
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

author:Huangpi Cultural Tourism
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Whether Wuhan is south or north is a mystery for the ages.

According to the Qinling Distinction Law mentioned in geography textbooks, Wuhan is undoubtedly the south.

However, Wuhan's humanities are obviously different from those of their southern compatriots. People are Wu Nong's soft language and affection, and Wuhan is the top three on the list of "fierce gods and evil dialects", which is not like a mother's birth.

The North and South parties have been at odds all year round, and only at one point in time will they sit down and shake hands and make peace—when summer comes.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

"What the hell is Wuhan doing? People are enthusiastic about 'peony'", this is a compulsory language for Wuhan people.

In this case, what Chen Yingxing's green papaya-flavored summer, what "Call Me by Your Name" pale pink and hazy summer, can only exist in an air-conditioned room, on a small screen.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

I have to say that this pair of Wuhan people who love to go out and wander around are simply too "southern".

So, no, the mountains invite you to come and spend a super cool summer.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

As we all know, the higher the altitude, the lower the temperature, so Yue and Xi mention the "-5 °C" top summer limited honor.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

In addition, being surrounded by shade has become another bargaining chip for Yue and slightly better than the top of Mulan Mountain - avoiding direct sunlight, so it is more shaded.

Now that the static conditions are in place, the next step is to spice things up with something dynamic – wind.

The three B&Bs in Yuehe have very different styles and different varieties of wind.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

The wind in Yue and Lin Quan was wet. The wind of Magnolia carries intellectual gentleness, like the long breath of Magnolia Mountain.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

In the evening, along the winding mountain road of Yue and Linquan Magnolia, you can enjoy the silky evening breeze outside the glass house, overlooking the foothills of Mulan Mountain, and being rubbed around by the wind wantonly.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

There is a couplet in Yuelu Academy, "The peak of Yuelu Mountain, the moon and the breeze, Tai Chi leisurely".

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

When I stood outside the magnolia glass room, I suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence. The experience of contracting the whole mountain is probably to shock the beauty of the scenery for a while, and then to breed a kind of blending feeling.

It turns out that there is such a vast existence with which you can share the mess of your heart, and it turns out that there really exists a place where you can absolutely accept yourself.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

"It's the sea!" "Go swimming!" In the summer, these are the two coolest languages.

If you don't play in the water in summer, it's equal to vain. Since you're here to escape the summer, you have to make a full set. Therefore, Yuehe intimately brought you a luxury water gift package of Yuehe Linquan: Yuehe Summer Limited Cold Spring, Magnolia Open-air Swimming Pool, and Mulan Forest Shuoxi.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Yue and Linquan cold springs

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Yue and Linquan Magnolia Pool

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Shuoxi & Chilled Fruits

The unbridled mood of playing in the water in the mountains is only one of the benefits, and there is another.

You can come to a friend who has just sunbathed from Maya, show off your fair skin generously, and smile back to your friend's question mark "Why is it not dark when you play in the water outside".

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

"I don't want to be 'open', I don't want to be 'seven', unless it's an ice drop." Ice – a unique pastime and ritual in summer. You can enjoy it in the mountains, too.

On this track, Qingxi Wangyun chose to innovate the old "secret recipe to beat the heat": put a large piece of ice in an ice bucket, and then sip herbal tea at the cool table, share the iced watermelon, and "ice tea around the hearth" is completed.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Yue and Lin Quan launched popsicles. Sit in front of the bar with friends, or sit on a small platform, take a sip of popsicle on the left and gossip on the right, and show off a human diet to Yue He's kitten, with a sense of atmosphere.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Magnolia gave full play to its own advantages and came to a swimming pool floating afternoon tea. Enjoy a fine snack in the turquoise pool. Compared with drinking red wine in the bathtub, there is less aftertaste and more brightness.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Yue and in the mountains, but not so far away from the world. After all, to be cool, you also need to have freedom.

Mulan Mountain: 10min away from Yuehe

Mulan Mountain is one of the peaks at the southern foot of Dabie Mountain, and it is one of the few places where Buddhism and Taoism coexist. It is not only Mulan's hometown, but also the place where her soul returns.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Its sunsets and sunsets are the most famous. In the afternoon, hike or drive to the Golden Dome. Summer flowers, but in the golden top incense three palaces six views seventy-two halls, and then by the way to enjoy the glow, is also a good choice.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Dayu Bay: 10min away from Yue and Yue

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Beginning in the Yu village of Hongwu in the Ming Dynasty, the building is well preserved, and the smoke house and cockfighting arena of that year are still faintly visible.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

You can enjoy the shadow puppet show of the master, and make tea around the stove in Hanfu.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Shan Daoli: 15min away from Yuehe

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Mountain coffee, ATV off-road, kayaking, BBQ, fishing, open-air movies, splashing battles, can all be achieved here.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

In addition, there are 1,600 acres of natural scenery of lakes, grasslands, forests, and valleys.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Mulan Lake: 15min from Yuehe

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

The waters are wide, clear and clean. You can take a boat tour of the lake, ride a bike on the lakeside greenway, and take a walk and chat.

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Ming and Qing Dynasty Architecture Museum: 15min away from Yuehe

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Adjacent to Mulan Lake, the Ming and Qing Dynasty Architecture Museum. You can immerse yourself in the Ming and Qing Dynasty furniture, daily necessities, utensils, building components, bricks, wood and stone carvings. You can play with Lake Magnolia......

Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!
Let's go to Huangpi! Go to the mountains to escape the heat!

Source: Yue and Lin Quan

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