
The new space on Yuyuan Road ushers in this public welfare classroom......

author:Shanghai Changning

Recently, representatives from the District Federation of Industry and Commerce, District Social Organizations, and District Federation of Social Organizations came to the beautiful living space of Guanchi on Yuyuan Road to immerse themselves in the popularization of positive psychology. During the event, the District Social Organization Service Center and the Jiangsu Road Street Chamber of Commerce signed a letter of cooperation and co-construction.

Artistic creation, psychological healing, cutting-edge science and technology...... In the beautiful living space of Guanchi, these concepts and experiential forms are blended with each other, allowing participants to experience the energy of positive psychology and enhance their sense of well-being in multi-sensory game interactions. "Through laughter, exercise, observation, etc., everyone can feel good, happy and happy here." The relevant person in charge of Yujian Guanchi introduced.

The new space on Yuyuan Road ushers in this public welfare classroom......

In the "more you smile, the more beautiful" experience area generated with the help of facial expression recognition technology, everyone stands in front of the mirror and smiles, and the flowers in front of them gradually bloom with the smile; In the "Unknown Me" experience area, everyone scanned the code to participate in the interaction and generate their own AI image; Walking into the "Digital Meditation" space, facing the changing starry sky and bamboo forest, everyone felt the whole body relax in the process of immersive experience...... "I feel that this space is very interesting, and the installation and technology are relaxing." Everyone said.

The new space on Yuyuan Road ushers in this public welfare classroom......

Guanchi Beautiful Living Space is a digital interactive experience space that is free and open to the public jointly created by Guanchi Technology, the vice president unit of the District General Chamber of Commerce, and Tsinghua University, and is also the first psychological science popularization space venue in the country that is fully empowered by artificial intelligence and other scientific and technological means, and is a typical case of private enterprises participating in social governance.

The new space on Yuyuan Road ushers in this public welfare classroom......

The two-way travel between social organizations and private enterprises can not only give play to the important role of private enterprises in participating in social governance and realizing pluralistic co-governance, but also promote social organizations to display their strengths and make greater contributions to serving the high-quality development of the economy and society. Therefore, in order to further promote the in-depth integration and development of private enterprises and social organizations in the jurisdiction, at the event on the same day, the Shanghai Changning District Social Organization Service Center and the Jiangsu Road Street Chamber of Commerce in Changning District, Shanghai signed a cooperation and co-construction opinion.

"Today, I felt the digital, interactive, and visual spatial experience, which is very novel and has a good reference for our work." "As a non-profit organization of psychological services, we hope to have the opportunity to communicate with more technology companies and empower psychological services through technology." "As a private enterprise rooted in Changning, we also hope to drive the exchange of social resources in various aspects through the leadership of party building, assume more social responsibilities, and contribute to social development." …… In the exchange and interaction session, representatives from various social organizations and private enterprises had a heated discussion and collided with "golden ideas".

It is reported that this event is the 32nd lecture of the public welfare classroom of Changning District Social Organization Innovation Practice Park, with the theme of "Party Building Leads 'Beneficial Enterprises' to Talk About the Future". Next, the District Federation of Industry and Commerce, the District Federation of Social Organizations, and the District Social Organization Service Center will further strengthen communication and cooperation, give full play to the advantages of business associations in close contact with private enterprises, and encourage private enterprises and private entrepreneurs to actively fulfill their social responsibilities and participate in social governance.

The new space on Yuyuan Road ushers in this public welfare classroom......
The new space on Yuyuan Road ushers in this public welfare classroom......

Written / Photography: Tan Yimao

Editors: Bi Yangjing, Hu Yixin (intern)

Editor-in-charge: Gao Qin

*Please indicate the source of the reprint from "Shanghai Changning"

The new space on Yuyuan Road ushers in this public welfare classroom......

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