there is anything more important in the whole Liaoning except Jinzhou, it is Huludao Tashan.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Tashan can aid Jinzhou in the north, and as long as Tashan is not lost, reinforcements can enter Liaoning in a steady stream.

However, because the Kuomintang increased its troops to Huludao, Lin Biao's opinion this time was to abandon Jinzhou and avoid a decisive battle with the Kuomintang too early.

He didn't think about whether to hit Jinzhou directly or eat Changchun north, and stabilize the interior first. And Lin Biao's thought is half a year.

In April 1946, Chairman Mao once again telegraphed Lin Biao to defend Siping and not give up an inch of land.

Siping is the only way from Shenyang to Changchun, and it is also an important military stronghold, but the result is that Lin Biao only defended until May, and then took the initiative to give up Siping.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

These two disobediences alone are actually enough to remove Lin Biao from his post, but there is no need for suspicious people, and there is no doubt about employing people, Chairman Mao still attaches great importance to Lin Biao's talent.

However, by 1948, the situation of the national liberation war had become clear, and Chiang Kai-shek was left with only a few isolated cities in the northeast.

As a result, Lin Biao still refused to fight Jinzhou at this time, and would rather go back to Changchun than fight the Kuomintang.

And Chairman Mao also agreed to Lin Biao's style of play, but in the end, Changchun did not fight, which also affected Lin Biao's confidence.

On July 20, 1948, Lin Biao finally telegraphed Mao Zedong and made up his mind to fight Jinzhou, and then although Lin Biao wavered several times, he finally moved against Jinzhou, and the Liaoshen Battle finally ended in the complete victory of our army.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

The battle of Jinzhou was not unbeautiful, our People's Liberation Army fired thousands of cannons, and in the end, it didn't take too much effort to take this Jinzhou, which has always been feared by Lin Biao.

It is true that Lin Biao did fight well in the Northeast, although he had disobedience and hesitation, but the results achieved were still brilliant.

Because Lin Biao's previous battles in Siping and Changchun ended in failure, he has never had confidence in attacking big cities, but if as early as 1945, Lin Biao could lead the team to a decisive battle with the Kuomintang, what would be the final result?

However, these are all assumptions, at least from the current point of view, Lin Biao still made great contributions during this period in the Northeast.

Moreover, although Lin Biao seems to be indecisive and his decision-making often swings at both ends, as long as he makes up his mind to fight, he will sweep the battlefield with a vigorous and resolute momentum.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

However, Lin Biao's cautiousness is actually easy to have a big impact in a strategic sense, if in 1948, Lin Biao continued to hesitate whether to attack Jinzhou, and really made the decision not to fight, then the impact would be great.

Moreover, from the attitude towards the US and aid Korea later, we may see that Lin Biao's combat style is absolutely cautious, and he can use 10,000 people to kill you directly, and he will never use one less, nor will he accept any unnecessary sacrifices.

And Su Yu, both in terms of command style and battles, is much bolder than Lin Biao.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Su Yu's audacity

When it comes to the generals in our army who can win more with less and save our army from peril, General Su Yu is definitely a heavyweight.

Whether it was during the Agrarian Revolution or the War of Liberation, Su Yu fought extremely bold battles.

In the Battle of Huangqiao, Su Yu fought 7,000 men against 30,000, and finally divided the enemy and annihilated 11,000 enemies, creating a great miracle.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

The seven battles and seven victories in the Soviet Union and China also made Su Yu's name completely loud, fighting 120,000 with 30,000, playing the Kuomintang regiments, and losing troops every three or five times, but he couldn't catch a single hair of Su Yu.

The last time the Kuomintang experienced this kind of powerless battle, it was called the Four Crossings of Chishui.

Su Yu and the chairman's tactics are very similar, good surprises, dare to fight, as long as you recognize that you can win, no matter how big the gambling table, General Su Yu dares to stud directly.

This is the difference between Su Yu and Lin Biao, it is also a game of chess, as long as General Su Yu sees an opportunity to attack, he will strangle all the way over.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

And as long as Lin Biao can't calculate that the last son wins by himself, he will keep observing and calculating, until he is sure that he will definitely win, and he will fall one after another with vigorous and resolute momentum, not giving the enemy a chance to breathe.

However, although the previous battles were Su Yu's famous battles, the real battles of General Su Yu were still several battles on the Shandong battlefield and the Huaihai Campaign.

Beginning in January 1947, Chiang Kai-shek continued to carry out a major offensive in Shandong, and formulated the so-called "Battle of Lunan" plan.

