
Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field

author:Fengming Xinyang

  "No matter how much money you make, you can't compare to having your relatives by your side, my dad is old and sick all the year round, I have to go home to take care of ......" In 2020, Dai Huihui, a young man born in the 90s in Huangchuan County, Xinyang City, decisively gave up his high-paying job in Shanghai and resolutely decided to return to his hometown and take root in the countryside. Since then, he has become a "grain growing youth", using knowledge as a plough and sweat as rain, cultivating his own field poems.

Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field
Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field

  Work hard and become a "new farmer".

  "At the beginning, I lacked planting experience, and the harvest was not good." Speaking of the difficulties in the early days of entrepreneurship, Dai Huihui was sad, "More than 100 acres of rice harvest is not good, and many years of savings are about to be lost." However, Dai Huihui was not discouraged, he actively participated in the special training of "agricultural knowledge", systematically learned rice cultivation skills and modern agricultural development model, and successfully transformed the former "relying on the sky to eat the field" into today's "harvest treasure land", and only the second year to achieve a turnaround. After five years of forging ahead, he not only created a 230-acre Yuyangyuan Agricultural Farm, planting seasonal fruits such as blood peaches, Qiuyue pears, watermelons, mulberries, etc., but also assembled a team with both agricultural wisdom, rural feelings and farmers' hearts, and created a business model of "enterprise + cooperative + base + farmer".

Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field
Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field

  Teach people to fish and give full play to "leadership".

  When his career was booming, Dai Huihui felt that he could not do it alone, so he generously shared technology, knowledge and resources to empower his fellow villagers and increase production and income. "You see how well my peach grows, thanks to the technical training that Huihui gave us, which is both practical and down-to-earth." Grower Zhang Damiang picked a bright peach to show off. So far, he has held more than 30 training lectures on high-quality and high-yield technologies, green pest control and organic fertilizer application, and provided more than 200 agricultural technology services to help farmers upgrade their technology.

Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field

  Drinking water thinks of the source and returns the "hometown love".

  In the past five years, Dai Huihui has not only been a corporate leader, but also a caring person of his parents and fellow villagers, actively practicing social responsibility and devoting himself to rural revitalization. "Those of us who are old and don't have much education, and we can't earn much money when we go out to work, but now we can eat and drink by ourselves when we work on the farm." Aunt Li, a farmer, said with a smile. Dai Huihui also actively helped 7 poor rural households improve their production conditions, created more than 60 flexible employment opportunities for the local area, and provided assistance to the elderly and families in need for four consecutive years.

Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field
Dai Huihui: The "watchman" of the hometown land and the "new farmer" who chases the dream field

  "In this land that raised me, I found the stage of my dreams." Dai Huihui firmly said that he will continue to take the original ideal as the rudder, unswervingly strive for the well-being of the villagers, and vow to let this land bloom with new prosperity and glory.

(This article comes from [Xinyang Sannong], edited by [Kaisheng Financial Media], please indicate the original author to maintain the integrity of the article.) If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete. )

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