
Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

author:Zhangjiachuan Media

Zhangjiachuan County Rong Media Center News (Reporter Ma Lisa Ma Liang) In the middle of summer, everything is abundant. Walking into Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County, clusters of wheat are growing vigorously, rows of potatoes and flax seedlings are full of vitality under the sun, and layers of green corn seedlings are lush and gratifying.

Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

Plough in the spring and plough in the summer. Nowadays, in the fields of Chaoyang Village, you will see villagers busy in the fields, some weeding corn seedlings, and some cultivating potatoes...... Although the sun is scorching, the enthusiasm of the masses for hard work has not diminished.

Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

Chaoyang Village this year concentrated on planting 1,000 acres of fodder corn, from planting, fertilization, weeding, etc., can be in strict accordance with its growth cycle to do a good job of management, the current growth is very good.

Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

Walking into Zhangfengtai in Chegu Village, the 300 acres of potatoes planted in Chegu Village are full of vitality. Chegu Village is located in the Guanshan forest edge area, with obvious climate and soil advantages. The potatoes, broad beans and peas grown here are highly valued by consumers for their high starch content, high yield and excellent quality.

Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

In addition to the planting industry, the breeding industry in Chegu Village is also booming. Chegu Village is located at the edge of the Guanshan forest, with abundant water and grass, the forest coverage rate reaches more than 85%, and the pasture is abundant, which provides unique natural conditions for the development of aquaculture.

Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

It is reported that the whole village of Chegu Village has a cattle herd of 676 heads, more than 5 cattle breeding 34 households, 242 calves in the first half of the year, and the cattle industry is full of energy.

Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

In recent years, Yan's hometown has planned the industrial layout of "four points and one beam first-class domain" around the county's "4+2" modern industrial system, planted more than 10,000 acres of feed corn, and built 4 demonstration sites of 1,000 acres of feed corn and hemp. In the future, Yan's hometown will continue to adapt measures to local conditions, vigorously develop characteristic industries such as planting Chinese medicinal materials under the forest, cattle and sheep breeding, potato planting, fodder corn planting, hemp planting, etc., leading the villagers to embark on a road of industrial revitalization to enrich the people, and lay a solid foundation for building a livable, workable and beautiful village.

Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous
Yan's hometown in Zhangjiachuan County: the mountains are green and the fields are fertile, and the characteristic industries are prosperous

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