Chiang Kai-shek mobilized 310,000 troops and surrounded the East China Field Army on three sides, and the East China Field Army had a total of 190,000 men at that time.

In the previous war of liberation, Chiang Kai-shek also learned to be obedient and knew that he could not fight a sports war with us and could not give us the opportunity to conduct guerrillas, so he simply began to act step by step and no longer ate our trick of luring the enemy into depth.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

However, General Su Yu still found Li Xianzhou, who was slightly out of touch, and taught the national army a good lesson.

Normally, in this situation of being surrounded on three sides, we can only stick to the fortified city and wait for foreign aid to form a counter-encirclement trend.

But the People's Liberation Army had that little army at that time, and other battlefields were also tight, where did the reinforcements come from?

And General Su Yu's approach can no longer be described as bold, he is simply playing with his life.

Su Yu gave up Linyi directly, and after the main force dressed up in disguise, he went directly to Laiwu to ambush Li Xianzhou.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

When the national army saw an empty city, they thought that the East China Field Army was afraid, and went directly south to pursue it, but Li Xianzhou's troops were further disjointed and finally surrounded by Su Yu.

And the so-called "interspersed encirclement" is to take advantage of the fact that the national army is chasing behind the buttocks, directly from their faces to behind them, and its boldness can be imagined.

And in the subsequent Battle of Menglianggu, General Su Yu reproduced this intersperse, which is a later story.

In less than 3 days, Li Xianzhou's 50,000 troops were wiped out, and Wang Yaowu was so angry that he scolded the street: "That's 50,000 people, even if you release 50,000 pigs, the communist army can't catch them in three days!" ”

But people will surrender, pigs will not, and at this point, the combat effectiveness of the national army is indeed inferior to 50,000 pigs.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Soon after the Battle of Laiwu, the Battle of Menglianggu broke out in the Mengyin area, and this battle was a sign of Chiang Kai-shek's complete defeat in Shandong.

There are many similarities between the First Battle of Menglianggu and the First Battle of Laiwu, and the national army still advanced in an all-round way with a numerical advantage, and took every step of the way, without giving the slightest opportunity.

The Central Military Commission also telegraphed Chen Yi and Su Yu not to divide the troops and wait for the opportunity.

As a result, just as the Kuomintang army was marching, General Su Yu found an opportunity again.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Chiang Kai-shek's absolute descendant, the 74th Division of the United States, threw off Huang Baitao and Li Tianxia on the flank, and advanced straight towards the front line of Tangbu and Duozhuang.

Su Yuda repeated his old tricks, and took advantage of the darkness to drill directly through the gap between Li Tianxia and Huang Baitao, completely cutting off Zhang Lingfu's troops.

Zhang Lingfu knew that he was surrounded, and he was forced to go to Meng Lianggu in desperation.

The 74th Division on Meng Lianggu is the absolute elite of Chiang Kai-shek, and looking at the entire national army, this is the absolute ceiling of combat power.

And Zhang Lingfu and Chiang Kai-shek's idea was also very simple, that is, to stick to Meng Lianggu, lure the East China Field Army to attack, and finally let the peripheral reinforcements surround General Su Yu.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Chiang Kai-shek quickly mobilized ten divisions and prepared to encircle the East China Field Army and relieve the siege of Zhang Lingfu.

However, General Su Yu knew that the fighter plane was fleeting, and if the East China Field Army ran away this time, the battle would still be in today's situation, and the passive defense would never end.

In this way, Chen Su directly stud and decided to storm Meng Lianggu.

If Meng Lianggu cannot be captured, the East China Field Army is at risk of being completely encircled or even completely annihilated.

However, after a day and night of fierce fighting, the East China Field Army still took Menglianggu, annihilated the reorganized 74th Division, and quickly broke through.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

The subsequent Kuomintang reinforcements were naturally scattered.

Needless to say, the Huaihai Campaign was the most classic battle of General Su Yu, with 600,000 troops and 800,000 national troops, and finally 550,000 casualties among the Kuomintang.

What a result this was, even Chairman Mao personally praised it: "In the Huaihai Campaign, Su Yu's rule made the first contribution." ”

This battle directly reversed the strength of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and also turned the Liberation War into an offensive, which was the battle of the gods of General Su Yu.

So, is Lin Biao and Su Yu's completely different conducting styles really just related to their personalities?

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

The style of Lin Biao and Su Yu

In the War of Liberation, Lin Biao and Su Yu were the two heroes of our army, but their command styles were completely different.

