
They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

author:Hanjiang News
They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!
They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

The latest developments in the development of Hanjiang, the latest news of Hanjiang society.

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A party member is a banner. In Hanjiang, the majority of party members and cadres have devoted themselves to the front line of rural revitalization, serving the people with affection, and vividly interpreting the vanguard image of communists in the new era with hard work. Please take a look –

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

Tian Chou Fertile Practice the Original Intention Zheng Ligang: Be a good "head goose" new farmer

Early in the morning of June 27, Zheng Ligang, Secretary of the Party Branch and Director of the Village Committee of Shangyuan Village, Zhuangbian Town, Hanjiang District, came to the construction site of the infrastructure construction of the Longchuan City Health Care Secret Land in the village to see the progress.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

"Contribute to your hometown and make changes in your hometown!" This "post-90s" "leading goose" will return to his hometown in 2021 and be a "new farmer" who is willing to pursue his dreams in the countryside. At the beginning of his tenure, he spent two months visiting more than 240 households in the village to grasp the village conditions and people's livelihood needs.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

repair lights and pave roads to facilitate the masses to travel; improve river channels and water quality; Open up an activity square to beautify the environment...... He started with the infrastructure that the masses felt the most strongly about, and used practical things to build a "bridge connecting the hearts" of cadres and the masses. The villagers all said: "Secretary Zheng, it's really good!" ”

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

The village became beautiful, and Zheng Ligang tried every means to make the villagers' pockets "bulge". He actively revitalized village-level resources, and promoted the cooperation between Shangyuan Village and the Provincial Tea Institute to build a high-mountain original ecological shared tea garden; "Borrowing wisdom" invited a team of provincial science and technology commissioners to introduce the "rice + morel" rotation demonstration planting project, which not only developed the industry in the village, but also allowed the villagers to achieve employment at their doorsteps; The introduction of third-party companies to cooperate with the village to develop characteristic homestays will drive the development of rural tourism and increase the collective income of the village by 50,000 yuan per year.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

"As a party member, I think it is very meaningful to be able to participate in the construction of rural revitalization." Now, Zheng Ligang is planning to take the red research tour as a new economic growth point, so that the tourism brand of Shangyuan Village's beautiful mountain township is becoming more and more popular.

Yan Shengren: "Leader" of Agricultural Entrepreneurship

In the scorching summer, in the Xingtian Ecological Agricultural Park in Guangshan Village, Baisha Town, the green vegetables are full of vitality, and Yan Shengren, the person in charge of the base, is busy guiding vegetable farmers to strengthen the management of the vegetable garden.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

Yan Shengren, 43 years old this year, is the secretary of the party branch and chairman of Putian Xingtian Ecological Agriculture Co., Ltd., and has been growing vegetables for more than 20 years.

In 2020, as a provincial science and technology commissioner, he was invited to Baisha Town to devote himself to the comprehensive development of agriculture, the cultivation of green vegetable facilities, the promotion of agricultural technology and other guiding work, and to make vegetables in the mountainous areas bigger and bigger. In the past five years, Yan Shengren has transferred a total of 500 acres of land in Guangshan Village, and the baby cabbage, broccoli, moss and special rice planted have sold well in major supermarkets in the province.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

"Do it for the farmers, take the farmers to do it, and help the farmers make money." While cultivating the green "vegetable garden" with science and technology, Yan Shengren also actively communicated what he learned with his peers, and cooperated to train a group of new professional farmers who love agriculture, understand technology and are good at management, and were awarded the honors of National Outstanding Leader of Rural Entrepreneurship. According to incomplete statistics, Yan Shengren participated in the promotion of more than 300 vegetable varieties, with a promotion area of more than 30,000 mu and more than 5,000 personnel training.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

Plough the fields and practice the original intention. Yan Shengren said that he will continue to play a good vanguard and exemplary role as a party member, grow good vegetables, supply good vegetables, work hard to cultivate vegetable gardens, cultivate more scientific and technological vegetable farmers, and drive more vegetable farmers to get rich.

Lin Teng: Love Sangzi Announces Chunhui

"Although I work hard outside, I have always been concerned about the children in my hometown." In the past few days, Lin Teng, a mobile party member in Xinxian Town, Hanjiang District, has been busy with his work, and he will always learn about the preparations for this year's Xiangxi Scholarship and Teaching Foundation Award Ceremony through WeChat.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

This enthusiastic villager seized the development opportunity in 2012 and went out of the mountains and founded Putian Tengsheng Catering Management Co., Ltd., and his career has developed steadily. Over the years, he has not forgotten to return to his hometown and actively participated in the public welfare undertakings of his hometown, which has been praised by the villagers.

"Cultivate more outstanding talents, and the hometown will get better and better." Lin Teng actively responded to the initiative of scholarship and scholarship, and donated 3 million yuan with the company's leadership team to register and establish the Putian Xiangxi Scholarship and Scholarship Foundation, using practical actions to encourage teachers to better devote themselves to the three-foot podium, so that students can work harder and grow into talents.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

Last year alone, the Xiangxi Scholarship and Scholarship Foundation rewarded 63 outstanding students with 259,500 yuan in scholarships and grants, and rewarded 23 outstanding primary and secondary school teachers in Xinxian and towns with 177,900 yuan in bonuses and subsidies. In order to help students better digest and absorb the classroom content, the Foundation also carries out after-school extended education services in Xinxian Central Primary School and Xinxian Middle School.

They are responsible, and they practice their original intentions!

"We grew up drinking Xiangxi water, and we should always be grateful to have a little achievement today, benefiting from the upbringing of our hometown and the government's policy support for small and micro enterprises." As a party member, Lin Teng also cooperated with the foundation to continue to carry out love activities in his hometown, celebrating festivals for the elderly over 70 years old in Xinxian Village, contributing to the development of his hometown, and interpreting the original intention of Communist Party members. (Zhu Xiuhua, Lin Yixia, Wei Lichen)

Editor|Chen Yuqing Editor|Lin Yixia