Although they are all good at large corps operations, most of what Lin Biao fights is ambush warfare, and he is not absolutely sure that he will not make a move.

But as long as Su Yu was 30% sure, he dared to directly fight the war of annihilation, which also made Su Yu the general who destroyed the most enemies in the entire Liberation War.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

In the entire war of liberation, General Su Yu annihilated as many as 2.47 million enemies, and Marshal Lin Biao annihilated 1.88 million enemies.

In the War of Liberation, a total of 5.54 million regular troops and 2.52 million irregular troops were annihilated.

But most of Su Yu's annihilation of the enemy is this kind of dangerous and dangerous annihilation war, and as long as it is fought, it will be completely annihilated.

Lin Biao is a small-scale wave of encroachment, and there is almost no such annihilation battle of annihilating the enemy.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

In fact, this is not only related to the personalities of Lin Biao and Su Yu, but also has a lot to do with the objective conditions in Northeast China and Shandong.

At that time, Shandong was an old revolutionary base area, while the Northeast had just begun construction.

For an old area like Shandong, which has a solid foundation, Su Yu's tactics are exactly the "studs" mentioned above.

That is, using the city as bait to carry out guerrilla warfare with wide opening and closing. In the Battle of Laiwu, Li Xianzhou suffered such a loss, and the whole army was finally annihilated.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

It is precisely because of the strong foundation of the old area of Shandong that we can even break away from the big cities to fight a large-scale war of annihilation without worrying about supply and other issues.

However, the situation in the northeast is completely different, and the revolutionary areas in the northeast are all new areas, which dooms us to work step by step.

The city of Shandong has been lost, and we can find a place at random, which is the former base of our party, with a strong mass base and all the infrastructure.

But the conditions on the northeast side, as long as you lose the city, then you have to drink the northwest wind.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Therefore, it is no wonder that Marshal Lin Biao is cautious, the conditions are like this, the environment is like this, once he is not careful, the consequences are unbearable.

Although most of the base areas in the Northeast are rural base areas, it is still the same sentence that the Northeast Field Army cannot afford to lose its land.

At that time, the battles of the three visits to the south of the Yangtze River and the four guarantees of Linjiang were so difficult, for the sake of the land in the mountainous area, our party has always paid attention to "saving people and losing land, and people and land exist." If the land is lost, the people and the land are lost. ”

Even if the bitterness becomes like this, the base areas in the northeast cannot be lost, which shows how important these territories are to Dongye.

Moreover, the deployment of the national army in the northeast and the national army in Shandong is completely different, even if Lin Biao and Su Yu are transferred, they will most likely use the same style of play.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

It's just that Su Yu may be more aggressive in the Northeast, but the general strategy will not change.

Because the railway line in the northeast is intact, and there is a medium-length railway there, even if the Kuomintang divides its troops, it can assemble by railway in a short time.

Therefore, the Kuomintang troops in the northeast were all scattered, and there was never a time when they marched together and moved on a large scale.

Even if Lin Biao wanted to fight a war of annihilation, the Kuomintang would not give him a chance to fight, because they had never had a large army together for a long time.

Looking at Shandong again, Shandong is an old revolutionary area, and there is no fixed division for the battle at all, unlike the northeast, you are in the east and I am in the west, but a piece of land and a mountain are staggered.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

As long as the Kuomintang is mobilized, it must be a large-scale simultaneous transfer. Because small-scale mobilization is looking for death in the face of being good at guerrilla annihilation of the PLA.

However, the more this kind of transfer, the easier it is to expose flaws, and the Kuomintang is already unanimous, otherwise there would never be such a way of marching as Li Xianzhou and Zhang Lingfu to throw off the follow-up troops.

A large number of opportunities to annihilate the enemy appeared in the large-scale mobilization of the Kuomintang, and this was also a problem that General Su Yu was most adept at solving.

It can only be said that both of them are generals, although their personalities are very different and their playing styles are not the same, but from the perspective of the macro battlefield, the conditions have also created their tactics.

Lin Su's style of using troops is very different, Su Yu often annihilates the enemy army, why Lin Biao rarely fights this kind of annihilation war

Marshal Lin Biao was cautious, and finally liberated the Northeast smoothly, saved an incomparably strong family foundation for Siye, and then followed the People's Liberation Army south to sweep the country.

And General Su Yu dared to fight and fought hard, beat East China to a good time, and ended the Liberation War at least two years ahead of schedule.

In the 28 classic battles in the entire military history, General Su Yu monopolized 14, this is the strength of the God of War!

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